高中英语 module 6 war and peace section ⅱ introduction & reading-language points教学案 外研版选修6

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1、安全教育学习是提高员工安全防范意识的重要措施。“百日安全活动”开展以来,保卫部从自身着手对本部门所有员工开展集中安全教育培训Module 6 War and Peace Section Introduction & Reading-Language Points一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇 1.drownv淹死,使溺死2.eventuallyadv. 最后,最终3.overlookv. 俯视,往下看4.condemnv. 责难;谴责5.nationalityn. 国籍6.rescuev. 营救,拯救7.backpackn. 背包.拓展词汇1.vengefuladj.

2、复仇的,报复心切的revenge n&v报仇,复仇2.invadev入侵,侵略invasion n侵入,侵略3.abandonv放弃,抛弃abandoned adj.被抛弃的4.operationn行动;操作;经营operate v操作;运转5.survivorn幸存者survive vi.幸存,比活得长survival n幸存,生存6.lastv持续lasting adj.持久的,永恒的7.occupyv占领occupation n职业,占有mandern指挥官command v&n命令,指挥9.deepadj.深的deeply adv.深深地depth n深度10.woundv使受伤wou

3、nded adj.受(刀、枪等)伤害的1.drown v淹死,使溺死联想drowning adj.快淹死的drowned adj.溺死的词块a drowning person一个溺水的人a drowned person一个溺死的人2.eventually adv.最后,最终同义finally adv.最后at last 最后;终于in the end 最后3.condemn v责难;谴责联想scold vt.责备 blame vt.责备4.rescue v营救,拯救联想save v救5.occupy v占领串记He is a teacher by occupation, and his tim

4、e is fully occupied with his students. He always thinks about his work, and how to teach the students well occupies his mind.6.survivor n幸存者串记Only two passengers survived the air crash. When the two survivors were interviewed, they said their survival was a miracle (奇迹)二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.declare w

5、ar on对宣战2.take part in 参加3.get off 下车/船/飞机4.make a breakthrough 取得重大突破(进展)5.pick up 停下来让某人搭车(船等);救起6.be situated on 坐落于,位于7.fight with sb. 与某人并肩作战8.be related to 与有关(相关);与是亲戚(同族)9.far from 远离;远非,非但1.including France包括法国2.on the morning of 6 June 1944 在1944年6月6日早上3.fall into the water 落水4.on the beac

6、h 在海滩上5.disappear under the water 消失在水下6.jump into the water 跳入水中7.climb up the cliff 爬上悬崖8.half an hour 半小时9.as a result 因此,结果10.return to France 返回法国三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.The operation was extremely dangerous and many soldiers were killed before they even got off the boats. 这次登陆行动异常危险,很多士兵甚至还没来得及下船就牺牲

7、了。句中before为连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“还未就;还没来得及就”。Before_I_could_say anything more, Holmes had rushed off. 没等我把话说完,福尔摩斯已经匆匆离去了。2.The survivors lay on the beach, exhausted and shocked.死里逃生的战士躺在海滩上,疲惫不堪,心有余悸。形容词短语在句中作伴随状语,说明句子主语的特点或处于某种状态。The children climbed up to the top of the mountain, tired_and_exhausted. 孩子

8、们爬到了山顶,筋疲力尽。1(教材P72)In September 1939, Britain declared war onGermany after Germany invaded Poland.1939年9月,英国在德国入侵波兰后向德国宣战。declare war on . 向宣战declare for/against .宣布赞成/反对declare sb. to be . 宣布某人为declare . open 宣布开幕declare oneself 发表意见;表明身份The people in the mountainous areas have declared war on pov

9、erty. 山区的人民已向贫穷宣战。Most of the people had declared for peace. 大多数的人主张和平。He declared himself to_be (be) a member of their party. 他自称是他们团体的成员。2(教材P72)During the war, Germany occupied many countries, including France.二战中,德国侵占了包括法国在内的许多国家。occupy v.占领,占据(时间、空间、某人头脑等);使忙碌 occupy sb./oneself (in) doing sth.

10、使某人/自己忙于做某事occupy sb./oneself with sth. 使某人/自己忙于某事be occupied in doing sth. 忙于做某事be occupied with sth. 忙于某事Reading occupies most of my free time.阅读占去了我大部分的空闲时间。Tom occupied himself (in) solving some arithmetic problems. Tom occupied_himself_with some arithmetic problems.汤姆忙着做算术题。I dont have much spa

11、re time. Im fully occupied with my work. 我没多少业余时间。我工作忙得不可开交。3(教材P72)The situation at Omaha Beach was so bad that the US army commanders thought about abandoning the invasion.奥马哈海滩的形势非常严峻,以至于美军司令官都考虑放弃进攻了。abandon v.放弃,抛弃, (不得已而)舍弃,丢弃,离开;中止n.放任,放松 abandon oneself to沉湎于;放纵(感情)abandon . to . 把丢弃/舍弃给aban

12、don hope of (doing) sth. 放弃(做)某事的希望abandon sth. for 放弃而选择with abandon 纵情,放任地Dont abandonyourself to despair. You still have chances. 不要陷入绝望,你还有机会。The damaged car was found abandoned (abandon) by the riverside. 人们发现那辆损坏的汽车被遗弃在河边。The girls jumped up and down and waved their arms with_abandon.那些女孩子跳上跳下

13、,尽情地挥舞着手臂。名师点津abandon oneself to中的to是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。语境串记The boy was abandoned by his parents when he was a baby, so he tended to abandon himself todespair when meeting trouble in life.这个男孩从小就被父母遗弃,所以在生活中遇到困难时他很容易陷入绝望。4(教材P73)Twenty men fell into the water and were picked up by other boats.20名士兵落水后,被

14、其他船上的人救起。pick up救起;捡起;停下来让某人搭车(船等);用(车辆)去接(某人);接收,收听;(偶然)学会;好转,增强 写出下列句中pick up的含义The children picked upmany seashells at the seashore.捡起If you go to England, youll soon pick up English.(偶然)学会My radio picks up VOA clearly.接收,收听Well send the ambulance to pick him up.用(车辆)去接Her health soon picked up after a few days rest.好转pick out挑选,认出Pick_out the good apples and throw away the rest. 挑出好苹果,将其余的扔掉。巧学助记pick up词义虽多变,口诀巧记挺简单;救起捡起开车接,接收收听开视野;好转改善又增强,偶然学会不要忘。5(教材P73)Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.年华不能使他们厌倦;岁月也不会让



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