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1、廉政文化是社会主义文化建设的重要组成部分,是在我国五千多年文明历史发展过程中形成的博大精深的中华文化,是中华民族的传统美德一轮复习英语模拟试题03第I卷(选择题)听力(略)一、单项选择(题型注释)1Can those_at the back of the classroom hear me?No problem.AseatBsitCseatedDsat2Janes pale face suggested that she_ill,and her parents suggested that she_a medical examination.Abe;should haveBwas;haveCs

2、hould be;hadDwas;has3She knows nothing about her new neighbor_he moved into the building last Sunday.Aexcept thatBexceptCapart fromDbesides4After he retired from office,Royers_painting for a while,but soon lost interest.Atook upBsaved upCkept upDdrew up5When it was his turn to deliver his speech,_,h

3、e walked towards the microphone.Anervously and embarrassinglyBnervous and embarrassedlyCnervously and embarrassingDnervous and embarrassed6_with so much trouble,we failed to complete the task on time.AFacedBFaceCFacingDTo face7Tangjialing was, until recently, _ home to about 50,000 members of _ant t

4、ribe low-income graduates, often born and raised in other cities.A. 不填; a B. a; the C. 不填; the D. a; a 8I have enough drinking water but _ to waste. A. nothing B. allC. none D. enough9The committee accepted his proposal that a conference be held _ to deal with the issues arising in the course.A.ever

5、y the second month B.each second month C.every a few months D.every other month10You couldnt have chosen any gift better for me. _. A. Im sorry I cant let you be satisfied.B. Thats all right. Ill give you a better one next time.C. Im glad you like it so much. D. You have a gift for music, dont you?

6、11It was _ the presidents speech that the secretary spent the whole morning at home.Ato prepareBpreparing Cprepared Dbe prepared12 It will be only 7 months before we take the college entrance examinationTime flies! _A.A light heart lives long.B.We have time on our side.C. Many heads are better than

7、one.D. Every minute counts.13BP announced Thursday that oil has stopped leaking into the Gulf of Mexico ,_ a few Americans think is untrue.A.where B.what C.which D.that14Passed from father to son, the music has not changed for eight centuries,and among the richer Naxi people, _ knowledge of this mus

8、ic showed that you were _real gentleman.A. a; aB. the, 不填C.不填;aD. the; the15I am thinking of the test tomorrow. I am afraid I cannot pass this time._! I am sure you will make it. A. Go ahead B. Good luck C. No problem D. Cheer up 二、完型填空(题型注释)You and I have principles. And we also have opinions. I ha

9、ve opinions about what I think is 36 or wrong, good or bad. But theyre only 37 -I could be wrong! I wont try to 38 my life around my opinions, but I will try to 39 my principles.A 15-year-old boy learned a(n) 40 lesson about principles. On his way home he found a 41 that contained $127 and the owner

10、s identification. 42 hesitation, he hopped(快速跳) onto his bicycle and went over to the owners 43 -about a mile away. He told her that he had 44 her wallet and she gave him a big hug and twenty dollars.That evening the boy told his parents about what had happened. However, his father said, “I dont thi

11、nk you should have 45 $20 for doing what you should do. A person shouldnt be 46 for being honest.”.He thought about his fathers 47 and decided he would return the money. He returned to the ladys home and 48 her back the twenty dollars. She didnt want to take it, but he told her she 49 to , for his f

12、ather pointed out 50 to him that he had never 51 before.When principles 52 our decisions and actions, we actually change. These great principles 53 our lives and make us into persons of character. That boy is 54 to be raised by a wise father who had the 55 to say, “Those are my principles.”16A. righ

13、t B.mistaken C. good D.bad17A.decisions B. opinions C. suggestions D.wishes 18A.waste B.share C. build D.risk19A.follow B. make C.advertise D. change20A.difficult B.easy C.funny D.valuable21A.bag B.box C.wallet D.suitcase22A.Without B.In C.About D.For23A.factory B.school C.office D.house24A.found B.checked C.searched D.threw25A.received B.supplied C.acceptedD.borrowed26A.blamed B.rewarded C.praised D.forgotten27A.worries B.actions C.excuses D.words28A.set B.put C.gaveD.took29A.planned B.had C.preferred D.attempted30A.anything B



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