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1、深入理解课文,了解孙中山,了解“布衣”与总统的关系,了解布衣总统的来历及其布衣特色的体现,体会甘于淡泊精神对当代青年的教育意义。Unit 2Working the landSection Warming Up & ReadingPrereading.阅读理解A Banker Chip Paillex had never planted so much until he moved to the countryside in Pittstown,New Jersey,seven years ago.Surrounded by working farms,he quickly became int

2、erested in the growityourself idea and rented a piece of 30by30foot land. He planted tomatoes, eggplants and other vegetablesenough to feed his family of four for the summer. He ended up with so much produce; he couldnt give it away. He found a local food factory, and donated (捐赠) 120 pounds of fres

3、h vegetables. The following year, with a handful of volunteers and a memorable nameAmericas GrowaRow, Paillex harvested 1,500 pounds of fresh vegetables, all of which he donated to area food banks, places that give food to poor people. Soon Paillex had a hundred volunteers and needed more land. He v

4、isited Meredith and Jeremy Compton, who farm Peaceful Valley Orchards in Pittstown. Could he work their land? “I guess we were feeling honored,” says Meredith. Not only do the Comptons welcome GrowaRow volunteers, they also work on the land. What began with a few empty fields has turned into a large

5、 local farm. This year, GrowaRow will deliver about 250,000 pounds of fresh produce to food banks. Their secret for getting all of this done? Family power. “Each week, a couple of families own the garden,” says Paillex. “They water, pick, and deliver, and then hand it off on Sunday night to the next

6、 group of families.” Paillex also welcomes local school kids. On a Friday morning in May, some kids worked on a field. “Were growing food,” one fifth grader said proudly. “The program shows kids that there are people in need,” says Paillex. “When these kids become tomorrows leaders, theyll be much m

7、ore likely to encourage their coworkers or employees to get involved in (参与) something like this.” “Chip makes people want to help,” says Colleen Duerr, a mother of two. “And families love this. Chip has given us a way to raise our kids with a giving heart.”【文章大意】本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了Chip通过农业活动来帮助他人的故事。1Wh

8、y did Chip start growing vegetables in Pittstown?AThere were very few fresh vegetables on the market.BHe wanted to offer food to the local food factory.CFarmers there encouraged him to do so.DHe was deeply attracted by planting.解析:D细节理解题。根据第一段中的Surrounded by working farms,he quickly became intereste

9、d in the growityourself idea可知,Chip受到周围环境的影响,深深喜爱上了自己种植食物这一想法。2After a years planting, Chip_.Aset up more food banks in the areaBwon great support from more peopleChelped save many people from being poorDpersuaded many people to help him on the land解析:B推理判断题。根据第二段中的with a handful of volunteers和Soon

10、Paillex had a hundred volunteers以及第三段提到Compton夫妇的乐意帮忙可知,在Chip自己耕种一年后,得到了越来越多人的支持与帮助。3How can GrowaRow manage to produce so much food?ASchool children play the most active part.BFamilies take turns to look after the garden.CThe work is divided into separate small tasks.DSchools and families divide th

11、e work equally.解析:B细节理解题。根据第四段中的Each week, a couple of families own the garden和They water, pick, and deliver, and then hand it off on Sunday night to the next group of families. 可知,GrowaRow之所以可以生产出数量众多的农产品是因为各个家庭轮流负责种植。4Whats the best title for the text?AThe ProducersBAmerican FarmsCGrow it Yourself

12、 DChips Country Life解析:A标题归纳题。银行家Chip搬到乡下后开始喜欢上了种植蔬菜,并且将吃不完的新鲜蔬菜捐给社会,他的这种慈善行为慢慢吸引了很多志愿者,使得越来越多的人投入到这项帮助他人的农业活动中。因此A项“生产者”概括了文章主旨,适合作标题。BChoosing a name for a club can be a challenge. But when members of an afterschool program in New Hampshire heard the story“The Boy and the Starfish,” the Starfish C

13、lub was born! The story goes like this: A man sees a boy throwing starfish that have washed up on the beach back in to the ocean. He tells the boy that hes wasting his time, “You cant possibly save them allyou cant make a difference.” As the boy returns another starfish to the sea, he says to the ma

14、n, “Maybebut I made a huge difference for that one!” The Starfish Club members enjoy making a difference for animals. They do a lot to help animals in their local shelter. But when they learned that a boy in Massachusetts worked to get a law passed banning (禁止) the sale of shark fins (鳍) in his stat

15、e, they decided to try to get a similar law passed in New Hampshire. The kids learned a lot about shark finning, a practice of cutting off the fins of sharks and then throwing the sharks back into the ocean to die. The fins are sold and used to make shark fin soup. Each year, tens of millions of sharks are killed for their fins. Club members made posters, and wrote letters to raise awareness about the problem. When a bill to ban the shark fin trade was proposed (提议) in their state, four members traveled to the state capitol to testify (作证) for passage of the bill. But in the end,



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