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1、poetry,The 5th group 机械迷城,A Poem,梭罗Thoreau,I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow(精华) of life! To put to rout(击溃) all that was not life. And not, when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived. 我步入丛林因为我希望生活得有意义我希望活得深刻吸取生命中所

2、有的精华把非生命的一切都击溃以免当我生命终结发现自己从没有活过,Poetry as an art form predates literacy. Some of the earliest poetry is believed to have been orally recited or sung.,Following the development of writing, poetry has since developed into increasingly structured forms, though much poetry since the late 20th century ha

3、s moved away from traditional forms towards the more vaguely defined free verse(自由诗体) and prose poem(散文诗) formats.,History of poetry,Dead Poets Society (死亡诗社),Set at a conservative and aristocratic boys prep school, it tells the story of an English teacher who inspires his students to change their l

4、ives of conformity through his teaching of poetry and literature. They are taught how to enjoy themselves.,We dont read and write poetry because its cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engine

5、ering - these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love - these are what we stay alive for.,我们读诗、写诗并不是因为它们好玩,而是因为我们是人类的一分子,而人类是充满激情的。没错,医学、法律、商业、工程,这些都是崇高的追求,足以支撑人的一生。但诗歌、美丽、浪漫、爱情,这些才是我们活着的意义。,Back when you are young, you never really stop to think what in t

6、he world you are doing with your life. You simply live for the day, hope your grades will be enough to pass, and thats it. But please remember that, we are dust, and we will go back to it, so we have precious little time to make a difference. That we have a moral obligation to “seize the day, and ma

7、ke our lives extraordinary” .That the world, basically is ours. That the only limitations are within ourselves, and that we owe it to us to fight, to rebel against conformity, to change what we hate and keep what we love.,Stray birds,Tagore,“Hope“,“HOPE“ is the thing with feathers That perches in th

8、e soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all, And sweetest in the gale is heard; And sore must be the storm,“ 希望“ 是物长着羽毛 寄居在灵魂里, 唱着没有词的曲调, 绝无丝毫停息, 微风吹送最为甘甜 暴雨致痛无疑,Emily Dickinson,“Hope“,That could abash(使困窘) the little bird That kept so many warm. Ive heard it in the chillest

9、(寒冷) land, And on the strangest Sea; Yet, never, in extremity, It asked a crumb(碎屑) of Me.,能够使得小鸟不安 保有此多暖意。 听它越过奇妙大海 飞遍严寒田地 可它不要我面包屑 哪怕饥饿至极。,I saw thee(你) weep-the big bright tear Came oer that eye of blue; And then me thought it did appear A violet(紫罗兰) dropping dew: I saw thee smile-the sapphires(

10、蓝宝石) blaze Beside thee ceased to shine; It could not match the living rays That filled that glance of thine(你的).,我看过你哭一滴明亮的泪 涌上你蓝色的眼珠; 那时候,我心想,这岂不就是 一朵紫罗兰上垂着露; 我看过你笑蓝宝石的火焰 在你之前也不再发闪; 呵,宝石的闪烁怎么比得上 你那灵活一瞥的光线,I Saw Thee Weep,George Gordon Byron,As clouds from yonder sun receive A deep and mellow(柔和的) d

11、ye, Which scarce the shade of coming eve Can banish from the sky, Those smiles unto the moodiest mind Their own pure joy impart; Their sunshine leaves a glow behind That lightens oer the heart.,仿佛是乌云从远方的太阳 得到浓厚而柔和的色彩, 就是冉冉的黄昏的暗影 也不能将它从天空逐开; 你那微笑给我阴沉的脑中 也灌注了纯洁的欢乐; 你的容光留下了光明一闪, 恰似太阳在我心里放射。,I Saw Thee

12、Weep,How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. I love thee to the level of every days Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight. I love thee freely, as men strive for Ri

13、ght; I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.,我是怎样的爱你?诉不尽万语千言: 我爱你的程度是那样地高深和广远, 恰似我的灵魂曾飞到了九天与黄泉, 去探索人生的奥妙,和神灵的恩典。 无论是白昼还是夜晚,我爱你不息, 像我每日必需的摄生食物不能间断。 我纯洁地爱你,不为奉承吹捧迷惑, 我勇敢地爱你,如同为正义而奋争!,How Do I Love Thee,Elizabeth Barrett Browning,(Sonnet),I love with a passion put to use In my old griefs, and wit

14、h my childhoods faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints, I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life! and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.,爱你,以昔日的剧痛和童年的忠诚, 爱你,以眼泪、笑声及全部的生命。 要是没有你,我的心就失去了圣贤, 要是没有你,我的心就失去了激情。 假如上帝愿意,请为我作主和见证: 在我死后,我必将

15、爱你更深,更深!,How Do I Love Thee,Our death is in the cool of night, our life is in the pool of day. The darkness glows, Im drowning, the day has tired me with light. Over my head in leaves grown deep, sings the young nightingale(夜莺). It only sings of love there, I hear it in my sleep.,死亡是严寒的黑夜, 生命是闷热的白天。 天黑了,我进入梦乡, 白天使我很疲惫。 一棵树长到我坟墓上面, 年轻的夜莺在枝头歌唱; 它歌唱纯洁的爱情, 在梦中我也听得见。,Death,Heinrich Heine,Thank You !,


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