高中英语 module 6 the internet and telecommunications section ⅲ grammar-合成词和冠词教学案 外研版必修1

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《高中英语 module 6 the internet and telecommunications section ⅲ grammar-合成词和冠词教学案 外研版必修1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 module 6 the internet and telecommunications section ⅲ grammar-合成词和冠词教学案 外研版必修1(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、安全教育学习是提高员工安全防范意识的重要措施。“百日安全活动”开展以来,保卫部从自身着手对本部门所有员工开展集中安全教育培训Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications Section Grammar-合成词和冠词语法图解探究发现A keyboard is the part of the computer that you type on.Whats the difference between computer hardware and computer software?The United States is one of Englishspe

2、aking countries.Hardworking people are more likely to succeed.Have you got a computer at home?This is an interesting book and it is also a useful one.The Internet is the biggest source of information in the world.He came up with the idea of the World Wide Web.我的发现(1)例句中黑体部分都是合成词,其中是合成名词,是合成形容词。(2)例句

3、中的合成名词是由“名词名词”构成,例句中的合成名词由“形容词名词”构成。(3)例句中的合成形容词是由“名词动词ing形式”构成,中的合成形容词由“副词动词ing形式”构成。(4)例句黑体部分都是冠词。其中例句是不定冠词,例句是定冠词。(5)例句中的不定冠词表示泛指,例句中的定冠词表示特指。一、合成词把两个或两个以上的词合成一个新词,这种构词法叫作合成构词法。合成词有的用连字符连在一起,有的直接连在一起,常见的合成词有合成名词、合成形容词、合成动词和合成副词等几种类型。1合成名词a合成名词的数量很多,可以在句中作主语、宾语等。 Sightseeing took up the whole morn

4、ing.观光用了整整一上午的时间。(作主语)Finally they reached a crossroads.最后他们到了一个十字路口。(作宾语)b合成名词的主要构成方式:名词名词:classroom教室newspaper 报纸形容词名词:blackboard 黑板greenhouse 温室 名词动名词:handwriting 书法sunbathing 日光浴 动名词名词:sleeping pill 安眠药diningcar 餐车名词介词名词:commanderinchief 总司令brotherinlaw 姐/妹夫动词副词:gettogether 联欢会breakthrough 突破名师点

5、津(1)“名词名词”构成的合成名词变为复数时,作定语的名词一般不改变形式,但man,woman作定语时,需随着其修饰的名词变为复数。例如:a boy studentboy students; a woman teacherwomen teachers。(2)合成名词的复数形式,一般是在主体名词后加s或es,但如果没有主体名词的话,则在最后加s或es。例如:editorsinchief (主编), sistersinlaw (嫂子), passersby(过路人)。即时演练1(1)把下列合成名词翻译成汉语snowfall降雪highway 公路horseriding 骑马waiting room

6、 候车室daughterinlaw 儿媳takeoff 起飞(2)把下列合成名词变成复数形式schoolboyschoolboyslookeron lookersongrownup grownupswoman singer women_singers2合成形容词合成形容词的数量很多,多数作定语,有些也可作表语。They helped us to map out a longterm plan.他们帮我们设计了一个长远计划。(作定语)Are you airsick?你晕机吗?(作表语)合成形容词的主要构成方式:名词形容词:worldfamous 世界闻名的名词动词ing:peaceloving

7、热爱和平的名词过去分词:heartbroken 伤心的动词副词:takeaway 外卖的形容词名词:longdistance 长途的形容词形容词:darkblue 深蓝色的形容词名词ed:warmhearted 热心的副词动词ing:hardworking 勤劳的副词过去分词:wellknown 著名的数词名词:firstclass 头等的数词名词ed:threecornered 三角的基数词名词(单数)形容词:tenyearold十岁大的即时演练2用合成形容词完成句子Thats a tenmetrelong (10米长的) stone bridge.They decided to have

8、another papermaking (造纸的) factory set up in this town.There are more newlybuilt (新建的) houses in this village than in that one.Our English teacher is a warmhearted (热心的), honest and strict man.It took us quite a long time to get to the amusement park. It was a threehour (三小时的) journey.3合成动词合成动词的主要构成方

9、式:名词动词:watercool 用水冷却形容词动词:quickcharge 快速充电副词动词:outact 行动上胜过4合成副词合成副词的主要构成方式:副词副词:however 但是代词副词:anywhere 任何地方副词名词:downstairs 在楼下形容词名词:anyway 无论如何即时演练3(1)把下列合成动词和合成副词翻译成汉语typewrite打字underline 在下面划线oversleep 睡过头safeguard 捍卫upstairs 在楼上sideways 横着地,斜着地(2)用合成动词或合成副词填空It is important never to overdo new

10、 exercises.(do, over)His food cost $3, but he was overcharged by 50 cents. (charge, over)Get the job done anyway you can. (any, way)二、冠词的用法在英语中,冠词分为定冠词(the)和不定冠词(a/an)。两者的最大差别在于定冠词表示特指概念;不定冠词表示泛指概念。an用于元音音素开头的单词前,a用于辅音音素开头的单词前;两者都是对可数名词单数进行限定。the既可以限定可数名词单数或复数,又可以限定不可数名词。1不定冠词的用法(1)泛指一类人和物。A horse r

11、uns faster than a sheep. 马比绵羊跑得快。(2)表示数量“一个;同一;每一;某一”,意思相当于one, the same, every或a certain。Everyone has a head and two hands. 每个人都有一个脑袋和两只手。The children are of an age. 这些孩子们年龄一样大。We have meals three times a day. 我们每天吃三顿饭。A Mr. Li is waiting for you. 一位李先生在等你。(3)用在某些物质名词前,表示“一阵,一场,一种”等。They were caugh

12、t in a heavy rain. 他们遇上了一场大雨。Id like to have an icecream.我想来一份冰激凌。(4)用于固定词组或短语中。in a word总之,一句话as a matter of fact 事实上即时演练4(1)用不定冠词填空There is an “m” in the word “cream”Its an honour for me to give you a lecture here.A Mr. Wang came to see you this morning.The man can run 20 kilometers an hour.It has

13、nt rained for 3 months. As a result, some plants have died.(2)完成句子The work is so tiring. Lets have_a_rest (休息一会)The medicine should be taken three_times_a_day (一天三次)Can you give me a_second_chance (再一次机会), please?2定冠词的用法(1)表示特指,用于彼此都知道的人或物。Do you know the man standing there? 你认识那边站着的那个人吗?He bought a

14、 house. Ive been to the house. 他买了幢房子,我去过那幢房子。(2)与形容词连用,代表一类人或事物。The wounded were sent to the hospital immediately. 受伤者被马上送往了医院。(3)用于方位、方向等名词前。in the east在东方on the right 在右边(4)用于世界上独一无二的人或物、自然现象、发明物之前。The earth goes around the sun. 地球围绕太阳转。Alexander Bell invented the telephone in 1876. 亚历山大贝尔于1876年发明了电话。名师点津有些物体实际上也是独一无二的,但习惯上不用冠词,如space, nature。(5)用于序数词、形容词最高级前。还可用在对两个人或物进行比较时起特定作用的比较级前。



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