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1、同位语从句一同位语同位语:跟在名词或代词后,与之表达同一内容; 通常由名词、名词性短语等担任。(A=B: 两项所指相同)e.g 我知道奥巴马,美国的总统。I know Obama, the president of United States. (Obama与the president of US同一个人)我们应该从过去当中学习,它是现在的一面镜子和将来的希望。We should learn from the past, the mirror of the present and the hope of the future.The future belongs to you, young p

2、eople. 未来是属于你们年轻人的。(you=young people)(实质是句中两个成分相等)二同位语从句1. (1)概念:由一个句子来充当同位语。e.g 我知道这个事实,奥巴马是美国的总统。I know the fact that Obama is the president of United States. (the fact就是指的是奥巴马是美国总统)We should learn from the truth that the past is the mirror of the present and the hope of the future.(2)与从句同位的名词通常为抽

3、象名词:fact, truth, Idea, thought, belief, hope, doubt, rumour, question, answer, reply, news, , order(有些抽象名词本身带有“疑问”的含义,如question, doubt)l 2. 构成:(-先造3个简单的句子, He is a student.(陈述句) Is he a student?(一般疑问句) Who is a student?(特殊疑问句)同位语从句(连词)不是与前面的抽象名词有关,连词取决于后面从句是什么样的形式;(I know the fact he is a student. )

4、(1) 如果从句是陈述句,连词用thate.g I know the fact that he is a student.我听到了这个消息,他离开了我们。I heard the news that he left us.The general gave the order that the soldiers should cross the river at once.将军下达了命令战士们应该立即过河。We are delighted at the news that we are going to spend our summer vacation in Hawaii.我们非常高兴听到这个消

5、息,我们将在夏威夷度过我们的暑假。The fact that he had not said anything surprised everybody他什么都没说,这个事实让大家很吃惊。结论:that在从句中不做成分,并且没有含义(2) 如果从句是一般疑问句,连词用whether, 再把一般疑问句变陈述句语序(I have a question is he a student.- I have a question whether is he a student.)e.g I have a question whether he is a student.He hasnt made the d

6、ecision whether he will go there.他还没有做出决定是否去那里。I have no idea whether he will agree with us.我不知道他是否同意我们的观点。The question came up at the meeting whether we had enough money for our research.会上提出了我们是否有足够的研究经费的问题。结论:whether不做成分,含义为“是否”(3) 如果从句是特殊疑问句,直接保留特殊疑问词(who, what, when, why, where, which,how, )当做连

7、词,再变成陈述语序。e.g I have a question who is a student.I have no idea when she will come back.我没有主意她何时回来。His question why the sky is blue is difficult to answer.为什么天是蓝的,他问的这个问题很难回答。The question who should take the responsibility has never been settled.该由谁来承担责任,这个问题根本没有解决。(The question what you want hasnt

8、been answered. 你想要什么这个问题还没有回答。)结论:特殊疑问词充当连词,有含义,这个含义就是疑问词本身的意思。要做成分。3.注意:(1) 当从句过长,可以把从句放在句子末尾,避免头重脚轻 (能认出来就可以了)e.g上个月他们离婚了这个流言散播开了。The rumour/gossip that they got divorced last month spreads out. =The rumour/gossip spreads out that they got divorced last month.从句连词含义从句中是否做成分从句语序陈述句That无无陈述句一般疑问句Whe

9、ther是否无特殊疑问句Who, what, when, why疑问词本身做同位语从句练习【句子翻译*难度题】(雅思写作话题)(1) 我相信计算机会使人们丧失想象和创造力这一事实。(丧失:deprive sb. of sth.)I believe the fact that computers will deprive people of imagination and creativity.(deprivation n. 剥夺、匮乏。 Sleep deprivation. (睡眠匮乏); 权利剥夺the deprivation of rights) (2) 什么时候电子邮箱会替代书信这个问题

10、很难回答。(替代:take the place of)The question when electronic mail will take the place of written letters is hard to answer.(replace, substitute (v.) substitute for)(3) 没有人能否认我们已经进入了一个全球信息化的新时代这个事实。(的时代:an age/era of)No one can deny the fact that we have entered a new era r/age of global information. (4) 互联网的卓越发展并没有预示着我们是否会享受一个更好的生活的答案。The eye-dazzling development of the internet doesnt imply the answer whether we can enjoy a better life.卓越的outstanding, brilliant, remarkable, tremendous, eye-dazzling (dazzling adj.耀眼的).



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