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1、深入理解课文,了解孙中山,了解“布衣”与总统的关系,了解布衣总统的来历及其布衣特色的体现,体会甘于淡泊精神对当代青年的教育意义。Unit 8集 备 部 分课 题7B Unit 8 Reading中心发言人时 间Teaching aims: l. To learn about rhyme schemes, stress and intonation of poetry2.To learn new vocabulary to talk about pets3.To read about animal behaviorTeaching focus:To learn about rhyme schem

2、es, stress and intonation of poetryDifficult points:To learn about rhyme schemes, stress and intonation of poetryTeaching method:Task-based approach,Scene pedagogy and Teaching with humorTeaching procedures:Step I Leading-in1.Tell students We talked about pets last timeSome of you told me the pets y

3、ou likeToday, Ill tell you the pets I likeCan you guess what they are?2.Let students guess the pet that the teacher likes and why the teacher likes it.Step II Presentation1. Ask students to study the poems and pictures on page 94. Write the title My Dog on the board and also the verb that are used i

4、n the poem: chase, catch, hunts, hide, builds, bark, bite, fight and look after. Talk about their meanings by showing them some pictures about dogs.2 SayDo you know why I would like a dog to be my pet? First dogs are lovelyThey like to chase things so they can play with me outside. Second, they are

5、so clever that they can do lots of wonderful trick . Third,they can help hunters hunt in the wildIf I have a dog,Ill tell him not to bi te, not to fight andto hide himself when in dangerHe will be my very best friend and 1 will look after him until the end.Write down the underlined part and teach st

6、udents to read.1.Read My Dog one like at a time and have students repeat after you. 2.Ask students to find the adjectives in the poem which tell us about its characteristics, e.g., cleverest. Work through the meaning of wonderful tricks. Then ask them to identify the verbs which describe the dogs ac

7、tions (chase, catch, hunts, builds, bark, bite and fight).Ask students some general questions to elicit details about the dogs actions to generate some of the key verbs, e.g., what does the dog do?5.Play the tape and choose the right word to fill in the blanksbite hunts tricks fight chase endMy dog

8、is the cleverest animal of allHe doesnt just_ (chase) and catch a ballWith eyes open wide,He _ (hunts) when I hideHe does wonderful _ (tricks)Builds me camps out of sticksHed never bark or _(bite),And he doesnt like to _(fight)My dog is my very best friend,And Ill look after him until the _ (end)6 S

9、tudents complete the exercises in Part C, Page 96. check answers as a whole.7.Play the tape and ask students to follow the tape,ask students to pay attention to all, hide, stick and friend8 Play the tape again and look for the rhyming pairs. Then finish the first five exercises in Part B1, Page 95St

10、ep III Presentation1.Present students the picture of goldfish, sayI also like goldfish very much. I know a lot about itWhat about you? Would you like to answer some questions?2 Discuss with studentsDoes a goldfish chase another fish?(Yes, maybe she sometimes chases small fish.)Does a goldfish hide?(

11、Yes,she hides herself when she is playing or when she sees a big fish)Does a goldfish bark?(Of course not)Does a goldfish fight?(Yes,I think she may fight for food)Does a goldfish bite?(Sure)Does a goldfish need a bed?(No,she doesnt.)Does a goldfish miaow? (No,she doesnt)Does a goldfish eat much?(No

12、,she doesntShe will die if sheeats too much)Does a goldfish need a rabbit hutch?(No,she doesntI think a hutch is a place like a box or a cage for small animals)3.Say What a quiet goldfish! She doesnt bark,she doesnt miaowShe just bubbles,bubbles and bubblesShe is not any troubleStep IV Task1.Read th

13、e poem My Goldfish after the tape.2.Read again, complete the exercises in Part C2, Page 96.3.Listen again and find out the rhyming pairs, and then do the sixth in Part B1.4.Listen and repeat the poem.Step V HomeworkReview the language points in this lesson.认识不够深刻全面,没能做到内心外行,表率化人。对照党章和焦裕禄等先进模范典型,感觉自己对党性锻炼标准不高、要求不严。



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