Unit4 What are you doing_ PartA第一课时 教学设计

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《Unit4 What are you doing_ PartA第一课时 教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit4 What are you doing_ PartA第一课时 教学设计(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit4 What are you doing?PartA第一课时 教学设计一、 教学内容本课时是PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit 4 What are you doing? PartA部分第一课时。本课时主要通过图片、视频、动作让学生初步感知现在进行时。能运用What are you doing?询问别人正在做什么,并运用I am.来作答。二、教学目标1、能够听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式:drawing pictures, doing the dishes, cooking dinner, reading a book, answering the phone。2、能运用句子What

2、 are you doing? I am doing the dishes/.询问别人正在做什么并作答。3、通过说唱Lets chant部分的歌谣巩固复习Lets learn部分的动词短语和句子。4、能运用本课的学习内容进行表演或再创作,或在教师设置的交际情景中运用。三、教学重、难点1、教学重点:运用句子What are you doing? I am doing the dishes/.询问别人正在做什么并作答2、教学难点:五个动词短语的ing形式;现在进行时在日常情景对话中的应用。四、教具准备课件、精致的盒子、铲子、碗和洗碗布。五、教学过程Step1: GreetingsT: Hello,

3、 Im Miss Zhang.Ss: Hello, Miss Zhang.T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.Step2: Lets chantT: (教师走到一学生身旁) Hello, boy/girl. Whats your name?S1: My name is.T: Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you, too.T: Come here(动作提示学生到前面来)Lets play a game.走到讲台前T: Please ask me: What are you doing? What ar

4、e you doing?S1: What are you doing? What are you doing?T: I am reading. I am reading.(做读书的动作)T: Ask me again: What are you doing? What are you doing?S1: What are you doing? What are you doing?T: I am drawing. I am drawing.(做画画的动作)T: Ask me: What are you doing? What are you doing?S1: I am cooking? I

5、am cooking?(做做饭的动作)T: Boys and girls, stand up and face to face. Lets say and do together, OK?(师生共同表演Chant)【设计意图】师生共同表演chant,将学生带入英语学习状态,活跃气氛。同时,直接导入本课重点:What are you doing? Im.Step3: Presentation1.、走到一学生面前,:Hello, What are you doing?S1: I am reading a book.S2: I am reading a book.S3: I am reading a

6、book.T:提示S3问下一名同学:What are you doing?(一个接一个的问,问完一行)板书What are you doing? I am reading a book.2. Now boys and girls, draw pictures please.(同学们画画)T: 走到一生前Hello, boy. What are you doing?S1: I am drawing pictures.S2: I am drawing pictures.S3: I am drawing pictures.T: Group1 What are you doing?Group1: I

7、am drawing pictures.同样的方法问其他小组。板书I am drawing pictures.3. 播放教师做饭的视频T: Now look, who is she? Yes, this is Miss Zhang. Ask me: What are you doing?Ss: What are you doing?播放视频:Hello, Im cooking dinner.师唱:Im cooking dinner.(祝你生日快乐音乐)并提示学生唱。板书Im cooking dinner.4. T: Now look again. This is also Miss Zhang

8、. Ask me: What are you doing?Ss: What are you doing? What are you doing?播放视频:Im doing the dishes.老师声音由低到高边做动作便带领同学们说,然后让学生一起说一遍。板书Im doing the dishes.5电话响T: What is ringing? Oh, phone, phone, my phone.拿起电话说Im answering the phone.带动学生边做动作边说Im answering the phone.师说:I can sing.(两只老虎音乐)。Can you sing.小组

9、内听音乐编歌板书Im answering the phone.6. Look at the blackboard. Lets read and do.(边读边做动作)【设计意图】英语是人们在生活中进行交流表达的一种活的语言,它来自于生活,并为生活所用。英语课程标准要求教师“创造性的设计贴近学生实际的教学活动”,“要重视从学生的日常生活出发,培养学生实际运用语言的能力”,努力创设生活化的教学氛围,让学生沉浸其中。本环节中我尽可能创设真实的情境,采用多种方式教学本课重点。Step4: Play a game. Pass the box.T: Look, a beautiful box. Pleas

10、e pass the box one by one and say: What are you doing?.When I say “stop”, please choose one card from the box. Then do and say.(边说边做动作)【设计意图】通过学习新知,学生对课本内容有了一定的了解,需要通过游戏活动来消化巩固。“传盒子”游戏使枯燥的句型操练变得简单明晰、趣味无穷,在不知不觉中巩固、复习和运用了所学知识。Step5: Lets talk.电话响,Listen, Amys phone is ringing. Who is calling to Amy?播放

11、视频。S1: Chen Jie.T: Group1 and 2 are Amy. Group3, 4, 5 are Chen JieListen again and answer my questions: What are you doing Amy? And What are you doing Chen Jie?【设计意图】采用循序渐进的方式,在学生已经对重难点有了把握时,再让他们接触语篇,培养学生在听、读的过程中抓住目标语句的能力。Step6: 情景剧表演Let the students enjoy some pictures of our school.T: (出示学校图片)Huan

12、gshan Primary School is very beautiful. (出示教室图片)This is my classroom. Lets go and see.(播放视频)T: This is our Canteen. The students are very helpful. Lets go and see. (播放视频)T: This is our playground. Lets go and see.(播放视频)What are you doing in your classroom? What are you doing in the canteen?And what

13、are you doing on the playground? Please talk about and act it in your group? OK?小组展示【设计意图】英语知识的学习和我们的生活是紧密联系在一起的,学生能把学到的英语知识正确的运用到实际生活中,真正达到学以致用的目的。Step7: Chant again.At last, please stand up and face to face. Lets say, lets do, be happy together!全班齐唱开头的Chant.六、板书设计Part A Lets learnWhat are you doing? doing the dishes cooking dinner I am drawing pictures Im reading a book answering the phone



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