Module 5—_ Unit 2 Nine girls课件

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《Module 5—_ Unit 2 Nine girls课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 5—_ Unit 2 Nine girls课件(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、新标准英语(三起)第一册,Module 5,Unit 2 Nine girls?,新标准英语(三起)第一册,Module 5,Unit 2 Nine girls?,文登市实验小学 刘嘉洁,g,s,i,l,r,b,o,y,s,honor roll,honor roll,How many boys?,How many girls?,Text learning,Text learning,How many boys?,How many girls?,Text learning,Text learning,11+1=?,Bomb game,ten,eleven,twelve,nine,twelve,H

2、ow many?,How many boys?,How many girls?,eleven,twelve,twelve,ten,eleven,A,B,C,D,Act the dialogue.(表演对话),Magic eyes.(火眼金睛),Count and remove them.,Count and write.(数一数,写一写) (one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve) In the classroom(在教室里): 1. How many windows? _ 2. How

3、 many doors? _ 3. How many desks in group 1(1组)? _ 4.How many boys in group 1 and 2(1组和2组)? _ 5.How many girls in group 2 and 3(2组和3组)? _,Read the dialogue for three times. (读课文对话三遍。) 2. Talk about the things about your own classroom with your friends. (与朋友讨论一下你们自己教室的物品数量。),Homework:,Thank you! Bye-bye!,



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