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1、Sudden Light I have been here before, But when or how I cannot tell: I Know the grass beyond the door, The sighing sound, the lights around the shore. You have been mine before, How long ago I may not know: But just when at that swallows soar Your neck turned so, Some veil did fall, - I knew it all

2、of yore. Has this been thus before? And shall not thus times eddying flight Still with our lives our love restore In deaths despite, And day and night yield one delight once more?,English and American Literature,Welcome to join Georges class and explore the beauty of English and American literature!

3、,An Introduction to English and American Literature,George October 22, 2004,Foreign language learning is really very difficult to students.,Questions: Whats foreign language, English, French, Japanese, or ? What students, colleges, middle-school students, or pupils in primary school? ,What makes the

4、 difference?,experience,Another Example,How beautiful the girl that I dated is.,The Girl I Dated,Goals of This Course,The Forms of Literature What Do We Read for in English and American Literature The History of English Literature and Some Important Novelists The History of English Literature and So

5、me Important Novelists,Study Strategy,Read extensively on simplified English and American novels Read some Chinese translations to the English and American Classics Read some Criticisms of English and American Literature,On the Final Exam,Course paper Write a book report of 350 words before week 15

6、and write an essay of 400 words about a certain novel or novelist.,Words Bank,literature: 文学 fiction: 虚构, 小说 non-fiction: 非小说作品(如传记) novel: 小说 = novelist 小说家 narration: 叙述 exposition: 讲解, 说明 argumentation: 议论 genres: 文学分类,The Forms of Literature,Questions:,Chapter 1,What is literature?,1. Anything w

7、ritten recipe books, telephone directories, guidebooks to museum,2. The art that use language as a medium cf: music, painting,Wanted,Man. 38. Divorced. Mechanic engineer. Non-smoker. Kind and patient. Seek a pretty lady under 30. She must be kind, humorous, hardworking, economical, most importantly,

8、 rich.,Chapter 1,The Forms of Literature,Chapter 1,Literature,fiction,non-fiction,novel,short story,play,poem,description,narration,exposition,argumentation,What Do We Read For in English and American Literature,Questions:,Chapter 1,Why do we read novels, stories ,entertainment exploration shelter,W

9、hat do we care about while reading?,story,What Do We Read For in English and American Literature,Question 1,Chapter 1,Why do we read novels, stories ,entertainment kill time, read for fun exploration a tool to adventure, a window to know the outside world, shelter to escape from the cruel reality, ,

10、What Do We Read For in English and American Literature,Question 2,Chapter 1,What do we care about while reading?,story 1. What is going on? 2. What is said?,3. How it is said?,plot,Words Bank,characteristics: 特征 character: 人物 prose: 散文 narrative: 叙述 rhyme: 使。 。有节奏 account: 叙述 fictitious: 虚构的,Fiction

11、(1) The Novel,Questions:,Chapter 2,What is novel?,What are the similarities between novel and short story? They share some characteristics, such as plot, character, etc.,The Definition of Novel,Chapter 2,1. “Novel” comes from the Italian word “novella” meaning “a little new thing,” ”piece of news,”

12、“chit-chat”,What is novel?,Questions:,2. In English, the word “novel” means “new, unusual, being the first of its kind,” as in the phrase “a novel idea.”,What Is Novel?,Chapter 2,1. The novel is a new genre or form differs from poetry, drama, ballad,A poem is originally a rhymed structure while a no

13、vel is not rhymed, namely, a novel is in prose form.,A drama is a show or performance intended for viewing or watching while a novel is a telling a narration intended for reading.,A ballad is a musical piece for singing while a novel is not.,What Is Novel?,Chapter 2,2. The content of a novel is of f

14、ictitious nature differs from the stories of historian,Novels tell made-up stories, but the stories of the historians tell truth.,What Is Novel?,Chapter 2,3. The purpose or first purpose of a novel is to entertain differs from your news, advertisements,We read news for whats going on around us or in

15、 world and we read advertisements for the latest information about certain products, but we read novel for fun or entertainment.,What Is Novel?,Chapter 2,Conclusion 1,A novel is a fictional prose narrative for entertainment.,What Is Novel?,Chapter 2,The function of novel,1. Novelists the one who wri

16、te the novel,2. Readers the one who read the novel,What are the two main aspects of a novel?,What Is Novel?,Chapter 2,The function of novel,1. Why are there the novelists writing novel?,to express to share to be understood,2. What do they want to share?,anything from their personal feelings such as their sufferings, happiness, sorrows, etc to their experiences and thoughts.,What Is Novel?,Chapter 2,The function of novel,“欲新一国之民,不可不先新一国之小说。” 梁启超,3. W


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