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1、,Introduction: Contrastive Study of C-E,Contrastive vs. Comparative Linguistics,Study in what ways two or more languages differ, applying the findings to related areas of study. (synchronic) Demonstrate family relations between cognate languages, or to illustrate the historical developments of one o

2、r more languages. (diachronic),Content of contrastive study,phonetics vocabulary grammarsentence structure way of thinking discourse,Phonetics,Chinese is tone language. 吗m、马m、麻m、骂m English is intonation language. 语法作用:陈述、疑问、反问 表意作用:态度、口气、情感,我刚来北京,请多多关照 Chinese: 31231,31114 foreigner: 11111,11111 你嚎小

3、姐刘,我恨歌星扔死你。 服务员,给我两个报纸,一笼轿子,还有一碗红烧屁股。,英语也有四声?,do (嘟,一声)do you think do (读,二声) you do? do (赌,三声) do you think do (度,四声) I do!,最长四声句子,澳大利亚的意大利面的质量是个世界记录,但是按照字面意思,意大利面是在意大利制造的 (38) 四位澳大利亚会计报道,据业内数据,瑞士社会现在面对巨大技术困境,势必被迫雇印度教授创造政策促进教育制度现代化 (51),下面是饭店让丽丽记住的事情:要是顾客是个意大利的顾客,丽丽就要订印度菜,但是要是顾客是个印度的,丽丽会订意大利面,但要是是个

4、澳大利亚的顾客,丽丽该订澳大利亚菜 (73) 二位教授批判澳大利亚教育政策,认定校内试卷测验太费力,最重要就是在校掌握做意大利菜技术,邓教授意见却是,印度菜是澳大利亚大众最爱,印度菜用蒜、酱、醋,邓教授最爱印度菜。(75),Vocabulary,No brick, no construction; no word, no composition. 无砖不成房, 无词不成章。 Words do not have meanings; people have meanings for words. 词本无义,义随人生。,Way of Thinking,中国人: 辩证思维 变化论:世界永远处于变化中,

5、没 有永恒的对与错 矛盾论:万事万物由对立面构成的矛盾统一体,没有矛盾就没有事物本身 中和论:任何事物都存在适度的合 理性,中庸之道,西方人: 分析思维 同一性:事物本质不发生变化,一个事物永远是它自己 非矛盾性:一个命题不可能同时对 或错 排中性:一个事物要么对,要么错,无中间性,Ten Pair of Features,Synthetic vs. Analytic Compact vs. Diffusive Hypotactic vs. Paratactic Complex vs. Simplex Impersonal vs. Personal Stative vs. Dynamic Pa

6、ssive vs. Active Abstract vs. Concrete Indirect vs. Direct Substitutive vs. Reiterative,1. Synthetic vs. Analytic,A synthetic language is characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships. Latin, German, Old English.,An analytic language is marked b

7、y a relatively frequent use of function words, auxiliary verbs, and changes in word order to express syntactic relations, rather than of inflected forms.,Modern English has become analytic but still frequently uses some hereditary inflections from Old English. It is therefore a synthetic-analytic la

8、nguage. Chinese is a typical analytic language. Inflection, word order and the use of function words are employed as the three grammatical devices in building English sentences,1.1 Inflectional vs Non-inflectional,He moved astonishingly fast. He moved with astonishing rapidity. His movements are ast

9、onishingly rapid. His movements astonished us by their rapidity. 他行动之快令人惊讶。 他行动之迅速令人惊讶。 他行动之迅速令我们惊讶不已,1.2 Word Order: Flexible vs. Inflexible,一个很重要的问题 a very important question a question of great importance 以空前的速度 at an unprecedented speed at a speed unprecedented,他的讲话并无前后矛盾之处。 There is no inconsis

10、tency in what he said. There is nothing inconsistent in what he said 她闪亮的眼睛说明她非常激动。 Her sparkling eyes betrayed her great excitement. The sparkle of her eyes betrayed her great excitement.,1.3 The Use of Function Words,She was with a child. She was with child. 她身边带着一个孩子。 她怀有身孕。,I have lived here for

11、 more than a year. I have lived here for more than one year. 我住在这里已有一年多了。(一年又几个月) 我住在这里已不止一年了。(可能两年或三年),2. Compact vs. Diffusive,English is rigid in S-V concord, requiring a complete sentence structure through formal cohesion. Chinese has flexible sentence structures through semantic coherence.,这姑娘长

12、得漂亮,鹅蛋形脸,两眼又深又黑,披着又长又密的头发。 She is a pretty girl, with an oval face, deep dark eyes, and long heavy clinging tresses. 他有个女儿,在北京工作,已经打电话去了,听说明天就能回来。 He has a daughter, who works in Beijing. Someone has phoned her and it is said that she will be back tomorrow.,许多房子,盖着琉璃瓦,曲曲折折,无数的朱红栏杆。 Many houses are r

13、oofed with glazed tiles and set within numerous winding red balustrades.,Ambiguity in Chinese 准备了两年的食物 喜欢的是她 神秘的少女的心 找到了孩子的妈妈 我差一点没跟他结婚,3. Hypotactic vs. Paratactic,Hypotaxis is the dependent or subordinate construction or relationship of clauses with connectives. Parataxis is the arranging of claus

14、es one after another without connectives showing the relation between them,不到黄河心不死。 (紧缩句) Until all is over, ambition never dies. 聪明一世,糊涂一时。(对偶) Smart as a rule, but this time a fool. 酒醉智昏(四字格) When wine is in, wit it out. 不打不相识(谚语) Out of blows friendship grows. No discord, no concord.,4. Complex v

15、s Simplex,Subordination, the placing of certain elements in modifying roles, is a fundamental feature of English. With plenty of subornate clauses and phrases, English has comparatively longer and more complicated sentences than Chinese, which, on the other hand, is marked by its coordination (并列结构)

16、,loose or minor sentences (松散句), contracted sentences (紧缩句), elliptical sentences, run-on sentences (流水句), and composite sentences (并列句). English sentence building is featured by an “architecture style” (楼房建筑 法) with extensive use of longer or subordinate structures, while Chinese is marked by a “chronicle style” (流水记事法) with frequent use of shorter or composite structures.,In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors. 门口放着 一堆雨伞,少说也有十二把, 五颜六色, 大小不一。 Can yo


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