2017-2018学年(人教版)八年级英语上册教案:unit 2 period five self check and revision (a-self check)

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2017-2018学年(人教版)八年级英语上册教案:unit 2 period five self check and revision (a-self check)_第1页
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1、Period Five: Self check and RevisionStep1 Greetings & free talk .Step2 Discussion Work in groups, discuss which kind of life is healthy. Do a report according the discussion. We think we should eat fruit and vegetables Step3 Self checkFill in each blank with the correct word given.Then make your own

2、 sentence with each word.1. wants 2.exercises 3.help 4.try 5.haveStep3 Key vocabulary1.ever adv. 曾经2. onceadv. 一次3. twice adv. 两次4.internetn. 5. program n. 节目单, (电脑)程序6. hilltopn. 山顶7. resultn. 结果, 成果8. keyn. 提醒,提示, 线索, 答案9. translatev. 翻译10. song n. 歌曲11.junkn. 垃圾, 破烂物,废弃的旧物12. milkn. 牛奶13. intervi

3、ewern. 采访者14.habitn.习惯,习性15.differencen. 不同,差异,区别16.grade n. 分数,成绩,年级17. althoughconj. 虽然,即使,纵然18. unhealthy adj.不健康的, 不益健康的19.skateboarding n. 溜滑板运动Step4 Key phrases:1. how often 多久一次2. as for至于,关于3. junk food垃圾食品4.eating habit 饮食习惯5.of course当然6.look after 照顾, 照看7. start with 以开始8. make a differen

4、ce使得结果不同,有重要性9. go shopping去购物10.have a party 聚会11. go to the movie去看电影12. once a week每周一次13. hardly ever 很少14. twice a week 每周两次15. three times a week每周三次16. watch TV 看电视17.on weekend 在周末18. do homework 做作业19. a lot of许多20. try to do试图(努力)做某事 21. help sb (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事 22. the same as和相同23.kee

5、p in good health 保持身体健康Step 5 Grammar 1.掌握句型: 1)What do you usually do on weekends? I often go to the movies. What does she do on weekends ? She often goes to the movies.What do you usually do on weekends? I often go to the movies.(watch TV、read books 、exercise 、clean、skateboard、 play basketball、was

6、h clothes、go shopping、 go to movies)How often do you exercise/ ?Task one “Find my group members.”2)在规定 时间内填完活动表格,再向周围同学开始询问,找出与自己课外活动大致相同的同学请他或她在每项活动后面签名。来源:gkstk.ComActivityName来源:学优高考网3) Do a survey “What does she /he do on weekends ?”NameActivityHow often2. Presentation and drill(1)教师指着屏幕说:“ Now

7、lets see my activities on weekends. How often?屏幕上出现各项活动的图片并介绍。 I always read books at 6:00 in the morning. Then I usually run at 6:30. I often clean my house in the afternoon. Sometimes I watch TV, but I never watch TV too much. I hardly ever go to the movies.(2)点击鼠标屏幕上出现频率副词及相关的百分比。always(100%) usu

8、ally(80%) often (30-50%)sometimes(20%) hardly ever(5%) never(0%)领读频率副词,让学生快速认读。来源:gkstk.Com(3)分别点击活动图片,每个图片正面出现一个频率副词。教师依次提问: What do you do on weekends?引导学生用图片中的活动及副词回答,如:I usually run.(4)Task: Making cards 每个学生把自己的课外活动做成卡片,再把频率副词做成卡片,然后一个学生问What do you do on weekends? 另一个学生分别拿一张活动卡片和频率卡片并用其进行回答。(5

9、)常见的频度副词有never(从不), sometimes(有时),often(经常),usually (通常), always(总是).从0%(never)到100%(always)可以这样排序:0%100%never sometimes often usually always(6) 注意频率副词在句中有不同的位置.在 be 动词之后:Im usually ill on planes.Are you usually at home on Monday?He isnt usually ill on planes.在实意动词之前:I usually work on Friday.I somet

10、imes go to London.3. all, most , some和none的用法。(1)all(所有的,全部的人或物),any(任何一个),none(都不)。以上词使用范围为三者以上。 Alltheflowersaregone.所有的花都谢了。 Idontlikeanyoftheflowers.这些花我都不喜欢。 Ilikenoneoftheflowers.这些花我都不喜欢。 注意:all与none用法一样。跟单数名词,用单数动词;跟复数名词,用复数动词。 Allofthestudentsarethere. 所有的学生都在那。 All(of)themilkisthere. 所有的牛奶

11、都在那。(2). some一些 1)可与复数名词及不可数名词连用。 2)当做某一解时,也可与单数名词连用。(=acertain) Youwillbesorryforthissomeday. 总有一天,你会后悔这件事的。 Acertain(some)personhasseenyoubreaktherule. 某些人不同意你的看法。 (3)most意为“最大多数”、“最大量”。后可直接跟名词(可数或不可数),同时,也可接有形容词修饰的名词。注意:跟可数名词时,谓语动词要用复数形式。如:Most boys like playing football.大部分男孩都喜欢踢足球。I always spen

12、d most time learning English.大部分时间我总是花在学习英语上。Step6. Exercises.( ) 1.A: How often _ she exercise? B: Twice a week.A. do B. does C. doingD. did( ) 2. I _ like to drink milk.A. not B. doesnt C. dont D. no( ) 3. Good food and exercise _ me to study better.A. help B. helps C. helping D. to help( ) 4. Is

13、her lifestyle the same _ yours or different?A. as B. in C. at D. to( ) 5. I like _ for breakfast.A. a bookB. a ruler C. an egg D. a sofa( ) 6. The _are $21.A. glasses B. shoe C. table D. bike( ) 7. Tennis _ my favourite sport.A. are B. is C. am D. be( ) 8. I have a tennis and my friend Jim _ two tennis rackets.A. have B. play C. plays D. has( ) 9. “Lets play computer games.” “That _ interesting.”A. looks B. sounds C. listens D. reads( )10. My father likes football. But he _ it. He only _ football matches on TV!A. plays, watches B. play, watchC. doe


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