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1、Tran,Transmit signal disease knowledge feeling Transition 时间过渡 Transfer position rights Transfuse 输血 Transform 改变外型或特征,减少,停止,Decline 数量 程度 Diminish reputation Dwindle Quit长期习惯smoking school, job Cease to Halt,处理,Dispose of (at your disposal) Discard vt. Dispense (indispensable) Discharge离职 (from hos

2、pital/放电卸货remove/排放emit) Dismiss开除 suspend,空,Bare room Barren hill Blank 片面的(mind) Empty 立体,人去楼空, life一无所有 Vacant 空的,可用的 Hollow中空的 cheek Bald hair,夺,强迫,invade,Deprive sb of (*derive from) Rob sb of Drain sb of Impose on Exert on Influence on Invade :the night is invading. 细菌 干涉,侵略,赋予权利,赞扬,Entitle to

3、 sth Authorize to Empower to Impart给予(*impartial) Compliment on Commend on Congratulate on,功劳,A contributes to B B attributes to A Thanks to Credit to (Credits go to )褒 Accredit to 褒 Ascribe to,防止,阻止,split,Split the bill 拼车 国家分裂 分手,明晰和模糊,Conspicuous Evident Apparent Dramatic Implicit Obscure难懂(反 con

4、cise简明) Ambiguous 模棱两可(反precise,accurate) Explicit Definite Specific about,偏爱与偏见,sb have a inclination for preference prejudice Prejudice against Protest against/at Bias Discrimination,想,Loom不确定,闪现 Linger 徘徊 Haunt想起,萦绕 Dwell on 自身老想着,plunge,Plunge into water into financial problem sb from power take

5、 the plunge into a dicision,转,Divert 转移 Invert 反转 Pervert 变态 Deviate偏离 Depart(ure)自己要离开 Deviation of standard 标准差,干扰,Distracted 干扰 Disturbed 不安(No disturbing,disturb the order) Distressed 痛苦 Interrupt 打断 Interfere with干扰,干涉 Intervene with 介入,扭,Distort扭曲(情感抽象) Twist 扭(具体),说,Yell /exclaim尖叫 Mutter喃喃自语

6、 Stutter/stammer结结巴巴 Moan 呻吟 Grumble抱怨,除去与补充,Eliminate淘汰 Terminate终止 Erase抹去 Supplement(ary) 补充 Compensate 补偿 complement 补益,overwhelm,The overwhelming majority The host overwhelmed the guest team Be overwhelmed by anger joy kindness,预期,断言与估计,Expect Anticipate Foresee Speculate about(略贬) Affirm自己断言 C

7、onfirm多方断言,证实 Assert oneself 突出自己 Presume Assume Suppose Assert Allerge it is d that,危及,Jeopardize Danger Hazard Pollute Contaminate frightdreadterrorpanichorror,妥协与坚持,Concede to Reconcile A with B(dream reality) Compromise on A is reconciled with B Stick to persist in Cling to persevere in (正式) Adh

8、ere to (正式),编,compile对已有编辑 fabricate Compose 原创 字典 A+B compose C,Issue,发行 期刊 发枪 gun 颁布,浸和混,Dip(dip-in source ) Soak淋湿,落汤鸡 Immerse沉浸 Submerge下沉 Mix 混而不合 Blend融合 (可指抽象) Mingle (可指抽象) Tangle with 卷入,繁荣与梦幻,Prosperity Flourish Thrive on (flattery拍马屁) Boom Boost Fantasy 白日梦 Fantastic Fancy car Fanciful 爱空

9、想的,漏,Ignore (oversee overlook) Neglect Omit (my name具体疏漏),冲突与刺激,Conflict with Clash Collide Motivation Stimulus incentive,迷惑,Confused Puzzled Bewildered Perplexed,P,Privilege Priority Prestige predominate Perception penetrate Perceive Prospective Prospect Prevail Permeate Process Application letter

10、is still being processed Procession Proceed with the case Procedure,relief,Pain-relief pill Poverty-relief project Relief of lands,维持,Sustain 动态持续 Maintain vigor Preserve Conserve自然,资源,健康 *attain达到,获得 detain拘禁,关于,相关,属,As for/to Regarding As regard to With regard to In terms of In matters of relative

11、 relevant内容相关 Related 牵连 Affiliate Subsidiary子公司 Subordinate下属 Accessory(时尚)配件,模仿,抓,Capture Seize (city)攻占没收 Grab 汉堡,位子 Grip铁爪,大局掌控 in the grip of the summer,Em,引起,Raise salary Rise Arousesleeper,passion,hatred induce诱使 trigger ,incur generate (heat,electricity,problem debate) Arise,Ex,Explore Explo

12、de爆炸 Exploit 利用开发 Explicit Elaborate 详尽 concise Exquisite (nearly perfect),Of词组,Suspicious of(skeptical about) Indicative of In quest of In persuit of By virtues of By means of In the vicinity of At the threshold of,harsh,Harsh voice competition life winter,Abandon,Abandon onesel to sth 纵情于 Abandon

13、the country for the beauty Self-abandoned Abandon the future,Up词组,Spring up (passion) build up Cover up Strike up a conversation,促进,Boost Consolidate government Intensify appreciation Reinforce加强 Propel Prompt Facilitate,光,Glow稳定的光 Glitter Glare 怒目 Flare 眼中充满怒火,范围,Scope抽象空间 Sphere球体,领域 (destructive

14、)range (large)scale,充足和多余,Sufficient (supply,time,money) (in)adequate(人) ability Abundant自然资源,life ample Redundant work force, surplus多余 Excessive 过剩,遵守与违背,Comply with Abide by Consist with Violate,回音,评估,Size up 已成型:Assess Evaluate appraise 未成型 reckon estimate,调整,Adjust to 手表,焦距,支出,数量 Adapt to Accom

15、modate to 外压 Tailor 心甘情愿 Gear Cater for/to Alter the cloth Modify the law Amend oneself Remedy bad habbit,RE,Recover Restore Recede Retreat Renew refresh Reclaim recycle,熟悉,Be acquainted with Make an acquaintance with Be proficient in,异,Distinguish from Distingushed Distinct (ion) Distinctive 有特色的,t

16、ense,Intense competion conflict feeling Intensive training labor-intensive industry,Justify,How can you justify yourself ? Ok, you are justified You are justified in doing sth,临时和永恒,Temporary, momentary Periodical 期刊,间歇 Phenomenal ,extraordinary Permanent External affection Everlasting 贬perpetual noise/complaint,Attach to,电话线 小标签 Attach myself to do ,take to doing sth Affiliated,利用,Draw on 利用 Exploit 开发,剥削,人工和自然,Artif


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