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1、六级阅读题型概述六级阅读题型概述-1 CET-6 135min 40min 35% 题型概述 满分:249 分 题目位于写作与听力之后, 分为 Section A, B, C 三个部分 阅读装备 词汇: 6000+(4000+2000) eg. The prime difference is that. What they fear was that. 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、解题方式 (一)细节题 -原文特征: 5、对应原文的递进与总结: 如 all in all, in conclusion, moreover, in addition 等。 注意:定位的唯一依据是题干信息。

2、仔细阅读(Section C) 例 : Kapur points out that while the model adopted by many teachers providing lots of structure and guidance early on, until the students show that they can do it on their ownmakes intuitive sense, it may not be the best way to promote learning. Rather, its better What does Kapur disa

3、pprove of in teaching? A) Asking students to find and solve problems on their own. B) Developing students ability to apply what they learn. C) Giving students detailed guidance and instruction. D) Allowing students a free hand in problem solving. 仔细阅读解题技巧仔细阅读解题技巧-2 仔细阅读(Section C) 正确答案的特征: 1、符合题意,忠实

4、原文; 2、同义转述:解释型(最常见) 3、取反表达 4、几句话的概括总结 仔细阅读(Section C) 错误答案的特征: 1、无中生有、画蛇添足 2、偷换概念(n 、v) 3、正反混淆 (a) 4、因果颠倒: 5、答非所问: 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、解题方式 (一)细节题 -单词句子: 词根词缀法:如 cess / gress 表“向前走”,verse / volve 表“旋转”,tain 表“维持、容纳”,ject 表“投、抛”,clude 表“关闭”,cide / cis 表“杀” 等。 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、解题方式 (一)细节题 -单词句子: 上下文猜测法

5、:同样词性、同样语法位置,句间关系(如因果、条件、 并列关系等) ;如 A and B ; A, but B ; In spite of A, .B. 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、解题方式 (一)细节题 -单词句子: 代入法: 将四个选项的单词一一代入后阅读, 根据语感看哪个最通顺。 eg . War is not simply a trial by combating to settle disputes between states; it is the moment when the state makes its most powerful demands upon its p

6、eople for their commitment, allegiance, and supreme sacrifice. Times of war test a communitys deepest religious and ethical commitments. The word “allegiance” (Line 4, Para. 3) is closest in meaning to _. A. loyalty B. objective C. survival D. moive 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、解题方式 (一)细节题 -单词句子: 如何处理长句: 1、主语从

7、句(it 做形式主语) ,如: Surely it should be obvious to the dimmest executive that 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、解题方式 (一)细节题 -单词句子: 如何处理长句: 2、宾语从句,如: Our enormously productive economy demands that 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、解题方式 (一)细节题 -单词句子: 如何处理长句: 3、定语或同位语从句,如: The conventional view that education should be 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、

8、解题方式 (一)细节题 -单词句子: 如何处理长句: 4、分清 that 的意思 : I think that that that that that girl used is wrong 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、解题方式 (二)例证题: 标志: 题干含有 case / example; show / illustrate; mention / quote 等词或 其同义词; 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、解题方式 (二)例证题: 定位原文,往例子的前面或后面寻找其所证明的观点句。 如果散布全文,或充斥整段;一般是证明文章主题。 仔细阅读解题技巧仔细阅读解题技巧-3 仔细阅读

9、(Section C) 二、解题方式 (三)推理题: 标志:题干含 infer, imply, learn, conclude, suggest 其一。 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、解题方式 (三)推理题: 针对细节或段落提问时,从原文出发,选择意思接近原文而字面不同 的选项。 针对全文提问时,要利用排除法,将每个选项定位原文判断正误。 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、解题方式 (三)推理题: 正确答案往往会将原文的叙述总结升华、或取反表达;或换个角度表 达。 错误答案字面上会大部分与原文一致,但仔细分析仍有错误。 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、解题方式 (三)推理题: 判断

10、题(Which of the following is true?)也属于推理题的范畴,用排 除法。 仔细阅读(Section C)(2013.6) Why did Vernon Bowman get sued? A) He used genetically modified seeds to feed his cattle. B) He planted soybeans without paying for the patent. C) He made a profit out of Monsantos commercial secrets. D) He obtained Monsantos

11、 patented seeds by illegal means. Vernon Bowman, a 75-year-old farmer from rural Indiana, did something that got him sued. He planted soybeans (大豆)sold as cattle feed. But Monsanto, the agricultural giant, insists it has a patent on the kind of genetically modified seeds Bowman usedand that the pate

12、nt continues to all of the progeny (后代)of those seeds. 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、解题方式 (四)主旨题: 标志:题干含有 main idea, topic, title, purpose, mainly concerned, mainly discussed 等词,问全文或段落主题; 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、解题方式 (四)主旨题: 阅读首末段以及各段首句,注意转折句; 综合全文的核心名词词组,常在首句; 阅读五道题的题干,综合共同的名词词组 出题形式: 主旨大意题命题形式主要有三大类: 一类是概括中心思想 (mai

13、n idea) 一类是确定文章标题或主题 (topic / title / headline) 还有一类是询问文章的写作目的 (purpose) 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、解题方式 (四)主旨题: 错误答案一般设计为文中的细节,或仅仅是某一段的主题。 正确答案一般具有模糊化、 概括化的特点往往是最短的或者第二短的 那个选项 仔细阅读解题技巧仔细阅读解题技巧-4 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、解题方式 (三)推理题: 标志:题干含 infer, imply, learn, conclude, suggest 其一。 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、解题方式 (三)推理题: 针

14、对细节或段落提问时,从原文出发,选择意思接近原文而字面不同 的选项。 针对全文提问时,要利用排除法,将每个选项定位原文判断正误。 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、解题方式 (三)推理题: 正确答案往往会将原文的叙述总结升华、或取反表达;或换个角度表 达。 错误答案字面上会大部分与原文一致,但仔细分析仍有错误。 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、解题方式 (三)推理题: 判断题(Which of the following is true?)也属于推理题的范畴,用排 除法。 仔细阅读(Section C)(2013.6) Why did Vernon Bowman get sued? A)

15、 He used genetically modified seeds to feed his cattle. B) He planted soybeans without paying for the patent. C) He made a profit out of Monsantos commercial secrets. D) He obtained Monsantos patented seeds by illegal means. Vernon Bowman, a 75-year-old farmer from rural Indiana, did something that

16、got him sued. He planted soybeans (大豆)sold as cattle feed. But Monsanto, the agricultural giant, insists it has a patent on the kind of genetically modified seeds Bowman usedand that the patent continues to all of the progeny (后代)of those seeds. 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、解题方式 (四)主旨题: 标志:题干含有 main idea, topic, title, purpose, mainly concerned, mainly discussed 等词,问全文或段落主题; 仔细阅读(Section C) 二、解题方式 (四)主旨题: 阅读首末段以及各段首句,注意转折句; 综合全文的核心名词词组,常在首句; 阅


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