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1、第十一课时八年级(下)Units 344.单项填空。(D)1.Why did your mother looked at you _ surprise?Because I washed the dishes.Aat B.on Cwith D.in(C)2.Tony takes my things without asking.Im angry.Calm down.Its not a big _Adecision BrelationCdeal D.situation(A)3.Alice looks so tired,but I dont think she should push _ so ha

2、rd.Aherself B.himselfCyourself D.myself (B)4.Whats your plan about this Saturday?It depends on the weather.If its a _ day,Im going out.Acrazy B.clearCbusy Drainy (A)5.Look! Its raining heavily._ take a raincoat with you?Well,Ill take one.AWhy not BWhy dontCWould you mind DWould you like(A)6. You can

3、t _ my English dictionary to others.Alend Bborrow Ckeep Dcarry(C)7.When we got lost,we met a kind man and he offered _ us to find our hotel.Ahelp BhelpingCto help Dhelped (B)8.Could you help me _ the math problem,Kate? Its too difficult for me.OK.Let me try.Agive out B.work outCrun out Dtry out (B)9

4、.I have no idea about this weekend.You could do some volunteer work _ you can kill the time.Ain order to Bso thatCas long as Deven though (D)10.Victor doesnt like doing the dishes._ASo does Ted BSo Ted does CNeither Ted does DNeither does Ted .完形填空。Being teenagers can be hard,for they have to face a

5、 lot of difficult problems.A new program called NFusion is working hard to help teenagers _11_ mental health(精神健康) problems.NFusion gives teenagers classes where they study or discuss their problems.17yearold Titeana Davis thought the program was very _12_The girl,who once had trouble with her attit

6、ude(态度) to others,said the program really changed her _13_By joining the NFusion Program,she _14_ a bad attitude was of no use.“It doesnt matter _15_ other people treat(对待) me wrong.I just need to treat _16_ how I want to be treated,” she said.Davis is just one of the teenagers who have gone through

7、 the program _17_ and learned a lot from it.Now,thanks to NFusion,Davis says she is _18_ a bright(光明的) future.“After I finish college,I want to _19_ at a primary school and be a second grade teacher,” said the girl.“Teenagers are still growing and developing,and there are a lot of problems they dont

8、 know _20_ to solve.So this is a good program for them to take part in,” said Lakicha Jernigan,who worked for the NFusion Program.(C)11.A.in Bfor Cwith Dabout(D)12.A.traditional BdifficultCexpensive Dhelpful(A)13.A.life BinterestCdream Dmistake(B)14.A.wondered BunderstoodCforgot Dwished(D)15.A.so Bb

9、ut Cor Dif(A)16.A.them Byou Chim Dher(C)17.A.easily BsadlyCsuccessfully Dcarelessly(B)18.A.running out of Blooking forward toCputting off Dbringing out(D)19.A.play Bstudy Cact Dwork(A)20.A.how BwhyCwhere Dwhen.阅读理解。第一节根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。As a middle school student,you may have much stre

10、ss at school.You may find it hard to deal with it.Here are some suggestions for you.Create a planThis is a good way for you to deal with stress.You can write down all your class projects,afterschool activities,and anything else you need to do at school.It is the easiest way to stop yourself from for

11、getting anything important.Then you will get less stress.Get plenty of sleepMost teenagers get less than eight hours sleeping time each night.This can have a bad influence on your performance at school and give you much stress.So turn off the computer and the phone,and go to bed early at night.Have

12、a healthy “escape” from schoolYou can try to forget your schoolwork for a while and get relaxed.You can go to the mall,visit the park,hang out with friends or do sports you love.These are all good ways to “escape”Dont procrastinateIf you always wait until the last minute to start working,youll be ea

13、sy to get much stress.So dont procrastinate.When you get some work to do,just do it right away.Dealing with stress can be hard,but not impossible.(D)21.How many pieces of advice does the writer give us?AOne. BTwo. C.Three. DFour.(C)22.By saying “escape from school”, the writer means that we can _Agi

14、ve up doing schoolworkBjoin fewer school activities Ctry to forget schoolwork for a whileDrun away from school for a while(B)23.The underlined word “procrastinate” means “_” in Chinese.A匆忙 B.拖延 C急躁 D放弃(A)24.What does the writer think of dealing with stress?ADifficult. BMeaningless.CEasy. DImpossible.(D)25.The main idea of the passage is _Asuggestions on good sleepingBreasons of making a plan Cimportance of dealing with stressDways of dealing with stress at school第二节根据短文内容,从短文后所给的选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两


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