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1、What factors influence literature much?,Religion Literature is a reflection of culture which is influenced by religion much in western history. Nearly every piece of English literature is affected by religion deeply. What is about Chinese Literature?,Wars Literature is a reflection of reality which

2、is influenced by war much too in western history. Nothing shattered peoples idealism more than World War I.,Part One COLONIAL PERIOD AND EARLY AMERICAN LITERATURE (1620-1800),Chapter 2 The Founders of the Nation History: The American Revolution Movement: the Age of Reason and Revolution the Age of A

3、merican Enlightenment 18th Century Literature Writer: Franklin,History: American Revolution,Conflicts between America and Britain over settlements, government, taxes Economically: Br. prevented Am. Economic development Export raw materials, import finished goods Politically: state instead of colony;

4、 taxes, no representative in Parliament Results of the conflicts 1775, Lexington, beginning of the Independence War 1776, Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence 1778, alliance with France, turning point for American army 1778, English army surrendered 1783, formal recognition from Britain gov

5、ernment The American War of Independence lasted 8 years from 1775-1783,Literary movement: Enlightenment,The military victory formed strong nationalistic hopes for a great new literature. Call for Americas independence in literature “America must be as independent as she is in politics, as famous for

6、 the arts as for arms” In 1783, Noah Webster,Enlightenment,the Age of Reason and Revolution the Age of Rationality 18th Century Literature the Age of American Enlightenment (1) Originated in Europe in the 17th century The spiritual life in the colonies during the period was to a great degree molded

7、by the bourgeois Enlightenment.,(2) Sources: Newtons theory; 牛顿提出运动定律和万有引力学说Newtons laws of motion and theory of gravity,宇宙受一定的自然法则约束,而不受上帝控制,由此产生了自然神论。 deism(自然神教派); Deist 自然神论者认为上帝确实创造了宇宙万物,但上帝使万物遵循自然法则而存在。因此, 崇敬上帝的最好方法就是研究上帝的作品人类和自然界,并为人类做善事。富兰克林是这一思想的代言人。 God created everything and let it go. It

8、 is up to the human beings themselves to take care of themselves and to run the world. In order to get on in this world, one has to be industrious, frugal and prudent. French philosophy (Rousseau, Voltaire),II. Enlightenment,(3) Basic principles: the 18th-centry American Enlightenment was a movement

9、 marked by an emphasis on rationality rather than tradition, scientific inquiry instead of unquestioning religious dogma, and representative government in place of monarchy. Enlightenment thinkers and writers were devoted to the ideals of justice, liberty, and equality as he natural rights of man. F

10、or: Freedom, Democracy and Reason Against: Tyranny, Intolerance不容异说and Superstition,II. Enlightenment,(4) Significance: accelerating social progress; (education) freeing people from the limitations set by prevailing Puritanism; making spiritual preparation for American Revolution,Puritanism: God is

11、all, and man is nothing. Deny mans nature and power; predestined by God; see man as a sinful failure,In 18th century people believed in mans own nature and power. man could improve himself; want to create a happy society based on justice and freedom,II. The Declaration of Independence,The following

12、statements have become world-famous since then: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 我们认为下面这些真理是不言而喻的:造物者创造了平等的个人,并赋予他们若干不可剥夺的权

13、利,其中包括生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权利。,American Enlightenment,(5) Influence on literature In form: imitating English classic writers remain derivative and dependent In content: utilitarian tendency功利主义 (for political or educational purpose) Political purpose:Journals, speeches, pamphlets, broadsides, declaration (s

14、hape the nations belief with reasons) Aphorisms格言, almanac, letters public and private,American Enlightenment,Definition: a term to describe the intellectual culture of the British North American colonies and the early United States. It was a part of a larger intellectual movement known as the Age o

15、f Enlightenment. Influenced by the scientific revolution of the 17th century, the enlightenment took scientific reasoning and applied it to human nature, society and religion. Politically the age is distinguished by an emphasis upon Liberty, democracy, republicanism and religious tolerance-culminati

16、ng in the drafting of the United States Declaration of Independence. The attempts to reconcile science and religion resulted in a widespread rejection of prophecy, miracle and revealed religion in preference for Deism.,Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790),He was the symbol of America in the Age of Enlightenment (Age of Reason). He brought the colonial era to a close. A man defining American thinking; his Autobiography , a book of Am. Dream “If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are



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