2018年春牛津译林版七年级英语下册教案unit 8 pets第2课时

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1、初中英语课堂教学设计方案总 课 题7B Unit 8 Pets总课时8第2课时课 题Reading1课型New教学目标来源:gkstk.Com来源:gkstk.Com来源:学优高考网gkstk知识目标来源:学优高考网To the important words, phrases and sentences.来源:学优高考网gkstk能力目标To use some new words to describe pets and read the poem of pets情感目标To arouse the students interests and love pets教学重点To know som

2、e new words ,phrases and sentences教学难点To use some new words to describe pets and read the poem of pets教学准备Tape recorder, Computer, Pictures Read the words and the text.课前预习Preview the new words.Listen to the tape.学情分析教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设计意图Step 1.Free talkStep2 Presentation Step 3Practice Step 4P

3、resentation Step 5Practice Step 6Homework We talked about pets last time. Some of you told me about the pets you like. Today Ill tell you about the pets I like.1. Let students guess which pet I like best. If some students mention dogs and goldfish, show the two pictures to them.2. Show some pictures

4、 about dogs and goldfish.3. Do you know why I like pet dogs? First, dogs are really lovely. Second, theyre clever. They can do wonderful tricks. Theyll hunt when I hide. If I have a dog, Ill tell them not to bark, bite or fight. Hell be my best friend and Ill look after him till the end.1. Here is a

5、 poem about a dog. Please read it and tell me what the dog can do. Read the poem quickly, and answer some questions.2. Read after the tape and try to find the beautiful of the poem.3. Finish the exercises on P95.1. I also like goldfish very much. I know a lot about them. What about you? Would you li

6、ke to answer some questions about goldfish?2. Answer the question:Does a goldfish eat a lot?Does a goldfish bark?Does a goldfish fight?Does a goldfish need a bed?Does a goldfish miaow?3. How quiet a goldfish is! It doesnt bark, and it doesnt miaow. It just bubbles, bubbles and bubbles. It isnt any t

7、rouble.1. Read after the tape.2. Read another poemTwinkle twinkle little starTwinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are.Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle little star,How I wonder what you are. 3. 用不少于5句话来描述一下你自己的宠物。或者上搜索一些有关宠物的诗歌,下节课在课堂与同学们进行交流。Do some exercise. Guess and say something板书设计教后感


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