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1、表示上升下降的词上升Rise ( fall): 就是一般的increase, become higherGrowJump:If an amount or level jumps, it suddenly increases or rises by a large amount in a short time.【短时大幅度地增长】Sales jumped from $94 million to over $101 million.The number of crimes jumped by ten per cent last year.Skyrocket: to rise quickly to

2、a very high level: 【快速增长到一个很高的程度】Wages and prices have skyrocketed. The economic boom sent property prices skyrocketing.Surge:If something surges, it increases suddenly and greatly, after being steady or developing only slowly.【(之前平稳增长,但)突然大幅增长】The Freedom Partys electoral support surged from just u

3、nder 10 per cent to nearly 17 per cent.Soar: If the amount, value, level, or volume of something soars, it quickly increases by a great deal. (JOURNALISM)Climb:When something climbs, it increases in value or amount.【攀升,从字面意义上可以看出,这种上升似乎有点“缓慢”,有点“吃力”。】The nations unemployment rate has been climbing s

4、teadily since last June.Spiral: If an amount or level spirals, it rises quickly and at anincreasing rate.【快速,螺旋式的增长,增幅不断加大。】相反用:spiral down/downwardthe spiralling cost of health care Prices are spiralling out of control.Spurt: to increase or grow very quickly, or to suddenly increase by a particular

5、 amount:Shares of the jewellery-store chain spurted $6.【突升,突然提速】Advance:if the price or value of something advances, it increases - used especially when talking about the stock exchange其他:Inch up: 缓慢增长notch upflygainrebound: 经济回升向好,可以用这个词下降Fall: If something falls, it decreases in amount, value, or

6、strength.Output will fall by 6%.Drop: If a level or amount drops or if someone or something drops it, it quickly becomes less.Temperatures can drop to freezing at night.Plunge:If an amount or rate plunges, it decreases quickly and suddenly.Its net profits plunged 73% last year.Plummet: If an amount,

7、 rate, or price plummets, it decreases quickly by a large amount. (JOURNALISM)In Tokyo share prices have plummeted for the sixth successive day.Dive: If shares, profits, or figures dive, their value falls suddenly and by a large amount. (JOURNALISM)【像跳水一样】If we cut interest rates, the pound would di

8、ve.Profits have dived from ?7.7m to ?7.1m.Shrink: to become or to make sth smaller in size or amountThe market for their products is shrinking. growTumble:to fall suddenly and in a dramatic way暴跌Decline: If something declines, it becomes less in quantity, importance, or strength.The number of staff

9、has declined from 217,000 to 114,000.Slip: If something slips to a lower level or standard, it falls to that level or standard.【降到一个更低的水平、标准。下滑】Shares slipped to 117p.In June, producer prices slipped 0.1% from May.Slide: If currencies or prices slide, they gradually become worse or lower in value. (

10、JOURNALISM)The US dollar continued to slide.Dip:If the amount or level of something dips, it becomes smaller or lower, usually only for a short period of time.Unemployment dipped to 6.9 per cent last month.-当然,还有最简单的,最常见的increase/decrease/up/down等所以,不要一看到“大幅”下降、“明显”上升,就加“significantly/obviously/slightly”之类,尽量保证行文简洁有力不是很好。


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