高考英语二轮复习 第五部分 书面表达 专题二十五 图表类课件

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《高考英语二轮复习 第五部分 书面表达 专题二十五 图表类课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语二轮复习 第五部分 书面表达 专题二十五 图表类课件(29页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题二十五 图表类,-2-,考情概览 图表类写作是将统计的数据或被说明的内容直接用图表形式展示出来。它要求考生对数据、文字内容进行分析,系统准确地表达其含义和内容,并得出令人信服的结论。图表类写作除了以表格形式出现外,还常以曲线图、流程图、柱形图、数据表格及平面图解形式出现。这类写作形式需要考生通过观察和分析图表,提炼要点,然后围绕图表所要求阐述的中心话题组织语言。 图表类作文所涉及的题材通常是与考生、家庭及社会相关的热点话题,为考生所熟悉的场景。体裁以说明文和议论文为主。考生需要看懂图表,并将有关图表信息转换为文字形式,这就要求考生具有一定的数据分析能力和材料归纳能力。,-3-,一、图表类写

2、作的技巧 要求考生根据题干中提供的图表、数据及标题进行分析研究,提炼和确定文章的中心与主题,弄清各信息点之间的关系,抓住图表中所反映出的共同规律和不同之处,然后逐条进行分析、概括和归纳。 1.审读图表 写作前应对图表进行认真审读,对于表格类写作,应能读懂表格,明确提示要点及其包含的细节;而对于以图表形式出现的写作则应分析其提供的数据和其中的文字内容,弄清各数据之间的关系,明确写作的中心和主题。,-4-,2.谋篇布局 图表类作文常可使用三段式写作模式。 第一段:叙述所给图表的具体内容; 第二段:分析图表所述内容产生的原因; 第三段:得出结论,说明存在的问题或给出解决办法,也可能会写未来的发展方向

3、。 3.遣词造句 图表类作文也可使用一些常用的句式。例如: The chart/table/graph above shows the differences between.and. From the chart/table/graph we can see clearly that. The chart gives us an overall picture of the.The first thing we notice is that. We believe that three reasons can account for this phenomenon.,-5-,二、几种常见的图

4、表类写作形式 (一)数字图表类 1.基本结构 图表类作文常采用以下三个步骤: (1)开门见山,点明主题。点明图表所反映的主题或问卷调查的结果;或点明你要展开阐述的话题。 (2)呈现数据,分析原因。呈现调查所得数据、结果,阐明必要的理由或原因;或分析数据间的主要差异及趋势。要特别注意层次。 (3)归纳总结或发表评论。 此外,写作时还要注意:(1)图表和数据内容不必全部描述;善于抓住总的规律、趋势,归纳增减率;表示过去特定的时间用过去时,经常出现的情况或自己的评述用一般现在时;(2)切忌写成“填表题”、“一对一直译”、“句式单一”或遗漏要点。,-6-,2.语句模板 (1)段首常用语 The gra

5、ph/chart/table above shows. From the above graph/chart,it can be seen that. As is shown in the graph,. It has been shown from the table that. (2)段中常用语 There was a great/slight increase/rise in. The rate dropped slightly from 38% in.to 31% in. Statistics show a 20% rise/reduction in traffic accidents

6、 compared with last year. The population owning mobile phones increased by 10% in 2015.,-7-,(3)段尾常用语 In a word/In short,. Generally speaking,. In summary,it is important. From what has been discussed above,we can draw the conclusion that. I suggest the government take effective measures to. Personal

7、ly,I think.,for.,-8-,3.写作模板 As is shown/illustrated by the figures/percentages in the table/picture/pie chart, has been on the rise/decrease,significantly/dramatically from in to in . From the sharp rise/decline in the chart,it goes without saying that . There are at least two good reasons accountin

8、g for .On the one hand, .On the other hand, is due to the fact that .In addition, is responsible for .Maybe there are some other reasons to show .But it is generally believed that the reasons mentioned above are commonly convincing. As far as I am concerned,I hold the point of view that .I am sure m

9、y opinion is both sound and well-grounded.,-9-,4.满分范文 最近,有关研究机构对北京雾霾的主要起因进行了研究,结果如下图所示。请你根据下表的内容,为校报的英语专栏写一篇稿件,介绍这项调查的内容,并针对如何抗击雾霾发表你的看法。,注意:词数100左右。,-10-,范文: This pie chart shows what is to blame for fog and haze that has frequently hit Beijing since last year.As we can see,burning coal produces 40

10、% of the pollutants and emissions and vehicles make up 25%.Besides,dust from construction and others accounts for 22%.And 13% of the pollutants result from cooking. The chart sends us a message:Air pollution is closely related to our daily life.When we consume fossil fuels such as coal and petrol,a

11、large number of emissions are given off,which pollute the air.In recent years,as the number of private cars has been keeping increasing,air pollution is getting worse. It is clear that we should change our way of life to reduce the emissions of fossil fuels.,-11-,(二)文字图表类 1.基本结构 近几年来高考文字图表类写作题以文字的形式

12、给出提示,以说明文和议论文为主要体裁,并往往融合在应用文体中进行考查,一般分为场所路线介绍、事物介绍、方式方法或计划安排介绍三大类。它是用简洁明快的语言来解说事物、阐明事理的一种文体。主要特点是结构清晰,文章多采用“主题主体结束语”的三段式写作手法。写作时应遵循以下几个步骤: (1)仔细审题,明确说明对象,抓住要说明或阐明的事物或事理的主要特征。 (2)选择合理的说明或论证顺序(时间顺序、空间顺序或逻辑顺序)分层次进行说明,注意条理清晰。 (3)选择恰当的方法,比如定义法、举例法、比较法和细节描述法等,注意不要遗漏主要内容。,-12-,(4)根据内容确定过渡词和恰当的句型结构。文字应客观、简洁

13、、明了,不要追求华丽,也不要加入太多个人观点。基本时态是一般现在时,为强调客观性,语言表述多用客观性动词,如seem,there be,maybe等;多用被动语态,多用书面语、长句、复合句。,-13-,2.语句模板 (1)表示方位、路线的常用语: .is located at the foot of/by the side of.,to the east of.and to the north of. In front of it is.,with.on its left and.on its right. Turning to the left,you will see.,behind wh

14、ich is. Walking past.,the building that appears in front of you is. Along the road are lines of trees,from which students can find shade from the hot sun. On your left lies a(n).,with all kinds of.in it. Next to the door against the wall there is a(n).,in which we sit to watch TV every evening.,-14-

15、,(2)阐明事物的特点或优势的常用语: .is a new kind of.produced by.,which is. Made of.,it is light,small,and easy to carry. .containing many top and new techniques.is famous for its excellent quality and reasonable price. China is a large country with a long history and large population. It is rich in natural resour

16、ces such as coal and gold and has mild weather. Built in the 16th century,the castle has witnessed too much coming and going in history.,-15-,(3)说明做某事的具体方法的常用语: Nowadays it is common to use.,but not knowing how to use. As is known to all,it is important to. With the development of.,there is an increasing need for people to know how to. There are several steps to follow./Here are some tips. The first thing to do is. Although.is important,all the efforts you ha


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