2018年春(人教版)八年级下英语课件:unit 4 section b 2

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1、Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?,Section B 2 3a-Self check,Revision,1. 一个典型的美国家庭,Review the expressions and sentences.,a typical American family,3. 删除,2. 足球训练,4. 比较;对比,football training,cut out,compare with,5. 逼得太紧,6. 一个儿童的成长,push so hard,a kids development,7. 疲惫的孩子们直到晚上七点钟后才到家。 _ _ 8. 他们总是

2、将自己的孩子与其他的孩子相比 较。_ _ 9. 他们为什么不让孩子们顺其自然呢? _ 10. 所有这些活动会给孩子们导致很大的压 力。_ _,The tired children dont get home until after 7:00 p.m.,They always compare their children with other children.,All these activities can cause a lot of stress for children.,Why dont they let their kids be kids?,Talking,1. “After-s

3、chool classes can help kids get into a good university.”,A magazine interviewed some parents about after-school classes for children. Read the opinions below and make notes on your own opinions.,3a,Why should children take after-school classes?,I agree. Its still important to get into a good univers

4、ity in China. We can learn exam skills so that we can get into a good high school and later a good university.,Your opinions:,I disagree. Many factors may influenced in ones life. Even though one goes to a good university, he may still cant be successful.,2. “I want my child to be a successful perso

5、n.”,Your opinions:,Why should children take after-school classes?,I agree. Many great people learn things from a very young age. If the child is gifted in some area, its helpful to learn it from a young age.,3. “Its good for children to start learning from a young age.”,Why should children take afte

6、r-school classes?,Your opinions:,I disagree. People shouldnt push their kids so hard. Parents shouldnt send their small kids to all kinds of classes. They shouldnt always compare their children with other children. I believe its better to let the kids be kids.,If youre Linda Miller. Tell us your opi

7、nion about after-school classes.,If you are Tyler Swift. Tell us your opinion about after-school classes.,I disagree. In my opinion, all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. Kids should have time to relax and have fun. If theres too much pressure, it will be bad for a childs deve

8、lopment. I think its normal to want successful children, its even better to have happy children.,3b,Write a letter to the magazine to express your opinions on after-school classes for children. Use the following expressions to help you.,Try to write two paragraphs.,1. 本文为自己对课后辅导班的看法,故应为议论文。 2. 人称为第一

9、人称;时态应用一般现在时。 3. 首先,应开门见山地描述课后辅导班这一 社会现象。 4. 然后,明确表明自己的看法,是支持还是 不支持。 5. 接下来再用表格中所给的句型结构,列举 自己的想法或原因。,写作指导,Dear , I dont really agree with because Although some parents are right about , I think children should ,First, say if you agree or disagree.,Then, explain why.,In my opinion, it is important fo

10、r children / parents to I believe it is better if children / parents so that Perhaps children / parents should / could If children , they will ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _,My opinion about sending kids to all kinds of after-school classes.,One possible version,Dear Sir or Madam,I dont agree with the idea of sendi

11、ng kids to after-school classes. Because all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. Its not good for a childs development. In my opinion, kids should have time to relax and think for themselves, too.,I think its better that parents shouldnt compare their children with other childre

12、n. Its crazy and not fair. Perhaps parents should let their kids be kids. Although its normal to want successful children, its even more important to have happy children.,1. You should eat more now _ you wont be hungry later. 2. _ you may not like to do chores, you should help your parents around th

13、e house. 3. You could save more money _ you can buy a gift for your friends birthday.,so that,1. Fill in the blanks using until, so that or although.,until,Although,4. Kids shouldnt play computer games _ late at night. They should rest early. 5. _ many people like to eat junk food, they should reall

14、y eat more fruit and vegetables _ they can be healthy.,so that,Although,until,1. My best friend and I had a fight, and now she wont speak to me.,2. For each problem, choose the advice you agree with more. Then write your own advice.,A: You should keep trying to talk to her until she talks to you. B: Why dont you wait a few more days before talking to her? My advice: _ _,Why dont you call him up and say youre sorry.,2. My friend wants me to go to a party on the weekend, but I want to study for my exams next week. A: Why do


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