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1、,Unit 4 Midnight Visitor Robert Author,Warming-up Questions,Have you ever read any stories or seen any movies of secret agents ? What is your impression of a secret agent ? Who is the best-known image of a secret agent ever invented ?,Warming-up Questions,Please enjoy the following pictures in Holly

2、wood movies and give your description of 007James Bond , the best-known secret agent ever invented across the world, and make a comparison between Ausable and 007.,Possible words used to describe 007:,young,strong,handsome,irresistible to woman,extremely attractive,intelligent,having infinite powers

3、,In contrast to 007, what is the image of the secret agent called Ausable in the Midnight Visitor ? Try to describe him, please.,sloppy,fat,unhealthy,carries no guns,no linguistic genius,nothing mysterious,nothing romantic,no pistol fire,no dark-eyed beauties,nothing exciting,Think about it,Being a

4、secret agent so far away from the commonly accepted image, what is it that makes Ausable so uncommon?,In the case of Ausable, the most outstanding feature must be his wisdom, his presence of mind and his quick wit. He is not strong physically, but he can beat his enemy. He is fat and slow, but he re

5、acts very quickly. He carries no weapon, but he has an excellent brain which is more powerful than any magic weapon. He appears helpless, but he gets rid of his deadly enemy without lifting a finger. There is no shooting or fighting, but the battle of wits is even more exiting and gripping.,It is pr

6、ecisely this commonness that makes him so uncommon. The author is very clever in portraying him in this way in contrast to the general image because it makes the story fresh, unexpected and dramatic.,Text Appreciation,Structure of the text Part 1 (para. 1- ) about: Part 2 (para. ) about: Part 3 (par

7、a. ) about:,5,who Ausable is &why Fowler wants to see him,6-16,the unexpected visit of Ausables adversary Max,17-26,how Ausable outwits Max and makes him jump onto the “balcony”,In-class Discussion,What was Fowlers first impression of Ausable? How did Fowler get his first thrilling experience of the

8、 day? How did Ausable deal with the situation? How did Ausable finally outwit Max?,Word Study,figure: 1. symbol for a number He has an annual income of six figures. 2. diagram The blackboard is covered with geometrical figures like squares and triangles. 3. human form I saw a figure approaching in t

9、he darkness. She is now on a diet to keep her figure.,Word Study,4. person , esp. person of influence a great historical figure figure out: calculate; think about until one understands Can you figure out the total number? I cant figure him out.,Word Study,risk She is too sensible to take/run a risk

10、when driving. Well take /run the risk of being late. He was determined to get there even at the risk of his life. v. risk+ n. -ing To save that traveler, they had to risk getting caught in the storm.,Word Study,start n. c sudden movement of surprise, fear etc. He sat up with a start. The news gave h

11、im a start. startle vt. give a shock or surprise to She was startled to see that man so pale. What startling news it was that the building caught fire!,Word Study,concerning prep. This book deals with questions concerning Chinas diplomatic policies. synonyms: regarding with reference to with respect

12、 to,Word Study,command: 1. order The officer commanded his men to fire. The officer commanded that his men (should) fire. 2. control; hold back command oneself / ones temper commanding adj. He said in a commanding tone. He is now in a commanding position.,Word Study,blink: vt ignore There is no deny

13、ing the fact,Word Study,gaze stare glance glimpse gaze (at): 尤指以 赞赏、愉快、好奇或饶有兴趣的神态 长时间地盯着看,常常达到出神的地步; stare (at): 尤指吃惊、恐惧、愤怒或无礼地瞪大眼睛目 不转睛地看; glance: “看一眼” “扫视”,强调匆忙快速的动作过程; glimpse:“瞥见”,强调动作的偶然性和所见到事物的不 充分、不全面。,Word Study,examples: We stood there, gazing at the beautiful scenery. They stared at her c

14、lothes in amazement. He stared at her straight in the eye. She glanced at her watch. He glanced through the report. He caught a glimpse of the Town Hall clock as he drove past.,Word Study,Ex. to glance at to stare at to gaze at 1. Miss Zhou _ the memo and said my appointment with the president was a

15、t 4:00 p.m. 2. He just _ her. He simply could not recall where he had met her. 3. I _ the envelope and immediately recognized my mothers handwriting.,glanced at,gazed at,glanced at,Word Study,Ex. to glance at to stare at to gaze at 4. My father would sometimes sit at his desk, _ the photo of my gran

16、dparents with tears in his eyes. 5. Why are you _ me like this? What have I done wrong? 6. We call it the Moon Festival because on the night of that day, people will go outside and _ the moon.,gazing at,staring at,gaze at,Word Formation,Word formation: compound nouns n.+ n. doorbell seaside n.+v. heartbeat headache


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