2018年春牛津译林版七年级英语下册教案unit 5 amazing things第7 课时

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2018年春牛津译林版七年级英语下册教案unit 5 amazing things第7 课时_第1页
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1、仪征市第三中学英语课堂教学设计方案初一年级7下教案 总 课 题Unit 5 Amazing things来源:学优高考网总课时8第7 课时课 题Task来源:学优高考网课型New教学目标1. At the end of the lesson, the students should learn some related vocabulary about sandwiches and TV, including their development.2. At the end of the lesson, the students should learn how to arrange a pas

2、sage according to some writing points.3. At the end of the lesson, the students should have a general idea about writing.教学内容1. How to have an idea about English writing2. The usage of “play” and “as as”. 教学重点、难点The usage of “play” and “as as”.教学过程二次备课Step 1- Lead in 1. To present the word sandwich

3、by some pictures as well as its plural form and some other related words.2. Present the passage by some questions.Step 2- Presentation1. Tell them a story about the development of sandwiches in the first person.2. Summarize the writing points about the story of sandwiches.3. By analyzing the sample

4、passage in the textbook, help the students to form their writing thoughts.Step 3- Imitate writing1. Tell them a similar story about the development of TV.2. Encourage them to summarize the writing points by themselves.3. Ask them to write a similar story about TV according to the sample passage.Step

5、 4- Language point1. The usage of play2. The usage of as as 3. Some useful and important phrases.Step 5- Teachers adviceTry to give them some valuable advice to make them more active.Step 5 Exercise 句型转换(10分):1. Mr. White saw his old friend yesterday.(一般疑问句) _ Mr White _ his old friend yesterday? 2.

6、 People can live with air and water. (同义句)People cant live _ air _ water. 3. Will you watch a nice film tomorrow? (用last night 改写)_ you _ a nice film last night? 4. Millie and Amy had a great time there. (同义句) Millie and Amy _ _ there. 5. He did his homework last night. . (否定句) He _ _ his homework last night.Step 6. Homework1. Write a passage about an amazing thing.2. Review the whole unit and prepare for the quiz.教学反思来源:学优高考网gkstk来源:学优高考网gkstk


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