高中英语 module 4 sandstorms in asia课时跟踪练(二)introduction & reading language points 外研版必修3

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1、安全教育学习是提高员工安全防范意识的重要措施。“百日安全活动”开展以来,保卫部从自身着手对本部门所有员工开展集中安全教育培训Module 4课时跟踪练(二) Introduction & Reading Language Points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1Bikes are very popular in China. Many people prefer cycling (骑自行车) to work. 2Scientists have been trying to find ways to forecast (预报) earthquakes. 3The increase i

2、n the number of plants can stop the process of desertification (沙漠化). 4The children carved a pumpkin into a frightening (吓人的) mask. 5Citizens (市民) here may have free access to the library. 6A mass (大规模的) campaign has been started in China to prevent the desertification process. 7He equals me in stre

3、ngth (力量) but not in intelligence. 8The sandstorm (沙尘暴) led to a chain reaction which ended in a serious train crash. .单句改错1The children put on strange masks and frightened clothes every Halloween. frightenedfrightening2Many big trees along the road have been cut up for building houses.updown3The cl

4、ub women gathered mass of clothes for people in the tsunamihit countries. massmasses4If you take over Doras job, you are sure to be catched in the middle. catchedcaught5To make sure of your success in the coming speech contest, first of all you should know your strength.strengthstrengths6It was such

5、 difficult a question that none of us worked it out.suchso .完成句子1The article is too long and should_be_cut_down by half. 这篇稿子太长,得砍掉一半。2She was_frightened_at_the_sight that he was drowned. 她看到他被淹死的情景感到恐惧。3The tailor cut_up_a_large_piece_of_cloth to make one shirt for me and two for my son. 裁缝把一大块布裁开给

6、我做一件衬衣,给我儿子做两件。4A_great_mass_of_people are coming to see the exhibition. 大批人前来参观展览会。5The frog was_caught_in the net. 青蛙陷在网里了。6Tolerance is one_of_her_many_strengths. 宽容是她许多优点中的一个。7He has so_many_books_that I cant count them.他有很多书,我数也数不清。8I consider_it_no_use_quarrelling with him about it.我认为为这件事和他争吵

7、是没用的。9There appears_to_have_been a mistake. 看来一直就有错。10I have so_little_money_that I cannot afford a car.我的钱太少,买不起车。.课文语法填空Sandstorms 1.have_been (be) a major disaster for many Asian countries for centuries. Scientists have tried many ways 2.to_solve (solve) this problem and in China, a mass campaign

8、 3.has_been_started (start) to help solve it. Sandstorms are strong, dry winds that carry sand. They are often 4.so thick that you cant see the sun, and the wind is sometimes strong enough 5.to_move (move) sand dunes. Northwest China is part of the sandstorm center in Central Asia. Sandstorms begin

9、in desert areas. Sandstorms sometimes affect Beijing. Citizens wake up to an orange sky and strong winds 6.that cover the city in a thick, brownyellow dust. The Chinese Central Weather Station can forecast a sandstorm some weeks 7.before it arrives in Beijing, but the 8.strength (strong) of the stor

10、m sometimes surprises people. The desert is only 250 kilometers away to the west of Beijing. In order to prevent it ing (come) nearer, the government has planted more than 30 billion trees and plans 10.to_continue (continue) planting for the next five years. .串点成篇微表达昨天中央电视台预报(forecast)了一场可怕的(terrify

11、ing)沙尘暴(sandstorm)即将袭击中国内陆地区(inland)。今天当市民们(citizen)出行(go out)时都为此作了准备。他们带着面纱(mask)保护(protect)自己免受沙尘(dust)之苦。沙尘暴的确骇人(frightening),使得在街上行走很困难;风刮得很猛,携带着大量(a mass of)沙尘,空中满是尘土。街上,人们不得不用尽力气(strength)骑车(cycle), 有些人被迫步行。由于(as a result of)沙漠化(desertification),近几年中国的沙尘暴好像是增多了。这是一个漫长的过程(process),一旦形成,就很难改变。Y



14、t_is_hard_to_change_its_present_situation._二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空The year is 2094. It has been announced that comet (彗星) is heading towards the Earth. Most of it will miss our planet, but two pieces will probably _1_ the southern half of the Earth.On 17 July, a _2_ which is four kilometers wide enters

15、 the Earths _3_ with a massive explosion. About half of the piece is destroyed, but the _4_ part hits the South Atlantic at 200 times the speed of _5_. The sea _6_ and a huge hole is made in the sea bed. Huge waves are created and spread out from the hole. The wall of water, a kilometer high, rushes

16、 towards southern Africa at 800 kilometers an hour. Cities on the African coast are totally destroyed and millions of people are _7_.Before the waves reach South America, the second piece of the comet _8_ in Argentina. Earthquakes and Volcanoes are _9_ off in the Andes Mountains. The shock _10_ move north into California



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