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1、设计美学 环艺1班 201078250621 尹晨帆 18674889066,建筑大师 Constructor,安东尼高迪(Antonio Gaudi,1852-1926) : 西班牙建筑师,塑性建筑流派的代表人物,属于新艺术建筑风格。高迪曾就学于巴塞罗那省立建筑学校高迪不仅是西班牙建筑史中最伟大的人物,也是现代设计运动中最关键的设计大师之一,尤其在二战以后,高迪更是成为后现代建筑师,设计师的导师之首。,安东尼高迪,西班牙现代建筑的开拓者,在国际上享有很高的地位,早年的创作吸收了摩尔、哥特和巴洛克风格,后来就转向独立的创造。,他和当地的产业主古埃尔等共同奋斗为振兴加泰隆文化而奋斗。高迪的建筑作

2、品有17项被西班牙列为国家级文物,3项被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。,其设计表现加泰罗尼亚自然山丘的地形特色,擅长利用动态的波浪形象,看似没有规则,实际内部的骨架却采用了理性平衡结构。,1883年开始,他放弃其他工作,专门从事萨格拉达教堂(圣家族大教堂)的修造,直至1926年死于车祸,仍未完成,高迪留下的建筑不少,除萨格拉达教堂之外,他的古埃尔公园、米拉公寓和巴特罗公寓,都带有一种神秘的色彩,带给人很亲切的感觉。,Spanish architects, plastic construction school representative personage. Once went to s

3、chool in Barcelonan Provincially established Construction School, after the graduation the initial period work approximate magnificent Victoria type, latter used the historical style, is mainstream which the elder brother especially replied is popular. Of Antonio Gaudi accepts most early the main re

4、quest project is completes Barcelonas sacred family church (1883-1926), this is one has extremely the individuality and the power building (Antonio Gaudi died when only completes one of an ear hall and four turrets), the rice pulls the apartment, the Pakistan Trow apartment, lucky Egypt you the chur

5、ch and occupies Egypt you the park.,代表作 Magnum Opus,Gauds professional life was distinctive in that he never ceased to investigate mechanical building structures. Early on, Gaud was inspired by oriental arts (India, Persia, Japan) through the study of the historicist architectural theoreticians, suc

6、h as Walter Pater, John Ruskin and William Morris. The influence of the Oriental movement can be seen in works like the Capricho, the Gell Palace, the Gell Pavilions and the Casa Vicens. Later on, he adhered to the neo-Gothic movement that was in fashion at the time, following the ideas of the Frenc

7、h architect Viollet-le-Duc. This influence is reflected in the Colegi de les Teresianes, the bishops palace in Astorga, the Casa Botines and the Bellesguard house as well as in the crypt and the apse of the Sagrada Famlia. Eventually, Gaud embarked on a more personal phase, with the organic style in

8、spired by nature in which he would build his major works.,Gauds first projects were the lampposts he designed for the Plaa Reial in Barcelona, the unfinished Girossi newsstands, and the Cooperativa Obrera Mataronense (Workers Cooperative of Matar) building. He gained wider recognition for his first

9、important commission, the Casa Vicen, and subsequently received more significant proposals. At the Paris Worlds Fair of 1878 Gaud displayed a showcase he had produced for the glove manufacturer Comella. Its functional and aesthetic modernista design impressed Catalan industrialist Eusebi Gell, who t

10、hen commissioned some of Gauds most outstanding work: the Gell wine cellars, the Gell pavilions, the Palau Gell (Gell palace), the Park Gell (Gell park) and the crypt of the church of the Colnia Gell. Gaud also became a friend of the marquis of Comillas, the father-in-law of Count Gell, for whom he

11、designed “El Capricho“ in Comillas.,Equally, Gaud stood out as interior decorator, decorating most of his buildings personally, from the furnishings to the smallest details. In each case he knew how to apply stylistic particularities, personalising the decoration according to the owners taste, the p

12、redominant style of the arrangement or its place in the surroundingswhether urban or natural, secular or religious. Many of his works were related to liturgical furnishing. From the design of a desk for his office at the beginning of his career to the furnishings designed for the Sobrellano Palace o

13、f Comilles, he designed all furnishing of the Vicens, Calvet, Batll and Mil houses, of the Gell Palace and the Bellesguard Tower, and the liturgical furnishing of the Sagrada Famlia. It is noteworthy that Gaud studied some ergonomy in order to adapt his furnishings to human anatomy. Many of his furn

14、ishings are exhibited at Gaud Museum.,Gauds work is normally classed as modernista, and it belongs to this movement because of its eagerness to renovate without breaking with tradition, its quest for modernity, the ornamental sense applied to works, and the multidisciplinary character of its underta

15、kings, where craftsmanship plays a central role. To this, Gaud adds a dose of the baroque, adopts technical advances and continues to use traditional architectural language. Together with his inspiration from nature and the original touch of his works, this amalgam gives his works their personal and

16、 unique character in the history of architecture.,Chronologically, it is difficult to establish guidelines that illustrate the evolution of Gauds style faithfully. Although he moved on from his initially historicist approach to immerse himself completely in the modernista movement which arose so vigorously in the last third of the 19th century in Catalonia, before finally attaining his personal, organic style, this process did not consist of clearly


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