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1、1 David Copperfields childhood 1 大卫科波菲尔的童年 I was born at Blunderstone,in Suffolk, in the east of England,and was given my poor fathers name,David Copperfield Sadly, he never saw me He was much older than my mother when they married, and died six months before I was born My fathers death made my beau

2、tiful young mother very unhappy, and she knew she would find life extremely difficult with a new baby and no husband The richest and most important person in our family was my fathers aunt,Miss Betsey Trotwood. She had in fact been married once, to a handsome young husband. But because he demanded m

3、oney from her, and sometimes beat her, she decided they should separate He went abroad, and soon news came of his death. 我出生在英国东部萨福克郡的布兰德斯通,并沿用了我不幸的父亲之名大卫科波菲尔。可悲的是,他从未见过我的面。他同我母亲结婚时比我母亲大许多,在我出生前6个月就谢世了。他的死使我年轻美貌的母亲感到极为痛苦,因为她知道没有丈夫独自带婴儿的日子将会异常艰难。在我们家族中最富有、最重要的人物要数我父亲的姨妈贝茜特拉伍德小姐。其实她结过一次婚,嫁的是一个英俊的青年。但是

4、,由于这位丈夫总找她要钱,有时还动手打她,她便决定与他分手。他出了国,不久就有消息说他已去世了。 Miss Trotwood bought a small house by the sea, and lived there alone, with only one servant She had not spoken to my father since his marriage, because she considered he had made a mistake in marrying a very young girl But just before I was born, when

5、 she heard that my mother was expecting a baby, she came to visit Blunder- stone. 特拉伍德小姐在海边买了一所小房子,独自生活在那里,身边只随了一位用人。自从我父亲结婚后她就不理睬我父亲了,因为她认为我父亲娶这么年轻的小姐做妻子是个错误。然而,在我出生前,当她听说我母亲临产时,就来到布兰德斯通拜访我们。 It was a cold, windy Friday afternoon in March My mother was sitting by the fire, feeling very lonely and u

6、nhappy, and crying a little. Suddenly a stern, strange-looking face appeared at the window. 那是在三月份的一个寒冷、多风的星期五下午,我母亲正独自坐在火炉旁,因感到孤单和不幸而轻声抽泣着。突然一张严肃、陌生的脸出现在窗外。 Open the door! ordered the sternfaced lady My mother was shocked,but obeyed at once You must be David Copper fields wife,said the lady as she

7、enteredIm Betsey Trotwood Youve heard of me? “开门!”这位满脸严肃的女人命令道。我母亲吓了一跳,但还是很快开了门。“你就是大卫科波菲尔的妻子吧,”她边进门边说,“我叫贝茜特拉伍德,你听说过吧?”“听说过,”母亲轻声答道,声音发颤。“你真年轻呀,”贝茜小姐叫道,“简直还是个孩子!” Yes,whispered mother,trembling How young you are! cried Miss BetseyJust a baby! My mother started sobbing againI know I look like a chil

8、d! I know I was young to be a wife, and Im young to be a mother! But perhaps Ill die before I become a mother! Come, come! answered Miss Betsey.Have some teaThen youll feel betterWhat do you call your girl? My girl? I dont know yet that it will be a girl,replied my mother miserably No,I dont mean th

9、e baby,I mean your servant! 母亲开始抽泣,“我知道我看着像个孩子!我知道我年纪还小,不该为人妻,不该为人母!但也许我会在成为一个母亲之前死去!”“行了,行了!”贝茜小姐回答说,“喝口茶水吧,这样你会好受些。你叫你的女孩什么?”“我的女孩?我还不知道是不是女孩,”我母亲疑惑地答道。“不,我不是指小孩,我是说你的女用人!” Her names Peggotty Her first names Clara,the same as mine, so I call her by her family name,you see What a terrible name! How

10、ever, never mind Peggotty!she called, going to the doorBring Mrs Copperfield some tea at once! She sat down again and continued speakingYou were talking about the baby Im sure itll be a girl Now, as soon as she s born He, perhaps, said my mother bravely Don t be stupid, of course it ll be a sheIm go

11、ing to send her to school,and educate her well I want to prevent her from making the mistakes Ive made in life Miss Betsey looked quite angry as she said this My mother said nothing,as she was not feeling at all well.But tell me, were you and your husband happy?asked Miss Betsey “她叫辟果提。她的教名是克拉拉,因为和我

12、同名,所以我就以她的姓称呼她,就这样!”“多难听的名字!不过没关系,辟果提!”她走到门边叫道。“马上给科波菲尔太太上点茶水!”她又坐下来,继续说道:“你刚才说到孩子,我肯定她会是个女孩。那么,只要她一出生,”“他,或许是,”母亲勇敢地更正道。“别犯傻,当然应该是她,我会送她上学,让她接受良好的教育。我要让我生活中所犯的错误避免在她身上重演。”贝茜小姐说此话时显得很愤怒。母亲没吭声,因为她感觉不太舒服。“好吧,告诉我,你和你丈夫过得幸福吗?”贝茜小姐问道。 This made my poor mother feel worse than ever.I know I wasnt very sens

13、ibleabout moneyor cookingor things like that! she sobbed.But we loved each otherand he was helping me to learnand then he died!Oh!Oh!And she fell back in her chair, completely unconscious 这个问题让我母亲更感难受。“我知道我很不开窍在钱方面,做饭方面,等等!”她抽泣着说,“但我们彼此相爱他帮助我慢慢学可他死了,唉!唉!”她倒在椅子上,失去了知觉。 Peggotty, who came in just then

14、 with the tea,realized how serious the situation was, and took my mother upstairs to bed. The doctor arrived soon afterwards, and stayed all evening to take care of his patient. 辟果提正巧端着茶进来,意识到情况的严重性,把我母亲扶到楼上。医生随即叫到,并彻夜守护着病人。 At about midnight he came downstairs to the sittingroom where Miss Betsey w

15、as waiting impatiently 大约午夜时分,医生下楼来到客厅,贝茜小姐已经等得很不耐烦了。 Well,doctor, whats the news? How is she? “大夫,有什么消息吗?她怎么样了?” The young mother is quite comfortable, madam, replied the doctor politely “年轻的母亲情况很好,小姐,”大夫很礼貌地回答。 But she, the baby, how is she? cried Miss Betsey “她,孩子,她怎么样?”贝茜小姐追问。 The doctor looked strangely at Miss Betsey.Its a boy,madam, he replied 大夫很纳闷地看着贝茜小姐,“是个男孩,小姐。”他回答道。 Miss Betsey said nothing,but walked straight out of the house, and never came back 贝茜小姐二话没说,径直走出屋子,从此



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