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1、听力理解,Chapter One Short conversations,8段对话 朗读一遍 13秒答题时间 要求能听懂英语国家人士的日常对话,能把握讨论的主题,抓住其中心大意或其中的要点,选出最佳答案。,Lecture 1 8类对话常涉场景,短对话涉及的场景十分广泛,但以贴近学生生活和学习的话题以及日常生活和工作的话题为主。,这类场景主要涉及学校和专业选择,注册入学,选课听课,讲座演讲,课余活动,借书还书,买书卖书,读书学习,住宿情况,同学交往,作业,论文,复习,考试等话题。 08-6-14 A) Review the details of all her lessons. B) Compa

2、re notes with his classmates. C) Talk with her about his learning problems. D) Focus on the main points of her lectures.,一、校园生活类,这类场景主要涉及购物消费,家务劳动,家庭财务,家庭关系,家庭分工,教育子女,邻里关系,恋爱结婚,日常闲谈,邮局或银行业务等话题。 06-12-11 A) Plan his budget carefully. B) Give her more information. C) Ask someone else for advice. D) Bu

3、y a gift for his girlfriend.,二、日常生活类,这类场景主要涉及学生假期兼职,毕业生找工作,招聘面试,工作压力,工作状态,工作态度,工作安排,工作目标,工作往来,职位任免,薪资福利,同事相处,开会出差等话题。 07-12-14 A) Have a short break. B) Take two weeks off. C) Continue her work outdoors. D) Go to vacation with the man.,三、职场工作类,这类场景主要涉及生病就医,健康状况,不良习惯,锻炼身体,健身减肥等话题。 07-12-15 A) He is t

4、aking care of his twin brother. B) He has been feeling ill all week. C) He is worried about Rods health. D) He has been in perfect condition.,四、医疗健康类,这类场景包括旅游和交通两方面内容,旅游方面主要涉及旅游前的准备,交通方式的选择,旅游地点,旅馆住宿,行程安排,旅游途中情况,旅游感受等话题;交通方面主要涉及交通方式比较,交通状况,交通法规,交通违章,交通事故,车或航班时刻,买票订票,接人送人,机场安检,托运行李等话题。 06-12-18 A) He

5、 turned suddenly and ran into a tree. B) He was hit by a fallen box from a truck. C) He drove too fast and crashed into a truck. D) He was trying to overtake the truck ahead of him.,五、旅游交通类,这类场景包括饮食和娱乐两方面内容,饮食方面主要涉及就餐邀请,就餐地点,就餐环境,食物偏好,食物选择,顾客投诉,点菜评菜以及就餐过程中可能发生的事情等话题;娱乐方面主要涉及娱乐项目,个人喜好,看电视,评价电视节目,观看评论

6、电影或演出等话题。 08-6-16 A) Extremely tedious. B) Hard to understand. C) Lacking a good plot. D) Not worth seeing twice.,六、饮食娱乐类,这类场景主要涉及租房买房,居住环境,装饰装修,房屋维修等话题。 新06-6-18 A) The woman cant tolerate any noise. B) The man is looking for an apartment. C) The man has missed his appointment. D) The woman is goin

7、g to take a train trip.,七、住房搬家类,这类场景主要涉及天气,气候,温度,环境以及其对人们的生活和出行造成的影响等话题。 05-12-5 A) Its worse than 30 years ago. B) It remains almost the same as before. C) There are more extremes in the weather. D) There has been a significant rise in temperature.,八、气候环境类,1. A) She is going to only one country of

8、Europe. B) She is leaving New York later this month. C) She is saving money for a trip abroad. D) She is going on a tour of the whole Europe. 2. A) The man would better apply himself directly. B) George knows the procedures better than she does. C) Its no use asking George about the ropes. D) George

9、 might not know how to apply a scholarship.,Exercise,3. A) $ 200. B) $ 300. C) $ 350. D) $ 450. 4. A) To tell him she is busy. B) To cancel her appointment with him. C) To invite him to go to the film. D) To ask him a question about her homework.,5. A) At the bus station. B) At a museum. C) Outside

10、a movie house. D) In the subway. 6. A) Shorter working hours. B) A promotion. C) A change of his job. D) More money.,7. A) Cold and clear. B) Cold and cloudy. C) Warm and clear. D) Warm and cloudy. 8. A) The woman lost her memory last year. B) The woman had trouble finding any one who knew her. C) T

11、he woman wanted other people to form a fair opinion of her. D) The woman was seriously wounded last winter.,Lecture 2 7种对话常提问题,从历年真题来看,四级听力短对话所提问题主要涉及7个方面的问题。对话内容不同,提问的角度和方式也不同,选项的形式也有所不同。,问题是关于谈话的一方或双方说了什么,所处状态,做某事的原因何在,结果 如何等。 常见提问方式: What do we learn from this conversation? What do we learn about

12、 the man/woman? What can be inferred from the conversation?,一、事实状况,1. 根据选项的特点判断问题类型 一般过去时或一般现在时 2. 正确选项一般不会是原文的细节再现 3. 注意捕捉选项中的关键词 4. 记录关键信息点 07-12-11 A) She used to be in poor health. B) She was popular among boys. C) She was somewhat overweight. D) She didnt do well at high school.,此类问题解题技巧,问题是关于谈

13、话的一方或双方做过,正在做,准备去做什么或一方建议另一方去做什么。 常见提问方式: What will the man/woman most probably do? What are the speakers probably going/trying to do? What does the woman suggest doing?,二、行为活动,1. 根据选项特点判断问题类型 动词短语形式:动词原型或动名词形式 2. 听音时留意对话中的动词,尤其注意与选项中 动词相关的信息 3. 注意表示请求,建议的短语或句式 07-12-11 A) To find out more about the

14、 topic for the seminar. B) To make a copy of the schedule for his friend. C) To get the seminar schedule for the woman. D) To pick up the woman from the library.,此类问题解题技巧,问题是关于谈话的一方对另一方或第三方的行为,品德,观点等的态度或评价。 常见提问方式: What does the woman/man feel about ()? What does the woman/man mean/imply? What does

15、the woman/man think of?,三、观点态度,1. 根据选项特点判断问题类型 think, believe, find, guess, imagine, consider, as far as I know 2. 熟悉表示观点态度的常见词语 赞成:approve, agree, share, prefer, wise, reasonable, favorable 反对:disapprove, disagree, unwise, ridiculous, foolish, childish 赞赏:admire, appreciate, think much of, think hi

16、ghly of 喜欢:love, enjoy, wonderful, fascinating, funny, be fond of, be keen on 厌烦:dislike, bored/boring, be tired of 关心:concerned, careful, care about 怨恨或生气:hate, hatred, angry, anger, irritated 害怕或担心:fearful, frightened, worried, nervous 批评或讽刺:critical, criticize, ironic, find fault with 失望或灰心:disappointed, discouraged 后悔或遗憾:regret, regretful, pity, shame 默然或热情:indifferent, detached, careless, enthusiastic 积极或消极:active, positive, negative 自信或自负:confident, arrogant, proud 乐观或悲观:optimist


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