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1、2012年全国及各地高考英语分类精品解析,交际用语 高考考点 语言的显著功能就是交际,学习语言的目的就 是要运用到实际交际中,通过研究近几年的高考试 题我们不难发现,近几年高考对交际用语的考查仍 然是各省份试卷中的必考题,甚至许多语法点的考 查也逐渐呈现出以对话交际的形式出现,这一现象 也符合语言学习的交际性原则。交际用语主要涉 及日常生活中的对话,因此,交际对话的覆盖范围 涉及日常生活的方方面面。主要涉及以下五个方 面:,交际用语在高考中的考查重点:,1.日常交际应答语 应答对方的感谢; 应答对方的道歉; 应答对方的劝告和建议 应答对方的请求; 应答对方的要求; 应答对方的邀请; 应答对方的

2、祝愿,祝贺 应答对方的鼓励和赞 应答对方的帮助。 2.情感态度的表达 表示惊奇; 表示同情; 表示安慰; 表示鼓励; 表示同意; 表示不同意; 表示不在乎。 3.日常交际问答 问候; 问时间、日期; 打电话; 购物; 问路。,解题的方法:,在重点掌握基础知识的基础上,考生还要注意平时的积累。同时在解题时要做到“四忌”。 “一忌”上词下用: 请看下例: I wonder if I could use your telephone. _. A. I wonder how B.I dont wonder C. Sorry, its out of order D. No wonder, here it

3、 is 【解析】尽管该题中反复出现“wonder”一词,但 通过仔细审题可确定其考查的功能项目为征求对 方意见,问句相当于“Could I use your telephone?” 综合语境和话题的分析,正确的答话方式一般为“Of course you can”(肯定)或“Sorry, you cant”(否定), 也只有C项符合题意,A,B,D项均属典型的“上词下用” 现象,而且D项中的“No wonder”意思为“难怪 ”,更是 和题干内容相差甚远。,“二忌”中文思维,请看下例: Do you think its going to rain over the weekend? _. A.I

4、 dont believe B.I dont believe it C.I believe not so D.I believe not 【解析】以Do you think?这样的句子来提问,用D项来回答表示否定,显然不符合中文的表达习惯,这也正是许多考生选了A、B、C项的原因。另一个更常见的失误是套用中国文化模式。违背英语国家的思维方式和文化习俗,这属于文化方面的“负迁移”。,“三忌”直接回绝,情景对话题不同于语法选择题,语法上正确的,汉语 上讲得通的不一定是正确答案。情景对话的正确 回答必须遵循“委婉、客气、礼貌”的原则,被询问 者要根据实际情况作出回答。请看以下例子: -I didnt

5、know this was a one-way street,officer. - _ A.Thats all right. B.I dont believe you. C.How dare you say that?D.Sorry, but thats no excuse. 【解析】有可能误选B或C项,这是因为没有注意 到西方人生活,工作中交往的必要礼节,答话时过于 生硬,没有顾及他人感情。而正确答案D项正是在 充分考虑到说话双方的身份,彼此之间的关系以 及说话人的立场和态度的基础上做出的选择。,“四忌”答非所问,应该说答非所问的错误比较容易察觉,如果问话与答话的内容风牛马不相及的话,考生可

6、以迅速排除。但有时双方会话内容有所关联,但仔细推敲发现其实答语并不切题。最典型的例子是With pleasure和Its a pleasure。前者一般在事前回答,表示“非常愿意”。后者一般在事后回答,表示“不用客气”。 请看下例: Sorry, I couldnt come to the party. I was sick that day. _. A.I dont know that B. Thats all right C.Yes, well have another party D. No, the party wasnt held 【解析】A、B和D三项均明显地答非所问,与问句无关;

7、只有C项能够作出直接的答复。,知识精要 易错常考的日常交际用语集锦: 1.问候和应答 A:How are you doing? B:Fine,thank you./Just soso. A:Please remember me to your parents. B:Sure,I will. 2.介绍和应答 A:This is Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms.Brown. B:Hello!/How do you do?/Nice to meet you!,3.告别 See you (later)./Good night.(cf.Good evening.)/Nice seeing you. 4

8、.感谢和应答 A:Many thanks./Thanks for your help./I appreciate your help. B:Thats all right/OK./You are welcome. /Dont mention it./Its a pleasure. /My pleasure. (cf.With pleasure.用于回 答对方的求助或邀请),5.道歉和应答 A:I m sorry. B:Thats all right/OK./It doesnt matter./Never mind./Thats nothing. /Forget it. 6.邀请和应答 A:Wo

9、uld you like to.? B:Yes,Id love to./Yes,with pleasure. /Yes,its very kind/nice of you./Id love to,but I have other plans.,8.祝愿、祝贺和应答 A: Good luck!/Best wishes to you./Have a nice/good time./Congratulations!/Have a good journey!/ Happy birthday to you. B: Thank you. A: Happy New Year!/Merry Christmas

10、! B: The same to you.,7.请求允许和应答 A: Could I smoke here?/I wonder if I could smoke here. B: Yes/Certainly./Yes, do please./Of course you may./Thats OK/all right./Im sorry, but it is not allowed./Youd better not. A: Do you mind if I open the window? /Would you mind if I opened the window? B: Not at all

11、./Of course not./Certainly not./Im sorry, but youd better not.,9.提供帮助和应答 A: Can I help you?/Would you like some help? B: Thanks. That would be nice. /Yes, please./No, thank you all (just) the same./No, thank you anyway./Thats very kind of you, but I can manage it myself. A: What can I do for you? B:

12、 Id like to go to the No.3 Middle School.,10.约会 A: Shall we meet at 4:30?/Lets make it 4:00. B: All right. See you then. 11.打电话 A: Hello! May I speak to Tom? B: Hold on, please. A: Is that Mary speaking? B: She isnt here right now. Can I take a message for you?,12.就餐 A: Would you like some more meat

13、?/Help yourself to some more meat. B: Thank you. Ive had enough./Just a little, please. 13.看病 A: Whats the matter?/What seems to be the trouble? B: I dont feel like eating./ Ive got a cough./I feel terrible/bad./ I dont feel well./Ive got a pain here./It hurts here.,14.购物 A: What can I do for you?/M

14、ay/Can I help you? B: Id like to buy a dictionary. A: How about this one? B: Thats fine. Ill take it.,15.问路和应答 A: Excuse me. Wheres the post office? /Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the post office?/Is there any/a ? B: Go down this street. Turn right/left at the second crossing./Sorry, I dont

15、know. I am a stranger here.,16.谈论天气 A: Whats the weather like today?/Hows the weather in Beijing? B: Its fine/cloudy/windy/rainy, etc. /Its rather warm/cold/hot today, isnt it?,17.处理交际中的障碍 Pardon?/I beg your pardon./ Please say that again (more slowly)./What do you mean by.?/ Im sorry I cant follow

16、you. 18.提醒注意 You cant/mustnt smoke here./No smoking!/Wet floor!/Mind your head/step! /Take care!/Be careful!/Look out! You cant /couldnt/can never be too careful.,19.同意和不同意 Certainly./Sure./Of course./Yes, please. /Thats a good idea./I agree/I cant/couldnt agree more (with you )/I absolutely/completely agree with you . No,


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