高中英语 module 6 films and tv programmessection ⅳ other parts of the module教学案 外研版必修2

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《高中英语 module 6 films and tv programmessection ⅳ other parts of the module教学案 外研版必修2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 module 6 films and tv programmessection ⅳ other parts of the module教学案 外研版必修2(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、安全教育学习是提高员工安全防范意识的重要措施。“百日安全活动”开展以来,保卫部从自身着手对本部门所有员工开展集中安全教育培训Module 6 Films and TV ProgrammesSection Other Parts of the Module原文呈现读文清障Steven Spielberg Film DirectorAsk a young person in the street who the greatest American film director is, and you may get the answer Steven Spielberg. He has certai

2、nly made more successful films than any other director in the west.Spielberg was born in the state of Ohio, America, in 1946. He showed that he had unusual abilities when he was very young, completing his first 15minute home movie at the age of 13. When he was 16 he made a 135minute home movie calle

3、d Firelight. This was shown at a local cinema and made $100.may表示推测,意为“或许”本句为“祈使句and陈述句”结构。make films 拍电影in the west 在西方the state of Ohio 俄亥俄州when引导时间状语从句。completing .为现在分词短语作状语。at the age of 在岁时called Firelight为过去分词短语作定语。local cinema 当地电影院史蒂文斯皮尔贝格电影导演第12段译文到大街上去问一个年轻人谁是美国电影界最伟大的导演,你也许会得到答案:史蒂文斯皮尔贝格

4、。他确实比西方任何其他导演拍了更多成功的电影。斯皮尔贝格于1946年出生于美国俄亥俄州。他年幼时就显露出非凡的才华,在13岁时就完成了他的第一部长15分钟的家庭影片。在16岁时,他制作了一部长135分钟的叫做火光的家庭影片。这部影片在当地电影院公映,票房收入100美元。At the age of 24, Spielberg made a 26minute film called Amblin. A Hollywood film studio liked it and employed Spielberg to make a fulllength film. This film, Sugarla

5、ndExpress, made in 1974, had some success. Spielbergs next film was Jaws, a film about a sharkthat ate people. This was one of the most successful films of all time. Other wonderful films followed: E. T. TheExtraTerrestrial(1982) , TheIndianaJonesTrilogy, JurassicPark(a film about dinosaurs), and Sc

6、hindlersList. For this last film Spielberg won an Oscar, Hollywoods highest prize.For many years, Spielberg could not make a mistake. However, in the last fifteen years, some of his films have been less successful. But it is generally agreed, that he, more than anyone else in the history of films, u

7、nderstands the meaning of the word “entertainment”film studio 电影工作室employ vt.雇用employ sb. to do sth. 雇用某人做某事fulllength film 长片电影SugarlandExpress为This film的同位语。made in 1974为过去分词短语作后置定语。shark/ak/n. 鲨鱼a film . people为Jaws的同位语,其中含有that引导的定语从句。of all time 有史以来win v. 赢,赢得(won, won)Hollywoods highest prize

8、作Oscar的同位语。make a mistake 犯错误in the last fifteen years 在过去的15年里“it is过去分词that .”结构,其中it为形式主语,真正的主语为that从句。entertainment n娱乐entertaining adj.有趣的;令人愉快的第34段译文24岁时,斯皮尔贝格制作了一部长26分钟的叫做慢步前行的电影。一个好莱坞电影工作室看好这个片子,并雇斯皮尔贝格制作一部长片。这部影片横冲直撞大逃亡,拍摄于1974年,票房收入不错。斯皮尔贝格的下一部影片是大白鲨,讲述一条吃人的大白鲨的故事。这是有史以来最成功的影片之一。接下来是其他优秀的电

9、影:E. T. 外星人(1982),夺宝奇兵三部曲,侏罗纪公园(一部有关恐龙的电影)和辛德勒的名单。因为这最后一部影片,斯皮尔贝格荣获奥斯卡奖好莱坞的最高奖。多年来,斯皮尔贝格没犯过一个错误。但是,在过去的15年里,他的一些影片不是很成功。但是,大家普遍认为,在电影史上,他比其他任何人都更理解“娱乐”这个词的含义。Step1Skim the text and answer the following questions.1Whats the main idea of Paragraph 1?Steven_Spielberg_is_a_famous_film_director_in_the_we

10、st.2What film made him win an Oscar?SchindlersList.3Why is Spielberg so special as a film director?Because_he_knows_how_to_entertain_his_audience.Step 2Choose the best answers according to the text.1Spielberg is popular among _.Afilm directorsBAmericansCyoung people Dwesterners2Which of the followin

11、g is NOT Spielbergs masterpiece?AJaws. BSchindlersList.CJurassicPark. DAmblin.3Steven Spielbergs films are most successful because _.Ahe likes to use sharks and dinosaurs as the materials for filmsBhe is best at directing filmsChe knows how to entertain audience bestDthere is not a mistake in his fi

12、lms4Please arrange the following sentences in an order according to the text.aSpielberg produced a lot of famous films.bSpielberg is most famous.cSpielberg knows best how to get along in the film industry.dSpielberg showed his great talent in filming as a child.Aabcd BbcadCbdac Ddbac答案:14CDCC一、这样记单词

13、记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.channeln频道2.plotn. 情节3.sectionn. 部分;节.拓展词汇1.occasionallyadv.有时;偶尔occasional adj.有时的;偶尔的occasion n场合;机会2.arguevi.争论argument n争论;辩论3.entertainingadj.有趣的;令人愉快的 entertain vt.使快乐 entertainment n娱乐4.draman戏剧dramatic adj.戏剧(性)的5.settingn(小说、戏剧、电影的)背景 set vt.以为背景1.drama n戏剧词块put on a dram

14、a上演戏剧a musical drama 音乐剧a radio drama 广播剧2.ad(简称)advertisement(全称) n广告联想st. (简称)street (全称) n. 街道Dr. (简称)doctor (全称) n. 医生;博士Co. (简称)company (全称) n. 公司3.argue vi. 争论比较discuss v. 讨论quarrel v. 争吵debate v. 辩论二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.from_time_to_time有时2.at_the_end_of 在的尽头3.good_for_you 干得好4.at_the_age_of 在岁时5.of_all_time 有史以来6.in_the_last_fifteen_years 在过去的15年里1.in the west 在西方2.three times a week 一周三次3.every two days 每两天4.all the time 一直;从头到尾5.at the weekend 在周末6.make a mistake 犯错误三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.Do you ever argue with your family about which TV programme to



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