高考英语二轮复习 高考题型组合练8 阅读理解+阅读理解+书面表达

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1、廉政文化是社会主义文化建设的重要组成部分,是在我国五千多年文明历史发展过程中形成的博大精深的中华文化,是中华民族的传统美德高考题型组合练8阅读理解阅读理解书面表达.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A(2017莱州一中高三模拟)Though Ayn Rand died more than twenty-five years ago,many Americans still argue about her.People also continue to talk about her ideas and her interesting life.As a y

2、oung child,Alisa loved books.She began to write her own stories,when she was only seven.She took classes in politics,history,law and writing.In 1926,she traveled to the United States and decided she would never leave.She also decided to change her name to“Ayn Rand”Newly named,Rand moved to Hollywood

3、,California to work in the movie business.Throughout the 1930s,she published two books,but did not earn much critical or popular recognition.Then,in 1943,Rands famous book The Fountainhead was published.It took her seven years to write the novel.Twelve publishers rejected the book.However,a man name

4、d Archibald Ogden loved the story and convinced the Bobbs-Merrill company to publish it.The Fountainhead became a huge SUCCESS around the world.It has sold more than six million copies.It continues to sell about one hundred thousand copies each year.The Fountainhead tells the story of a young buildi

5、ng designer named Howard Roark.Roark wants to build interesting,modern-looking buildings.However,most people only want to see traditional designs.Roark loves designing and building more than anything in the world.But he refuses to compromise and make buildings he hates.Several people work against Ro

6、ark and his goals.But in the end,Roark succeeds.The Fountainhead is an unusual novel for many reasons.It is more than 700 pages long,far longer than most books people read for entertainment.More importantly,it also includes discussions of philosophy,which are not usually found in popular books.Most

7、critics did not like The Fountainhead.But readers loved it.In 1949,it was made into a popular movie.She lived quietly in New York City until she died in 1982.She is still one of the most loved,and hated American thinkers and writers.【语篇解读】本文介绍Ayn Rand,尽管她25年前去世,但是许多美国人仍然在为她争论。同时人们也继续谈论她的想法和她的有趣的生活。1

8、When did Alisa decide to change her name to Ayn Rand?AWhen she began to write her own stories.BWhen she decided to settle in the US.CWhen she took classes in politics and writing.DWhen she moved to Hollywood,California.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中“In 1926,she traveled to the United States and decided she would n

9、ever leave.She also decided to change her name toAyn Rand”可知当她决定定居在美国的时候,她决定改名字。故选B。答案:B2Which of the following is true of Rands famous book The Fountainhead?AIt cost the author eight years to complete.BIt was loved by all the twelve publishers.CIt was finally published by Archibald Ogden.DIt was a

10、great success around the world.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中“The Fountainhead became a huge SUCCESS around the world.”可知D项正确。答案:D3What can we learn about Howard Roark?AHe wants to build interesting,traditional buildings.BHe loves designing and building anything in the world.CHe has to give in and make buildings h

11、e hates.DHe achieves his goals and eventually gains success.解析:细节理解题。根据第四段最后两句“Several people work against Roark and his goals.But in the end,Roark succeeds”可知他实现了自己的目标,最后获得成功。故选D。答案:D4The Fountainhead is an unusual novel mainly because_Ait is far longer than most books for entertainmentBit was well

12、-received by most critics and readersCit also includes discussions of philosophyDit was made into a popular TV play in 1949 解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“More importantly,it also includes discussions of philosophy,which are not usually found in popular books”可知主要是因为它还包括哲学的讨论。故选C。答案:CB(2017广州高三模拟)The sun was ris

13、ing when Daryls delivery truck reached the highway.This was the best time of day to drive,when the roads were wide open and empty.He felt sure he was going to make it to Los Angeles before midnight.It looked like it was going to be a good day.Then he saw it,a large lump in the middle of the road.Dar

14、yl often passed dead animals on the roadside but he knew that this was something different.He slammed on his brakes and the truck screeched to a halt.The lump was a girl.He tried shaking her awake but she wouldnt move,so he picked her up and carried her to the side of the road.At least she wouldnt b

15、e run over there.Now she was someone elses problem.He had to make it to Los Angeles by midnight and didnt have time to be a hero.He climbed back into his truck but as he looked in his mirror and saw the girl lying still by the side of the road,he knew he couldnt leave her.Daryl put her into his truc

16、k and drove to the next town.An hour later he pulled up at the police station.After explaining what had happened,he prepared to leave,only for the policeman to say that he needed to make a report.Daryl knew this would take several hours,but he had no choice.There was no way hed get to Los Angeles on time now.Three hours later the report was done and the


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