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1、大学英语六级简答题,一、命题原则 简短回答题(Short Answer Question)旨在考核考生的阅读理解能力和语言表达能力。简答题选用的短文难度和长度与阅读理解文章相似,篇幅大约是370-420词。要求考生在阅读完短文后尽量用最少的词(可以是句子,也可以是单词或短语)回答个所提的问题或补足不完整的句子。 文章语言难度中等,超纲的生词用汉语注出词义。 短句回答的题干一般为原文的概括、提炼或改写。,二、考查重点 在考查阅读理解的基础上了解考生的英语表达能力和概括归纳能力。基础是阅读理解,但对阅读理解的要求更高。 考查的题型既有细节题和语义题,也有主旨题和推断题,还有总结归纳题。 考查考生能

2、否按照题目的要求运用语法知识和相关的写作方法把文中的答案信息处理成简短而准确的语言。,09年1月 47. While serving as a track coach, Bowerman tried to design running shoes that were lighter and more shock-absorbent. 原文: Bowerman was also known for experimenting with the design of running shoes in an attempt to make them lighter and more shock-abs

3、orbent. 50. In the early years of Nike, communication within the company was usually carried out informally. 原文: In its early years Communication was informal; ,语法规则 介词后使用名词或动名词 系动词后使用形容词或名词作表语 情态动词后使用动词原形 一些小的限定词如冠词、不定代词等后使用名词 及物动词后使用名词作宾语 副词修饰动词、形容词和副词,三、文章特点 1. 文章长度为370420个词之间; 2. 文章题材涉及: (1)人文类:

4、社会、文化、教育、历史、 文学、风俗、音乐等; (2)常识类:社会学、心理学、经济学等; (3)科普类:科技发展、科学新知、新技术 应用等。 3. 文章体裁一般为议论文或说明文。,四、简答题评分原则及标准 1. 评分原则 简答题要求考生在读懂文章的基础上,用正确简明的语言回答问题。在评分时,同时考虑内容和语言。每题满分为 2分,最低为0分。 2. 给分标准 2分答出全部内容,语言正确; 1分答出部分内容,语言正确; 0分没有答对问题。,3. 扣分标准 (1) 语言错误扣0.5分,每题语言错误扣分不能 超过 0.5分(属于笔误造成的、可辨识的拼写错误,大小写、标点符号错误等,不扣分)。 (2)

5、涉及无关内容的部分扣0.5分;如答案中有相互矛盾的内容,则内容矛盾的部分均不得分。 (3) 照搬原句应扣分,照搬一句扣0.5分;照搬两句或以上者扣2分。 (4)用汉语作答不给分。,五、简答题的解题误区 在阅卷中发现,不少考生因为对评分原则及标准不了解,陷入解题误区而失分,实在令人遗憾。考前熟悉评分原则及标准,十分必要。 误区1:答案越长越完整全面。 误区2;照搬原文的答案不会出错,最保险。 误区3:只求找到答案的内容,忽略语言的准 确性。,六、简答题解题技巧和注意事项 1、快速浏览全文,把握全文整体内容、思路及 逻辑关系,为下一个步骤做好准备。 2、仔细研读文章后的五个问题,迅速确定答案在文章

6、中的位置,可在原文上标出与答案相关的信息,一目了然,方便查阅。 3、依据每个问题所问的内容及所要求的形式用正确简洁的语言组织答案。如题目是“why?”的方式提问,则问的是理由,答案应以原因状语形式出现。 特别提示:评分时内容和语言一并考虑,切忌只注重信息而忽略了语言形式。,4、依据评分原则及标准,考生答题时应注意以下几点: (1)答案在正确、全面的基础上要尽可能简短。该题型的direction中明确要求“answer in the fewest possible words.”。 若答案既可是句子,也可是单词或短语,则单词是最佳答案。此外,只需答中所问,不要展开。 (2)答案避免照搬原句,要在

7、理解的基础上用自己掌握的词语和句型来回答;照搬原句容易造成语言不简洁且没有体现考生的语言表达能力,要扣分。,(3)答案要避免内容上的错误。考生在临场应试时,在原有知识水平上,应避免犯由于审题不清(导致答非所问),粗心大意(导致信息缺损或多余),思路混乱(导致答案前后矛盾),犹豫不决(导致多个答案)等非智力因素所产生的内容上的错误。 (4)答题时必须避免语言错误。 (5)合理分配解题时间,尽量预留两分钟用于检查,核实答案的内容并将答案置于原问题中,查看有无语法错误。 (6)答题时要将答案写在卷面指定处,要对准题号,拼写清楚。,特别提示:阅卷中发现考生中的语言错误发生率相当高,是获满分的主要障碍。

8、下面总结考生中的典型语言错误,前车之鉴,应当吸取。 句子成分、动词形式、人称、代词等与题目不对应。 句子结构错误。 语态、时态错误。 词性错误。 主谓不一致,名词的数不一致。 短语搭配不当,冠词、连词等虚词使用不当。,七、简答题典型错误实例分析 以1999年1月四级考试中的简答题为例(以下正确答案并非唯一答案),分析考生中有代表性的语言错误。,Short Answer Questions( 1999年1月CET4) Would-be language teachers everywhere have one thing in common:they all want some recognit

9、ion of their professional status,and skills,and a jobThe former requirement is obviously important on a personal level,but it is vital if you are to have any chance of finding work,Ten years ago,the situation was very differentIn virtually every developing country, and in many developed countries as

10、 well,(1)being a native English speaker was enough to get you employed as an English teacher,Now employers will only look at teachers who have the knowledge,the skills,and attitudes to teach English effectivelyThe result of this has been to (2)raise non-native English speakers to the same status as

11、their native counterparts(相对应的人)-something they have always deserved but seldom enjoyedNon-natives are now happy-linguistic discrimination(语言上的歧视)is a thing of the past,An ongoing research project,funded by the University of Cambridge,asked a sample of teachers,teacher educators and employers in mor

12、e than 40 countries whether they regard the nativenon-native speakers distinction as being at all important“No“ was the answer(3)As long as candidates could teach and had the required level of English,it didnt matter who they were and where they came,fromThus,(4)a new form of discrimination-this tim

13、e justified because it singled out the (3)unqualified-liberated (5) the linguistically oppressed(受压迫的)But the Cambridge project did more than just that:it confirmed that the needs of native and non-native teachers are extremely similar,Q1:The selection of English teachers used to be mainly based on

14、_ 正:whether they were native English speakers(or not) 误:they were English speakers or not (无从句连接词whether,句子结构错误。) 误:whether they are the native speaker or not (名词的数native speaker与主语they不一致,应改为复数。) 误:whether English is his mother tongue or not (代词his与被指代的名词English teachers不对应。),Q2:What did non-native

15、 English teachers deserve but seldom enjoy? 正:The same status as their native counterparts. 误:Same status as the native English teachers (冠词使用不当,same前需加定冠词The。) 误:They have the same status as their native counterparts (句子成分与题目不对应,要求回答What的问题,What是deserve和enjoy的宾语,而动词deserve和enjoy后要用名词词组或动名词词组,用句子作答是

16、严重的语言错误。),Q3:What kind of people can now find a job as an English teacher? 正:Those who are qualified(note: green) 误:People who has the knowledge,the skills and right attitudes. (定语从句中的主谓不一致,who指代people,是复数,谓语动词应用have;此外,该答案不简练。) 误:People who had the knowledge,the skills and right attitudes (时态错误,答案时态应与题目保持一致,即用一般现在时。虽然评卷中有时态错误忽略不计的情况,但答题时应严谨。) 误:Having the knowledge, the skill and teaching English effectively (句子成分与题目不对应,题目问What kind of p


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