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1、Listening,简介: 听力部分共36题,时间35分钟,占总分35%。 听力卷面结构和评分标准 (1)短对话和长对话,共占总分15% 短对话:八个小题,每个对话一题。 长对话:两篇七道小题。 (2)短文理解:三篇十道小题,包括题材熟悉,情节不太复杂的故事、叙述等,占总分的10%. (3)复合式听写:一篇短文听三遍,要求补全短文中空缺的8个单词(每个占总分的0.5%)和3个句子(每个占总分的2%),共占总分的10%。,如何备考?,一, 熟悉题型,找到主攻方向 1. 通过大量做题(尤其是历年真题),适应并习惯四级听力语音语调; 2. 对所有题目,尤其是做错的题目认真分析、总结,探求题型特点及规

2、律,树立信心。,如何备考?,二、 泛听和精听结合 1. 精听求质,把四级真题作为精听材料。必须完全听懂;且进行跟读和模仿。 有三种方法: 1)三听法:第一遍不看原文;第二遍边听边看,第三遍不看原文, 看自己能否听懂。如此循环反复,最终听懂。 2) 听写法:听一句写一句,尽量记下整篇文章,再对照原文, 最后再听一遍。 3) 跟读法:听一句,重复一句。 2. 泛听求量,掌握大意。 http:/ 听力特快: English Evening VOA Special English 空中英语教室 (基础) 以及其他英文电影或电视节目,听英文歌也是很好的方式。 争取每天听一到两个小时。,如何备考?,三、

3、培训语言基本功 1. 听力理解水平包括记忆和回想的能力、选择要点的能力、推断演绎的能力、判断和得出结论的能力和运用背景知识的能力。 2. 语音、语调、词汇、语法是语言的基本要素,对它们的熟练掌握是打好基本功的关键。 四、 培养预测、综合判断能力 1. 听力技巧包括听前、听中和听后的准备、实施过程和相应的预测、记忆以及综合判断能力。 2. 从所给文字资料和题目选项等线索中发现一些背景信息,缩小谈话范围。 听的过程中要强化记忆,联想,并对所听内容适当加工,整体和细节不可偏废。,第一节: 短对话应试技巧,一,4种必备技巧 二,10种对话题型 三,短对话猜题原则,第一节: 短对话应试技巧 一、4种必备

4、技巧,一、4种必备技巧 1. 区分语音和语调 语音: 注意重读,弱读,连读,同化,失去爆破等。美音,英音的发音区别也要留意。 例1. A)She will help the man to catch up. B)she is worried about the mans health C)she has bought the man an up-to-date map. D) shes bought the man a pair of glasses today. M: I am worried about those classes I missed when I was sick W: I

5、 will try to bring you up-to-date on what weve done. Q: what does the woman mean? Key: A,第一节: 短对话应试技巧 一,4种必备技巧,例2: A) She can tell Joan when she sees her at noon. B) She should tell Joans brother about the reception C) She must call on Joan after the reception. D) She may see Joans brother at lunch.

6、 W: I ought to call Joan after the reception this evening. M: Why bother, youll see her at lunch. Q: what does the man mean? Key: A,第一节: 短对话应试技巧 一,4种必备技巧,四级听力近音词: paper-newspaper; collect-correct; bother-brother; long-longer; shine-sunny; last-lost; table for four-timetable; for some time-four times

7、; weak-week; hat-hut; rain-ruin; class-glass; too-to; tired-tied; patience-patient; present; assistant-assistance; too much trouble-take the trouble praise-price-prize; walk-work; fourteen-forty; task-tax; hospital-hostile- hospitable; appear-appeal; strict-strait; reward-award; mail-male; wait-weig

8、ht-weigh; bear-bare; break-brake; fair-fare; sent-scent; dew-due; pleasure-pressure,第一节: 短对话应试技巧 一,4种必备技巧,语调: 不同语调表达说话人:怀疑、否定、厌烦或肯定、赞同等。 升调:表怀疑,不确定等。 降调:肯定,特殊疑问句。 例3:a) go on with the game b) draw pictures on the computers c ) review his lessons d) have a good rest w: Mark is playing computer games

9、m: should he do that when the final exam is drawing near? Q: what does the man think Mark should do?,第一节: 短对话应试技巧 一,4种必备技巧,2掌握常用语境词 campus life: 借书:a book hard to identify,has been misplaced 教授和学生关系:do research,semester,revise, 同学之间的交流:briefings (lectures,presentations), finish the assignment,,第一节:

10、短对话应试技巧 一,4种必备技巧,family life : 外出活动:go to the movies, go out for dinner, 外出游玩:the holiday,be on the plane,travel by air, go sightseeing; 家居生活、休闲:there is a lot of laundry to do,wash clothes;,other occasions : 买票、在机场:sell out,a seat available, 约会:confirm my appointment with sb. ,will you please get m

11、e through to sb., be with sb. 预定:a table for four, a comfortable, a table near the window, reserve a table, book a room with a table for four; 购物:the newest model, represent the latest technology, we sell nothing but the best; 邮局:whats the postage for it; 银行:cash a check, open an account, savings ac

12、count, travelers check, credit card,interest, withdraw ,deposit money; 火车站:platform,one-way ticket,roundtrip ticket,express; 医院:emergency room,operation,ward,tablets;,第一节: 短对话应试技巧 一、4种必备技巧,3.速读选项,预测内容。 对于短的选项:扫视,了解大体内容。 对于长的选项:1)找共同成分,2)竖读法找区别 如: a) They will make the visitors walk faster b) They wi

13、ll make the visitors cover more area. c) They will make the visitors appreciate the exhibits more. d) They will make the visitors find the subjects on display less beautiful.,第一节: 短对话应试技巧 一、4种必备技巧,而有些题的选项则能明确反映问题类型,如: a) at the airport b) in a restaurant c) at the railway station d) in a department

14、store 总之:快速区别是原则,预测主题是目的。,第一节: 短对话应试技巧 一、4种必备技巧,4.掌握常用口语表达 听力部分常考习惯表达,所以考生必须对常用短语和表达全面掌握。 例4: a) It is no longer available b) it has been reprinted four times. c) The store doesntt have it now, but will have it soon d) The information in the book is out of date. W: Id like to buy a copy of professor

15、 Franklins book on seashells. M: Im sorry, Ms. That book has been out of print for some time. Q: what does the man say about the book?,第一节: 短对话应试技巧 一,4种必备技巧,必须熟练掌握的口语表达词组: account for,on account of, at ease with ,ill at ease, in advance, in vain, in person,give sb. a ring , in question, lay off ,thr

16、ow light on, make ends meet , make a fuss over/about, make a/no difference ,make sense , no wonder, on schedule, behind schedule , out of tune, out of question, out of the question, out of order, out of print, pass away ,pick up, prior to.,第一节: 短对话应试技巧 二,10种对话题型,二10种短对话题型 1. 时间副词题型 Speaker 2( S2) 中出现的时间副词是解题关键。特别注意表:快、慢、逐渐、偶尔等副词。 1)表逐渐: one step at a time, step by step, bit by bit, little b


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