2017--2018学年人教版必修三unit 4 astronomy- the science of the stars grammar课时作业 (6)

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1、Unit 4 Astronomy- the science of the stars课时作业grammar第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2018甘肃重点中学协作体高三上学期第一次联考)From an early age,Parker always said that he would be an astronaut when he grew up.But no matter how much he studied and took tests,he was never _1_ to fl

2、y in space._2_ ,he grew over the maximum age for taking the selection tests.In other words,he would never be able to fulfill his _3_.Thinking about all the time and _4_ Parker had put into trying to be an astronaut,people felt _5_ for him.Despite what he was told about having to_6_ his ambition,Park

3、er continued training and studying,_7_ he was going to have the tests the next month.He_8_ as he got older,and when he was a very old man he heard that they were doing some very important _9_ experiments.For those experiments they needed a very_10_ astronaut.Parker,who walked with a _11_ ,was the on

4、ly old man in the whole world who was_12_ to fly in a rocket.Therefore,Parker found himself flying in_13_ ,all with the help of science.It was clear that the _14_ gained during those missions helped to cure one of the worst sicknesses for old people,and Parker was_15_ as a hero.Photos of the astrona

5、ut with a walking stick and no teeth _16_ all over the world,and became a _17_ of how you can never train or learn too much.It showed that _18_ effort always brings _19_ even though it may not be in the form we had first _20_.1A.noticed BselectedCinvited Dpermitted2A.Secretly BSuddenlyCLuckily DFina

6、lly3A.dream BtaskCneed Dbelief4A.reputation BpowerCeffort Dpractice5A.happy BsorryCnervous Dcalm6A.ignore BforgetCdevelop Dabandon7A.so that Bnow thatCas if Deven though8A.carried on Btook onCturned off Dgot off9A.electrical BphysicalCmedical Dpolitical10A.sick BexperiencedCactive Dold11A.map Bstick

7、Cguide Dcandle12A.planned BtrainedCforced Dallowed13A.silence BdangerCaction Dspace14A.knowledge BexperienceCmoney Dopportunity15A.replaced BeducatedCpraised Daffected16A.moved BflewCspread Dtook17A.symbol BmarkCcase Ddoubt18A.desperate BpersistentCcautious Dapparent19A.award BprizeCresult Dreward20

8、A.expected BguessedCsuggested Dproved【解题导语】Parker从小立志做一名宇航员,却一直未实现自己的梦想。但他从未放弃希望,一如既往地进行飞行训练。终于在年老时实现了自己的愿望。1B根据下文中的“he grew over the maximum age for taking the selection tests”可知,此处指他从来没有被选(selected)去太空飞行。2D最后,Parker已经超过了选拔考试的最大年龄。finally“最终,终于”。3A文章开头谈及Parker的梦想,因为他已经超过了选拔考试的最大年龄,所以他永远也无法实现他的梦想(dr

9、eam)。4C根据第一段中的“But no matter how much he studied and took tests”可知,Parker付出了很多时间和努力(effort)。人们一想到Parker为成为宇航员所付出的时间和努力就为他感到遗憾(sorry)。5B参见上题解析。6D尽管有人告诉Parker,他不得不放弃(abandon)他的目标,但他还是继续训练和学习,好像(as if)下个月他要参加测试似的。7C参见上题解析。8AParker继续(学习和训练)。carry on“继续做,坚持干”,符合语境。9C根据下文中的“during those missions helped to

10、 cure one of the worst sicknesses for old people”可知,Parker得知他们在太空做医学实验。medical“医疗的”,符合语境。electrical“用电的”;physical“物理学的”;political“政治的”。10D根据语境可知,他们需要一位年纪大的(old)宇航员。11B根据下文中的“Photos of the astronaut with a walking stick”可知,当时Parker走路需要拐杖。a walking stick“拐杖”。12B根据上文内容可知,Parker参加训练就是为了能够在太空飞行。故B项符合语境。1


12、parent“显而易见的”。19D参见上题解析。20A坚持不懈的努力总会带来回报,尽管它不是我们最初所期待(expected)的那种形式。第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(2018济宁市高考模拟考试)The firstever direct ChinatoBritain freight train(货运列车)arrived in London last week.It was the _1_ (late)evidence of Chinas efforts to redevelop the “Silk Road”

13、trade routes that once stretched from Asia to Europe._2_ (travel)from China through Kazakhstan,Russia,Belarus,Poland,Germany,Belgium and France for 18 days,the train finally arrived in London.Inside the 68 containers _3_ (be)household goods,clothing,cloth,bags and suitcases.“This is _4_ (two)as quic

14、k as sea and its much,much cleaner and cheaper than air freight,”said Philippa Edmunds,_5_ works at the British Campaign for Better Transport.But the train itself may be more important than the goods _6_ was carrying.Observers say the trip had a political message that China is developing new trade routes and new markets.China needs to find more



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