2018年春(人教版)八年级下英语课件:unit 2 i'll help to clean up the city park b1

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2018年春(人教版)八年级下英语课件:unit 2 i'll help to clean up the city park  b1_第1页
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《2018年春(人教版)八年级下英语课件:unit 2 i'll help to clean up the city park b1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018年春(人教版)八年级下英语课件:unit 2 i'll help to clean up the city park b1(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Ill help to clean up the city parks.,Period 3 Section B 1a-1e,Match the sentences with similar meanings.,1a,_ 1. Ive run out of it. _ 2. I take after my mother. _ 3. I fixed it up. _ 4. I gave it away.,I repaired it. I dont have any more of it. Im similar to her. I didnt keep it.,b,c,a,d,Match the p

2、hrasal verbs with nouns. Then make sentences with the phrases.,1b,run out of take after fix up give away,I gave away my bike to a childrens home. _,my bike money my father old clothes,来源:Z|xx|k.Com,3,1,4,2,Look and predict,1c,Listen and number,Jimmy fixes up broken bicycle parts, like wheels. 2. Jim

3、my sells bikes. 3. Jimmy takes after his mother. 4. Jimmy has run out of money.,Listen again. Circle T for true or F for false.,1d,T F T F T F T F,A: What do you do, Jimmy? B : I fix up,Role-play the conversation,1e,3,1,4,2,Jimmys story,take after fix up give away run out of,Retell,What should I do?

4、,Brainstorming,来源:Z|xx|k.Com,Self Check,Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs or infinitives.,Last week, Jimmy, the Bike Boy _ of money _ old bikes. He was unhappy, so everyone was trying _ him up. He _ some signs asking for old bikes and _ all his friends on the phone _ them about t

5、he problem. He even _ notices at the supermarket. Then he told the teachers at school about his problem and they _ a call-in center for parents. The ideas that he _ with worked out fine. He now has 16 bikes _ up and _ to children who dont have bikes.,ran out,to buy,to cheer,put up,called up,to tell,handed out,set up,came up,to fix,gave away,Homework,Retell Jimmys story.,Thank you !,


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