2017-2018学年高一英语新人教版必修1学案:unit 2 english around the world writing

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1、Writing如何写英文海报1标题首先根据海报的特点、格式写明标题。海报中往往把内容作为大标题。例如:Football Match,Why is it important to learn English?或者注明Poster等字样。2正文部分不同的海报其正文部分的侧重点不同。对于介绍性的海报,首先引出话题,其次列出原因,最后总结。对于宣传类的海报,要写清楚具体内容,如:活动内容、地点以及参加规定、主持或举办单位等。3落款出海报的单位署名通常放在右下角,日期位于署名的下一行,既可以写在右下角,也可以写在左下角。典型句式开头:(1)Do you have an interest in.?(2)D

2、o you think about.?(3)Do you know.?正文:海报一般涉及下列范畴的语言:Time:.Place:.Contents(内容):.Requirements:.Organizer:.请你以“我们为什么要学习英语”为话题写一则英文海报,强调英语的重要性。陈述理由须包括:英语是外贸英语;英语是国际组织的官方语言;英语是与西方人交流的语言工具等。写作要点第一段说明学习英语重要的原因。第二段总结全文:英语非常重要,我们需要学习。范文示例PosterWhy is it important to learn English?There are several reasons fo

3、r it.Many international organizations use it as an official language.Since the worlds economy develops fast,businesses are often done among countries.So we need to use English to communicate with each other.China is a developing country.In order to make itself strong,China does need to contact with

4、the western countries often in English.All in all,English is very important,and we need to learn it well.,亮点点评亮点一:灵活运用了多个高级词汇,如:use.as,communicate with,contact with,all in all等。亮点二:巧妙运用了一些高级句型,提升了文章的档次,例如:句运用了there be句型;句中since引导原因状语从句;句运用了in order to do sth作目的状语。写一则关于篮球比赛的海报,内容如下:活动内容:篮球比赛比赛双方:高三(3

5、)班和高二(4)班比赛时间:2017年9月27日下午3:30比赛地点:校篮球场出报单位:高二年级组出报时间:2017年9月23日_参考范文Basketball MatchClass Three,Senior Grade Two vs Class Four,Senior Grade TwoTime:3:30 pm September 27,2017Place:School Basketball CourtEveryone is welcome to watch the match and cheer the players up.The Group of Senior Grade TwoSeptember 23,2017


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