2017-2018学年高一英语人教版必修1课件:unit 5 nelson mandela–a modern hero period 1

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1、,1 新知预习课,Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero,Period,Match the words(词汇连线),1)sentence 2)relative 3)blanket 4)equal 5)vote 6)legal 7)lawyer 8)found 9)generous 10)active,1)平等的;相等的 2)投票(决定);选举 3)判决 4)活跃的 5)律师 6)慷慨的 7)毯子 8)亲戚 9)合法的 10)建立,Match the phrases(词组连线),1)求助于 2)被判处 3)失业 4)建立 5)丧失信心,1) be sentence

2、d to 2) set up 3) lose heart 4) turn to 5) out of work,根据释义写出单词,1). _ help and advice given to someone 2). _ showing great love for sb. or sth. 3). _ unkind; ungenerous 4). _ a time or state that sth. reaches as it grows 5). _ basic general truth 6). _ period of being young 7). _ group of people org

3、anized for a special purpose 8). _ a thing that is part of a persons character, esp. sth. good 9). _ violent behaviour that is intended to hurt or kill sb. 10)._ use violence to try to hurt or kill sb.,guidance,devoted,mean/selfish,stage,principle,youth,league,quality,violence,attack,Key words1. dev

4、ote,devote vt. 献身,专心于 devote oneself/ones energy/ones time to (doing) sth. 奉献自己/精力/时间于某事 sb. be devoted to (doing) sth. 某人致力于某事/某人深爱着,Practice,1)She _ her children. 她深爱着她的孩子。 2)We should _ all our efforts _ our tasks. 我们应该全身心的工作。 3)He _ his job. 他致力于他的工作。 4)Her life _ caring for the sick and needy.

5、她的一生都致力于照顾病人和穷人。,is devoted to,devote,to,is devoted to,is devoted to,Key words2. equal,equal adj.相同的;平等的 vt.等于,比得上 n.同等/相等的人或物 be equal to sth./doing sth.胜任某事/ 做某事 without equal无与伦比/无敌 have no equal 无与伦比/无敌,Practice,He asked us to cut the apple into three _ pieces. 他让我们把苹果切成三等份。 None of us can _ her

6、 in intelligence. 我们中没人能在智力方面比得上她。 _ you _ the task? 你能胜任这项工作吗? Yao Ming is a basketball player _ in China.在中国,姚明是个无与伦比的篮球运动员。,equal,equal,Are,equal to (doing),without equal,Key words3. reward,reward n.报答;酬金vt.酬谢,奖赏 as a reward (for) 作为的报酬(或奖赏) in reward for 为酬答;作为的奖励 reward sb. (with .) for 为某事(而以)

7、报答,Practice,1) Its _ virtue. 那是对美德的回报。 2) It is unfair that he gets very little _ his hard work. 他工作很辛苦,报酬却很少,这不公平。 3) How can I _ your kindness? 我如何酬谢你的好意呢? 4) Jim _ the boy _ a pound _ bringing back the lost dog. Jim gave the boy a pound _ bringing back his lost dog. 男孩把吉姆丢失的狗带了回来,为此吉姆奖赏给他一英镑。,a r

8、eward for,in reward for,reward,rewarded,with,for,as a reward for,Key words4. escape,escape v. 逃脱;逃走;避开 escape from 从逃走 escape death/punishment 死里逃生/逃避惩罚 narrowly escape being done 差一点被,Practice,1)She managed to _ the burning car. 她终于从燃烧的汽车里逃了出来。 2) He was lucky to _ punishment /being punished. 他逃脱惩罚

9、真是幸运。 3) The bird _. 这只小鸟差一点被击中。,escape from,escape,narrowly escaped being shot,根据首字母或汉意写出单词,1. Nelson Mandela was regarded as one of the best l_of the black people. 2. I think you must solve your problem in a p_way. Fighting cant solve any problem. 3. You must try to improve the q_of all your produ

10、cts. 4. Nobody forced me to do it; I was w_to do it. 5. The actress is in poor health and has to leave s_soon.,uality,eaceful,awyers,illing,tage,6. A middle-aged woman killed her husband, which showed her_ (残忍). 7. You must be_ (积极的)in all kinds of sports to keep healthy. 8. He managed to _(逃离)from

11、prison. 9. Dont you think fighting is a serious act of_ (暴力)? 10. Since he was better_ (受过教育的), he got a job in an office.,cruelty,active,escape,violence,educated,Multiple Choice (单项填空),1. She is having a lot of trouble with the new computer, but she doesnt know whom to _. A. turn to B. look for C.

12、deal with D. talk about 2. Fitness is important in sport, but of at least_ importance are skills. A. fair B. reasonable C. equal D. proper 3. For all these years I have been working for others. Im hoping Ill _ my own business someday. A. turn up B. fix up C. set up D. make up,4. Her son,to whom she

13、was so_,went abroad ten years ago. Aloved Bcared Cdevoted Daffected 5. Yesterday we_ Mr. Zhang the best teacher in our school. Ashouted Brefused Cagreed Dvoted 6. I dont think he is equal _ this kind of work,so I cant hire him. Ain doing Bdoing Cto do Dto doing 7. Mike often attempts to escape _ whe

14、never he breaks traffic regulations. Ahaving been fined Bto have been fined Cto be fined Dbeing fined,8. Toms father made a promise that he would give him a(n)_if he passed the college entrance examination. A. award B. prize C. reward D. profit 9. Most of the audience had a high _ of the performance of our footballers in the match against Iran. A. idea B. sense C. opinion D. thought 10. Mike, I really appreciate your _, without which I would have failed the interview. A. view B. mi


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