2018年春牛津译林版七年级英语下册教案unit 3 welcome to sunshine town第4课时

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1、备课日期来源:学优高考网 年教学来源:学优高考网gkstk课题来源:gkstk.ComUnit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town课时安排4来源:学优高考网来源:学优高考网gkstk月日Grammar8教学目标To grasp the words:postcard key ring yours hers To grasp the phrases: all over重点能正确使用形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词。难点教学过程设计集 体 备 课二 次 备 课A Noun + sStep 1 Presentation1. 教师向学生出示一张小狗的图片,板书boy s2. 出示一张别

2、墅的图片,板书Kobes3. 出示一张图片,上面有许多鞋子。There are a lot of shoes in this picture. Whose shoes are they? 呈现几位女士的头像:The shoes are these womens板书womens 4. 出示一张卧室的图片,板书brothers5. 教师用彩色粉笔将黑板上的第一个名词所有格boys 标注出来,并告诉学生相关语言现象。6. 指导学生自学黑板上的名词所有格和课本上的例句,并鼓励他们总结规律。Step 2 Practice1.指导学生根据A部分中图画的提示,独立完成练习。2.安排学生两人一组就图片中其余的

3、物品进行问答:Whose is that? Whose are they? B Possessive adjectives and pronouns Step 1 Presentation1.利用教师和学生的物品呈现物主代词板书my, mine, his, her, hers2. 教师用同样的方式呈现其余的代词:our, ours, your, yours, their, theirs, its3. 教师在呈现过程中,要向学生解释:We use possessive adjectives and pronouns to show that something belongs to someon

4、e or something . Step 2 Practice1. 指导学生看图并独立完成B部分的练习。 2.请五位学生分角色朗读对话内容,其余学生检查答案。3.组织学生四人小组开展活动,模仿B部分共同编写一段对话,谈论彼此所拥有的物品。(1) 一I think these books arent _ (我的). Are they _ (你的), Peter? 一Let me see . Oh, no. They re not _ (我的)books. (2) Please give this to Susan. It is _ (她的)pen. (3) we are working har

5、d on _ (我们的)project. The teacher will like it, I think. (4) My cousins and 1 live in the same building. _ (我的)flat is on the third floor. _ (他们的)is on the tenth floor. (5) Mr. Chen loves _ (他的)new car very much. _ (它的)colour is red .课后作业1.复习本课时所学习的语法项目。2.完成教师提供的笔头练习,用正确的物主代词填空。3.预习Integrated skills.教学反思



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