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1、图解英语语法 之时 态,TENSE,观 念 入 门,时态的意义 时态的种类及形势 如何运用时态 时态与时间未必成一对一的关系,时 态 的 意 义,时,态,时间,状态,I watch television every day. 我每天看电视 I watched television yesterday. 我昨晚看电视 因时间之不同而形成之变化,即为动词之时态,在汉语里,动词没有字形的变化,时间概念不强。 在英语里,动词的形态常常因动词所代表的时间不同而有所不同,时间概念非常强。,汉英表达时间状态差异,时间划分段落,过去,现在,将来,一般状态,时 态,现在 一般现在时 现在进行时 现在完成时 现在

2、完成进行时 过去 一般过去时 过去进行时 过去完成时 过去完成进行时 将来 一般将来时 将来进行时 将来完成时 将来完成进行时,时态的种类及形势,三时 四方面 现 在 过 去 将 来 一般 He workers He worked He will work He is He was He will 现在 working working working He has He had He will have 完成 worked worked worked He has been He had been He will have 完成进行 working working been working,如

3、 何 运 用 时 态,该动词发生的时间是过去?现在?或将来? 该动词的动作到某一点时间已经完成? 或还在进行?,时态与时间未必成一对一的关系,(A)一般现在时的动词可以表示现在、过去或将来 ,如: He lives in Beijing now . 表示现在 He sells newspapers and magazines . 表示现在、过去、将来 He leaves for Japan next week . 表示将来 (B)一般过去时的动词可以表示现在、过去或将来 ,如: If I had money now,I would buy the house. 表示现在 He bought a

4、 car last week . 表示过去 He might visit us tomorrow. 表示将来 我们也可以用不同的时态,来表示相同的时间,如: leaves is leaving He for Japan next week . 表示将来 will leave is going to leave complains all the time. She 表示现在 is always complaining.,现 在,开 窍 要 诀,一般现在时 动词形态V(-s) 用 法 例 句 It is very hot today . 现 在 的 He lives in Nanjing. 事实

5、或状态 You look very hungry now. She gets up at six every morning. 现在的习惯 He always comes to class on time. 反复的动作 John writes to his parents once a month. Two and three make(s) five. 格言、事实 Where there is will, there is a way. 不变的真理 The sun rises in the east. Do you come tomorrow? 代 替 He returns home nex

6、t Sunday. 将来一般时,说 明,主语是第三人称单数且为陈述语气时,一般现在时的动词(除be 和have外)词尾要加“-s”或“-es”。 “真理”以及“习惯性动作”,因为所表现的观念是“永恒”以及“经常如此”,所以不考虑时间或完成的问题,而一律用一般现在时。 表示“习惯性的动作”常与下列副词连用: Occasionally, every , always, usually,often,sometimes , seldom ,frequently。 以一般现在时代替一般将来时的用法如下: Go,come,start,leave,arrive等动词和表示未来时间的副词连用时。 在表示时间或

7、条件的状语从句的动词,用一般现在时代替一般将来时,其句型是:If 主语+Will+V +主语+V(-s), When 祈使句 此类状语从句通常有下列连此引导: 表示时间:when, while, before, after, till(=untill), as soon as, by the time(=when/before) 表示条件:if,unless,in case(=if),现在进行时 动词形态am/is/are+V-ing 用 法 例 句 现在正在 He is writing a letter at present. 进行或继续 It is raining now. 的动作、状态

8、John is doing his assignment right now. Look!(你瞧) Look ! Many birds are flying in the sky. Listen!(你听) Listen ! Someone is knocking at the door. 不久将发生 I am going to Beijing tomorrow. 的动作或 预定的计划 He is coming (or will come) here next week.,说 明,现在进行时经常和时间副词now,right now,at present at this moment连用。 Loo

9、k ! 或 listen ! 皆表示某个动作正在进行,故用现在进行时。 Go, come, leave, start, return等动词若与未来时间连用时,表示“不久即将发生的动作”,可用“现在进行时”代替“一般将来时”。 下列动词,因含有“状态的继续”的意味,通常不用于现在进行时: 用法 例 句 存在,位置 be, lie, stand, 所有 have, own, possess, belong to, 知觉 see, hear, seem, appear, smell, taste,sound, feel, 知识 know, understand,think, 情感 like, lov

10、e, hate,want, hope, wish,prefer, 但: (1) stand/lie 作“站”或“躺”时,可用现在进行时: He is standing by the window. The dog is lying under the table. (2) have作“吃”时,可用现在进行时: I am having lunch now. (3) see作“观赏”“送行”时,可用现在进行时: They are seeing the sights of New York. He is seeing his girl friend off at the airport.,现在 动词

11、形态 完成时 have/has+p.p. 用法 例 句 He has just come back. I have already seen it. 完成 In recent years,there have been many changes I have read five novels this month. He has gone to Japan, he is not here. 经验 I have been to hongkong several times. this is one of the best book that I have ever read . I have l

12、ived here for ten years. 继续 she has been ill since Monday.,说 明,表示“现在刚完成之动作”,常和下列副词连用: Just, already, yet, recently=lately=of late, so far=by now=up to now=up to the present, these + 一段时间, this week/month/year. 表示“经验”,常和下列副词连用: never, ever, once, before, twice, three times, How many times? 表示“过去继续到现在

13、的动作或状态”常与for,since,all day连用。 句型如下: has for +一段时间 主语 + p.p. + have since +过去时间 此用法如果强调现在仍在进行时,可用现在完成进行时,如: I have been studying English for five years. It has been raining since last night.,现在完 动词形态 成进行时 have/has been+V-ing 用 法 例 句 We have been studying English for three years. 继 续 He has been readi

14、ng since this morning. We have been waiting for him all afternoon. 说 明 本时态是用来叙述“从过去某时开始,以致继续到目前的动作”.其特点在强调“动作的继续”性质.但也有“可能已经中止”,如: He is very tired,he has been working hard all day.,过 去,一般过去时 动词形态V-ed 用 法 例 句 过去的事情、The peoples Republic of China was founded in 1949. 动作、状态 John went to Shanghai yesterday. 过去的习惯 He used to ta


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