2019届高三上学期高考英语词汇考查+题型练:新人新版必修2 unit2 theolympicgames word版含解析

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2019届高三上学期高考英语词汇考查+题型练:新人新版必修2  unit2  theolympicgames  word版含解析_第1页
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2019届高三上学期高考英语词汇考查+题型练:新人新版必修2  unit2  theolympicgames  word版含解析_第2页
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2019届高三上学期高考英语词汇考查+题型练:新人新版必修2  unit2  theolympicgames  word版含解析_第3页
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1、Unit 2词汇考查+词汇应用必修二Unit 2 一、词汇复习(一)单句语法填空1 I cant tell you _ way to the Wilsons because we dont have _ Wilson here in the village. 答案:the;away后有介词短语作定语,表特指,所以第一空填定冠词the;泛指“一个名叫Wilson的人”,第二空填不定冠词a。2 _ village where I was born has grown into _ town. 答案:The;avillage后有定语从句修饰,是特指,故第一空填定冠词;泛指“一座城镇”,故第二空填不定

2、冠词a。3 They chose Tom to be _ captain of the team because they knew he was _ smart leader. 答案:the;a第一空后面的名词captain“队长”后面有介词短语of the team修饰,表示特指,所以使用定冠词the;第二空后的可数名词leader前面有形容词smart修饰,用a表示泛指。4(2013新课标,13改编)Four and _ half hours of discussion took us up to midnight, and _ break for cheese, chocolate a

3、nd tea with sugar. 答案:a;a句意:四个半小时的讨论让我们到了午夜,我们稍微休息了一下,吃了奶酪、巧克力并且喝了加糖的茶。两空前加不定冠词a,都为固定搭配。5(2013浙江,15改编)People develop _ preference for a particular style of learning at _ early age and these preferences affect learning. 答案:a;an第一空a preference表示“一种倾向性的喜好”,用不定冠词a表示“一个,一种”的概念,同时have/develop a preference

4、 for sth.也可以看作固定词组,表示“对某物偏好,喜爱”;而第二空at an early age是固定词组,意为“在幼年时期”,也表示“一个,一种”的概念。(二)英汉互译70、ancient adj. _71、compete vi. _72、competitor n. _73、take part in _74、medal n. _75、stand for _76、mascot n. _77、Pausanias _78、Greece n. _79、Greek adj. n. _80、magical adj. _81、volunteer n. adj. vt. & vi. 82、homela

5、nd n. _83、regular adj. _84、basis n. _85、athlete n. _86、admit vt. & vi. _87、slave n. _88、nowadays adv. _89、gymnastics n.(pl) _90、athletics n.(pl) _91、Stadium n. _(pl stadiums or stadia)_92、gymnasium (gym) n. _93、as well _94、host vt. _95、responsibility n. _96、olive n. _97、wreath n. _98、replace vt. _99

6、、motto n. _100、swift adj. _101、similarity n. _102、Athens n. _103、charge vt. & vi. n. _104、in charge _105、physical adj. _106、fine vt. _107、poster n. _108、advertise vt. & vi. _109、Atlanta n. _110、princess n. _111、glory n. _112、bargain vi. n. _113、prince n. _114、hopeless adj. _115、Hippomenes n. _116、fo

7、olish adj. _117、goddess n. _118、pain n. _119、one after another _120、deserve vi. & vt. _121、striker n. _二、完形填空Hello, Mr. WiFi. Life without you is next to impossible now. Were happy to sing your name from morning till evening, sometimes till dawn. _1_ I know you help me, sometimes youre making me do

8、things with _2_ attention. Many times I promise myself that Ill _3_ my feelings towards you, but youre _4_ me closer and closer. Youve entered both my home and my _5_. Youre just a window for our _6_ and information. But we people arent _7_ only with the window. So we open all our _8_ for you. Is th

9、is a(n) _9_ or some kind of attachment? If this is an illness, is it curable? And if this is an attachment will you _10_ me to the lifelong togetherness?We want you 24/7. Cant you take a few days off so that both you and I can _11_? Youre a poison not a slow one but a super _12_ poison which holds o

10、ur mind and makes us dance _13_ its tune. Nowadays youre so _14_ that anyone can buy and make you our _15_. Youll never be bothered about our health but well _16_ be concerned about your “health”. Because you accompany us everywhere and never let us be alone.If you were a _17_ person made of flesh a

11、nd blood (血肉之躯) would we love you the same? You _18_ us with your numerous talents and we even cant get rid of you. Were all you _19_. Sometimes I wonder how people in the previous generations _20_, but if they did why cant we?1A.Now that BOnly ifCThough DWhen2A.praised BincreasedCfocused Ddivided3A

12、.keep in Bbring backCapprove of Dgive up4A.drawing BpushingCforcing Dobserving5A.space BsoulCsociety Dworkplace6A.entertainment BargumentCexpansion Dstruggle7A.strict BsatisfiedCgenerous Dbusy8A.thoughts BeyesCexits Ddoors9A.disease BinspirationCroutine Dphenomenon10A.recommend BinstructCcommit Dadapt11A.persist BrelaxCprogress Dbalance12A.raw BambiguousCstrong Dfast13A.to BagainstCfrom Dwithin14A.affordable BvaluableCconventional Dattractive15A.addition BexpertCcompanion Dinstrument16A.sometimes BalwaysCnever


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