高考英语二轮复习 书面表达针对练(八)简讯 报道

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《高考英语二轮复习 书面表达针对练(八)简讯 报道》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语二轮复习 书面表达针对练(八)简讯 报道(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、廉政文化是社会主义文化建设的重要组成部分,是在我国五千多年文明历史发展过程中形成的博大精深的中华文化,是中华民族的传统美德书面表达针对练(八)简讯/报道题目要求(2017云南省昆明市高三复习教学质量检测)假定你是李华,应约为某英文网站写一则简讯,报道你校今天刚结束的中文诗词大赛(Chinese Poetry Contest)。内容包括:1目的(鼓励学习诗词文化);2形式(朗读、背诵);3结果。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_四步作文法第一步审题谋篇1体裁简讯/报道2时态一般过去时为主3人称第三人称第二步要点要全1今天我们学校成功地举办了中文诗词大赛。A Chine

2、se Poetry Contest was_successfully_held_in_our_school today.2这个比赛,为鼓励学生更多地了解传统的中国诗歌文化,吸引了几乎全校的师生。The contest attracted_almost_all_the_students_and_teachers in our school. It aimed to encourage_students_to_know_more_about traditional Chinese poetry culture.3来自不同班级的二十名学生参加比赛。Twenty students from_diffe

3、rent_classes_competed with each other.4他们的演出,包括朗读、背诵诗歌,给在场观众留下了深刻的印象。Their performances, including_reading_poems_aloud and reciting poems from memory, deeply_impressed_the_audience_present.5显而易见,他们对这个比赛做了充分的准备。Obviously, all of them had_made_good_preparations_for the contest.6最后,校长给获胜者颁奖。Finally, th

4、e headmaster awarded_prizes_to_the_winners.7通过参加这种活动,学生已更多地了解中国诗歌和传统文化。By attending activities of this kind, students have_learned_a_lot_about_Chinese_poetry_and_traditional_culture.第三步句式要美1句2合并升级为定语从句The_contest,_which_aimed_to_encourage_students_to_know_more_about_traditional_Chinese_poetry_cultur

5、e,_attracted_almost_all_the_students_and_teachers_in_the_school.2句5升级为主语从句It_is_obvious_that_all_of_them_had_made_good_preparations_for_the_contest.第四步衔接要顺A Chinese Poetry Contest was successfully held in our school today. The contest, which aimed to encourage students to know more about traditional

6、 Chinese poetry culture, attracted almost all the students and teachers in the school.Twenty students from different classes competed with each other. Their performances, including reading poems aloud and reciting poems from memory, deeply impressed the audience present. It was obvious that all of t

7、hem had made good preparations for the contest. Finally, the headmaster awarded prizes to the winners.By attending activities of this kind, students have learned a lot about Chinese poetry and traditional culture.改写两用这是根据本题目学生完成的一篇习作,文中有10处错误,请改正。To encourage students to learn more about traditional

8、 Chinese poetry culture, our school hold a Chinese Poetry Contest today.Such fascinating and interesting was the contest that they attracted almost all the students and teachers in our school. Every competitor made good preparation for the contest and took a active part in it. During the contest, al

9、l the competitors were asked to read the poems aloud and recite poems from memory. Their performance left a deep impression on the audience present. Finally, Li Hua, whom is enthusiastic about Chinese culture, especial Chinese poetry was awarded the first prize.It is obviously that students have had

10、 a deeper understanding about Chinese Poetry or Chinese culture by joining activities of this kind.答案:To encourage students to learn more about traditional Chinese poetry culture, our school a Chinese Poetry Contest today. fascinating and interesting was the contest that attracted almost all the stu

11、dents and teachers in our school. Every competitor made good for the contest and took active part in it. During the contest, all the competitors were asked to read the poems aloud and recite poems from memory. Their performance left a deep impression on the audience present. Finally, Li Hua, is enthusiastic about Chinese culture, Chinese poetry was awarded the first prize.It is that students have had a deeper understanding about Chinese Poetry Chinese culture by joining activities of this kind.廉政文化进校园、进教材、进课堂。这是培养大学生廉洁自律,实现民族伟大复兴的战略举措。是新时期全面建成小康社会的需要


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