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1、GROOMING IN MARRIOTT 仪容仪表在万豪,By the end of the course, you will be able to: 在本次培训结束之际,你将能够: Importance of the grooming standard 说出仪容仪表的重要性 Explain the standard grooming 阐述出酒店员工仪容仪表标准 Please list the hygiene standard of the staff 列举出员工的个人卫生所注意的有哪些,Objective课程目标,First Impression 第一印象 Gain credibility

2、获取信任 Create personal relationship 建立个人情谊 Represent the company 代表公司,1st Step in Marriott 迈入万豪第一步,Appearance 仪容:通常是指人的外观、外貌。重点是指人的容貌。,WHAT IS GROOMING 什么是仪容仪表?,Manner 仪表:即人的外表,包括举止、姿态、风度等。,Hairs头发 Clean and dandruff-free 清洁无头屑 Well-trimmed and well-combed 修剪、梳理整齐 Hair length that is below neck level

3、must be banned with a plain black hair clip/ribbon. 过颈长发应使用简朴的黑色发夹或丝带盘结于脑后。,Guideline for Female Employee 员工仪表(女),The fringe must not cover the face while bowing. 低头时,头发不应遮住脸。 Hair must not be dyed in any other light color 不许将头发染成浅色 Employees working in the Kitchen may be required to put on special

4、headgear. 在厨房工作的员工可能被要求穿戴工作帽。,Guideline for Female Employee 员工仪表(女),Guideline for Female Employee 员工仪表(女),Face 面部 Maintain a clean face. 保持面部清洁。 Color and shade of make-up must be gentle. 化妆的颜色及眼影的使用须行当。 No heavy make- up. 不允许化浓妆。 Light lipstick should be applied. 使用淡色口红。,Uniform 制服 Uniform must be

5、clean and well ironed. 工服应干净,并熨烫平整。 No rips, stains or dirt. 无破损、污迹或灰尘。 No loose or missing buttons. 无松扣或掉扣。 No visible T-shirt under the uniform. 内穿T恤不能露出饭店工装。 Uniform must be full and proper. 工服应完整,穿戴整齐。,Guideline for Female Employee 员工仪表(女),Guideline for Female Employee 员工仪表(女),Stockings 袜子 Stock

6、ings should be worn by all employees who wear skirts. 穿裙子的员工需穿戴长筒袜。 Skin color stocking. 应穿肉色丝袜。 Well taken care and not tattered. Visible holes are not permitted. 丝袜应完好,无脱丝。 Shoes 鞋 Standard shoes approved by the Hotel. 员工须穿着经酒店 批准的标准式样的鞋。 Clean and well- polished. 清洁并保持光泽。,Hair 头发 Simple and neat

7、hair cut, not touching the ears or collar. 简洁的发型,头发不应超过耳部和衣领。 Clean and dandruff-free 清洁无头屑 Well- combed. Gel can be applied when need. 梳理整齐,如果需要可以用嗜喱水。 Hair mustnt be dyed in light color except black. 不许染发,黑色除外。,Guideline for Male Employee 员工仪表(男),Shirt 衬衫 Collar and ends of sleeves must be clean.

8、保持衣领及袖口整洁。 Top of collar and ends of sleeve must not be frayed. 衣领及袖口无磨损。 All buttons must be properly attached. 钮扣齐全。 Well- ironed. 熨烫平整。,Guideline for Male Employee 员工仪表(男),Necktie 领带 Must match with the uniform color and design, or as directed. 必须与公司制服在颜色及风格上相搭配或者与指定款式相同。 Not soiled or dirty. 干净无

9、污点。 Must be properly tied with the knot in proper position. 领带必须打结得体,领结位置适中。,Guideline for Male Employee 员工仪表(男),Socks 袜子 Not loose and falling. 不松弛,脱落。 Visible holes are not permitted. 无破损。 Plain black color,white color in Fitness Center 单黑色袜子,在健身房穿白色袜子 Change everyday and must not be smelly. 每日更换,

10、以便不发出异味。 Shoes 鞋 Standard shoes approved by the Hotel. 员工须穿着经酒店批准的标准式样的鞋。 Clean and well- polished. 清洁并保持光泽。,Guideline for Male Employee 员工仪表(男),Mouth 嘴巴 No food remains stuck in- between teeth and is kept odour free. 口腔清洁,无异味,齿缝无食物残渣。 No bad breath. 无口臭。,We all need to pay attention! 我们都要注意!,Name B

11、adge 名牌 Name badge is part of your uniform 名牌是你制服的一部分 Please where them on the left at chest-height 请将其佩戴在左胸,齐胸高度 Name should be visible and not faded 名字应清晰可见,未出现褪色,We all need to pay attention! 我们都要注意!,Hands, Fingernails 手/指甲 Keep hands clean. 双手保持清洁。 Nail polish should be colorless, wear no polish

12、 in kitchen. 指甲油应为无色,最好不用指甲光亮剂。 Fingernails must be kept shout and clean, well-manicured. 指甲须剪短及保持清洁。,We all need to pay attention! 我们都要注意!,Accessories 饰物 only wedding ring can be wore on your hand. 只可佩戴一枚婚戒 For safety & hygiene reasons, Kitchen and Stewarding staff are not allowed to wear. 鉴于安全的卫生的

13、关系,厨房和管事部的员工不不准戴戒指。 Necklace must not be displayed ostentatiously. 项链不可显耀地佩戴在外。 Earrings must simple, small and not dangling. 允许戴简单的、小的、不晃动的耳钉,We all need to pay attention! 我们都要注意!,Others 其它 Heavy perfume must not be used. 不应使用浓郁的香水。 Bunch of keys must not be hung on the belt. 不许将钥匙挂在腰带间。 Writing in

14、struments or combs should not be placed in the external chest pocket. 笔具或梳子不应置于上衣胸部外的口袋内。,We all need to pay attention! 我们都要注意!,Kitchen 厨房 Hats must be worn at all times. 时刻佩戴工作帽。 Hair must washed everyday. 每天清洗头发。 No jewelry of any sort allowed. 不允许佩戴任何装饰物。 Must wear kitchen shoes/boots. 必须穿着厨房的鞋或靴

15、子。,If you are a chef 如果您是一名厨师,Avoid garlic, onions, strong spicy smelling food before reporting to work 工作前不允许吃蒜,大葱及某些刺激性气味 较强的食品。,Personal Hygiene 个人卫生标准,Keep your fingernails clean, short and rounded and dirt free. 保持指甲干净、整齐,无污物。,Hands must be washed after each visit to the toilet, before and after meals and handling of food. 饭前便后及接触食物前要洗手。 No protruding nasal hair. 鼻毛不可露出鼻孔外。,Personal Hygiene 个人卫生标准,You stand for our hotel 你代表了酒店,



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