高中英语 每日一题(第02周)take it easy和run out的用法试题(含解析)新人教版选修6

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高中英语 每日一题(第02周)take it easy和run out的用法试题(含解析)新人教版选修6_第1页
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《高中英语 每日一题(第02周)take it easy和run out的用法试题(含解析)新人教版选修6》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 每日一题(第02周)take it easy和run out的用法试题(含解析)新人教版选修6(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、廉政文化是社会主义文化建设的重要组成部分,是在我国五千多年文明历史发展过程中形成的博大精深的中华文化,是中华民族的传统美德take it easy和run out 高考频度:难易程度:1. (2015福建)Hi, Dr Brown!Im a little early. Should I wait outside? No.A.Thats rightB.My pleasureC.Come on inD.Take it easy【参考答案】C2. My money_ . Could you please lend me some?A. has run out of B. has run outC.

2、was run out of D. has been run out【参考答案】B【试题解析】考查动词时态。run out用光,耗尽,是不及物动词短语,所以无被动语态,主语一般是物,而run out of虽然也表达相同的意思,但是它是及物动词短语,主语一般是人。故选B。【易混辨析】run out/run out ofrun out是不及物动词短语,通常以物作主语,意为贮存的某物或供应品被耗尽, 同give out;run out of是及物动词短语,常以人作主语,意为耗尽,用光(贮存物、供应品等), 同use up。【归纳拓展】run after 追赶;追逐 run across 偶然遇见ru

3、n into 撞上;偶然遇到1. Frank, Ive learned about your plan.May I make some suggestions? _.A. Just for fun B. Take it easyC. With pleasure D. Go right ahead2.Could you be so kind as to post the letter for me? _.A. Thats right B. With pleasureC. Its my treat D. Take it easy3. Sorry! Im afraid that I cant go

4、to the magic show by David Copperfield with you. .A. It doesnt matter.B. Do as you like.C. What a shame.D. Take it easy.4. I feel nervous when taking an exam. and you can do it well.A. Take it easy B. Take your time C. Good luck D. Its up to you5. With food and drink _ , the prisoner had to walk out

5、 of the cave where he was hiding. which is wrong?A. used up B. run outC. running out D. run out of2. B【解析】考查情景交际。A. Thats right 那是对的; B. With pleasure愉快地;C. Its my treat 今天我请客; D. Take it easy别紧张。上句:你是如此地善良会为我邮这封信吗?下句:很乐意。可知答案为B。3. C【解析】考查交际用语。What a shame!真遗憾。句意:抱歉,安,我恐怕不能和你一起去看刘谦的魔术表演了!真遗憾,谁知道他下次来要等什么时候呢?故选。5. B【解析】句意:饮料和食物都用完了,囚犯只好走出他躲藏的山洞。考查with复合结构,with+宾语+宾语补足语,run out是不及物的,不能用被动,可以用running out; the food and drink 和run out of 是被动的关系,所以用with sth.done结构,故run out of正确;use up是及物的,和drink and food是被动关系,用used up。故选B。进步从总结开始! 廉政文化进校园、进教材、进课堂。这是培养大学生廉洁自律,实现民族伟大复兴的战略举措。是新时期全面建成小康社会的需要


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