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1、安全教育学习是提高员工安全防范意识的重要措施。“百日安全活动”开展以来,保卫部从自身着手对本部门所有员工开展集中安全教育培训Unit 2 Working the land PartII Reading一、【学习目标】1. 了解袁隆平研究杂交水稻的背景,过程,以及所取得的成就。2. 了解袁隆平的人生观。3. 进一步训练略读,细读,归纳内容等阅读技巧,把握篇章的中心内容,获取关键信息,并且能针对阅读内容表达自己的观点。4. 学习掌握本课的词汇和语法结构。二、【自主预习】Step1. Prediction(预测)Look at the title of the passage and the pic

2、ture on the text page. What do you predict this passage is going to talk about? Then skim the passage to check if you were right._Step2. Skimming(速读)Task1: Check whether your prediction is right.Task2. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Yuan is a scientist with a wide variety of hobbies. B. Yu

3、an achieved his dreams one after another through his great efforts. C. Yuan made great contributions to finding ways to increase the rice output but consider himself a farmer. D. Yuan holds a positive attitude towards life but thinks little of fame and money.Task3: Match the main idea with each para

4、graph.Para 1 the brief introduction of Yuan Longpings life experiencePara 2 Yuan Longpings dreamsPara 3 Yuan Longpings achievementPara 4 Yuan Longpings attitude towards lifeStep3. Scanning(细读)Task 1: Reading comprehending1. What is the advantage of this super hybrid rice?A. taking up less field B. h

5、aving high productionC. looking like peanuts D. adapting itself easily to different kinds of soil even in Africa2. Why did Yuan Longping want to increase the rice output when he was young?A. He was a good student in agriculture. B. He suffered hunger when he was a kid.C. Increasing the rice output w

6、as a great challenge.D. Many parts of the countryside were starving for food.3. Which of the following cannot show Yuans life attitude?A. Running after fame affected his research. B. Living a comfortable life is of little importance.C. Rich people should give away their extra money to do scientific

7、research.D. To benefit as many people as possible in the world because of his efforts is of great value.4. What can be inferred from the passage?A. Yuan Longping is fond of dreaming.B. Owing to Yuans research, the UN is quite confident to put the world hunger to an end in a few years.C. Judging by a

8、ppearance, we can hardly mix Yuan up with other farmers.D. Some less developed countries also got benefit from Yuans achievement.5. Which of the following is the most suitable structure of the passage.A. - B. -C. - D. -Task 2: Read each paragraph carefully and fill in the blanks.Para1:1) His _ faces

9、 and arms and his _, strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers, for whom he has _ for the past five _.2) Dr Yuan Longping grows what is called _ rice.3) Now more than _ of the rice _ in China each year is from this hybrid _.Para2:1) _, Dr Yuan _Southwest Agricultural College in

10、1953.2) Dr Yuan searched for a way to _ without _ the area of the fields.3) These increased harvest mean that _ of the worlds people are _ just 7% of the farmland in China.4) Dr Yuan is now _ his knowledge in India , Vietnam and many other _ countries.Para3:1) Dr Yuan is quite _ with his life.2) He

11、_ keep time for his _. He enjoys listening to _, playing mah-jong, _ and reading.3) He therefore gives millions of yuan to _others for their _ in agriculture.Para4: 1) Long ago Dr Yuan had a dream about _ as tall as _. Each ear of rice was as big as an ear of _ and each grain of ice was as huge as a

12、 _.2) Dr Yuan has another dream: to _ his rice so it can be grown around _. Step 4. Try to find out the following phrases in the passage.1. 认为自己是农民_ 2. 黝黑的脸_3. 毕业于_ 4. 是某人的终身目标_5. 寻找方法_ 6. 在近来的一次丰收中_7. 传播知识_ 8. 使世界摆脱饥饿_9. 对非常满意_ 10. 关心成名_11. 为自己花钱_ 12.让某人有做的自由_13. 过舒适的生活_ 14. 有更多而不是更少的烦恼_15. 使别人为他们的农业研究做准备_16. 从梦中醒来_ 17. 怀着做的梦想_18. 关心他的人们_三、【合作探究】 1. Yuan Longping grows what is called super hybrid rice. What引导的是一个_



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