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1、GRE句子填空(冲刺班),北京新东方学校国外考试部 杜昶旭,课程大纲,GRE填空的能力要求 GRE填空解题基本原则和“六步法” GRE填空快速解题的“七种模式” 最新模考练习题题目分析,GRE填空的能力要求,ETS的官方说明 The verbal ability measure is designed to test the ability to reason with words in solving problems. Reasoning effectively in a verbal medium depends primarily upon the ability to discern

2、, comprehend, and analyze relationships among words or groups of words and within larger units of discourse such as sentences and written passages.,GRE填空的能力要求,ETS的官方说明 The purpose of the sentence completion questions is to measure the ability to use the various kinds of cues provided by syntax and g

3、rammar to recognize the overall meaning of a sentence. In deciding which of five words or sets of words can best be substituted for blank spaces in a sentence, you must analyze the relationships among the component parts of the incomplete sentence. You must consider each answer choice and decide whi

4、ch completes the sentence in such a way that the sentence has a logically satisfying meaning and can be read as a stylistically integrated whole. Sentence completion questions provide a context within which to analyze the function of words as they relate to and combine with one another to form a mea

5、ningful unit of discourse.,GRE填空的能力要求,输入(Input),输出(Output),句子结构,逻辑关系,词汇理解,逻辑完整性,语义完整性,相关背景知识,句子结构,任何句子都是一种层次化的结构 无论多复杂的句子都是由基本句型成长起来的 基本句型普通简单句非简单句,句子,句子结构,简单句分析 定义:只有一套主谓结构的句子 简单句分析的核心:谓语 谓语谁发出的动作(主语)谁承受的动作(宾语)或者主语有什么状态(表语)修饰限制成分(定语、状语、同位语) 分析重点:成分之间的关系,句子结构,非简单句分析 关联元素:连词、关系代词、冒号和分号 非简单句分析的核心:关联元素

6、 关联元素若干分句分句类型及它们之间的关系 分析重点:分句类型和关系,句子结构,Far from viewing Jefferson as a skeptical but enlightened intellectual, historians of the 1960s portrayed him as a doctrinaire thinker, eager to fill the young with his political orthodoxy while censoring ideas he did not like.,句子结构,The Chinese, who began syst

7、ematic astronomical and weather observations shortly after the ancient Egyptians, were assiduous record-keepers, and because of this, can claim humanitys longest continuous documentation of natural events.,The Chinese were assiduous record-keepers, and because of this, can claim humanitys longest co

8、ntinuous documentation of natural events.,Who began systematic astronomical and weather observations shortly after the Egyptians.,句子结构,Yellow fever, the disease that killed 4,000 Philadelphians in 1793, and so decimated Memphis, Tennessee, that the city lost its charter, has reappeared after nearly

9、two decades in abeyance in the Western Hemisphere.,Decimate: to cause great destruction or harm to,“十一抽杀律”,公元前471年,罗马共和国早期战争中,罗马人与沃尔斯奇人战斗,用这种方法处罚背叛的士兵。,charter: 特许状,Yellow Fever: 黄热病 美国的黄热病大流行(1793和1879),Yellow fever, the disease, has reappeared after nearly two decades in abeyance in the Western He

10、misphere.,That killed 4,000 Philadelphians in 1793, and so decimated Memphis, Tennessee.,The city lost its charter.,句子结构的练习方法,把非简单句拆分为若干个简单句 以关联元素为拆分点 标记各个分句的类型 参考各种从句形式 对所有简单句进行成分划分和分析,并明确成分之间的关系 注意句子的谓语动词 写出各分句及整句的中文意思,逻辑关系,逻辑关系真的那么难判断么? 需要搞清楚三个问题 逻辑关系的识别和广义的同义/反义关系 逻辑关系的层次 收敛逻辑推断,逻辑关系的识别,表示逻辑关系的标

11、志 连词、关系代词、动词、冒号、分号、介词短语、分词短语、不定式、副词、固定搭配,广义的同义/反义关系,广义的同义关系 同义词 上/下义词 感情色彩相同的词 正负方向相同的词 逻辑相关的词(动作-结果、人物-特征等) 广义的反义关系 反义词 感情色彩相反的词 正负方向相反的词 与极端词相对的中性词,上/下义词,词A和词B为上/下义词的条件 若A is a kind of B,则A是B的下义词,B是A的上义词。 举例:apple/fruit; chemistry/science 上/下义词之间的关系 思考:男人能做的事儿,人一定能做;人能做的事儿,男人不一定能做。对吗? GRE填空的句子是一个有

12、限定范围的语境,所以上/下义词等价。,与极端词相对的中性词,“好”的反义词是什么? 坏 不好不坏 既有好又有坏 任何词的反义词都是直接对该词进行否定后的结果,逻辑关系的层次,三个层次的逻辑关系 句子与句子的逻辑关系 关联元素:只需要判断同义或者反义即可 原则:有反义逻辑关联元素的就是反义,其余的就是同义。 词汇和句子之间的逻辑关系 修饰和解释:定语/状语/同位语从句 动宾:宾语从句/表语从句 主谓:主语从句,逻辑关系的层次,三个层次的逻辑关系 词汇之间(包括空格)的逻辑关系 语义逻辑:并列、修饰和解释、动宾、主谓、递进、复指 方向逻辑:同义和反义 判断原则 一般情况下,词汇之间的方向逻辑与句子

13、的逻辑一致。 否定词改变词汇之间的方向逻辑。,逻辑关系判断的方法: 是否有反义? 是否有否定? 有几个否定?,基于收敛逻辑的推断,GRE填空教程是由_编写的。 十五岁的小张_。 越直接的逻辑关系越正确! 背景知识不能作为题目的判断依据!,本书编写组,今年十五岁,逻辑分析实例,Although the feeding activities of whales and walruses give the seafloor of the Bering Shelf a _ appearance, these activities seem to be actually beneficial to th

14、e area, enhancing its productivity.,逻辑分析实例,Heavily perfumed white flowers, such as gardenias, were favorites with collectors in the eighteenth century, when _ was valued much more highly than it is today.,逻辑分析实例,Carruthers latest literary criticism _ her reputation for trenchant commentary; despite

15、its intriguing title and the fulsome praise on its dust jacket, it is nothing more than a collection of_.,逻辑分析实例,Because no comprehensive _ exist regarding personal reading practices, we do not know, for example, the greatest number of books read in an individual lifetime.,逻辑分析实例,A good doctor knows

16、 that knowledge about medicine will continue to _ and that, therefore, formal professional training can never be an _ guide to good practice.,语义认知,语义场的表现形式 重复 原词重复 同义重复 上下义词重复 衍生词重复 相关概念重复 指代 代词指代:代词和被指代对象的数、性、性质必须一致。 关系连词指代(when, where, why),语义认知,Dreams are _ in and of themselves, but, when combined with other data, they can tell us much about the dreamer. Dreams are _ in and of themselves, but,


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