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1、College English Book 3,授课教师: 卢冠东 河南城建学院 QQ:403096966 Henan University of Urban Construction 更多资源访问:攀登英语网,Unit 1,Unit 2,Unit 3,Unit 4,Unit 5,Unit 6,Unit 7,Unit 8,Unit 1 Change in the Way We Live,Text A Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life,Teaching Plan,Objectives : 1. grasp the main idea (tolerance for

2、solitude and energy made it possible for the writers family to enjoy their pleasant but sometimes harsh country life); 2. appreciate the various techniques employed by the writer (comparison and contrast ,topic sentences followed by detail sentences ,use of transitional devices ,etc.); 3. master the

3、 key language points and grammatical structures in the text ; 4. conduct a series of reading ,listening ,speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit .,Reading Guidance 1. Main idea of the text and its main contents : The text ,through description of the authors family life in th

4、e country ,tells us tolerance for solitude and energy made it possible for the writers family to enjoy their pleasant but sometimes harsh country life . 2. Paragraph study: Para 1. Brief introduction to the author and his familys life in the country (including his dream, his present situation and th

5、eir contentment). Para 2.Topic sentence: Its a self-reliant sort of life. The following detail sentences run parallel to each other (We,Our hens,Our bees).,Para 3. One topic sentence (Its a satisfying life too.) + several detail sentences (we canoe,we ski,we get,we love.we watch for. ) Part One (Par

6、as 1-3), summary The writer views his life in the country as a self reliant and satisfying one . Para 4. Topic sentence : But the good life can get pretty tough . Detailed sentences : Three months ago three months from now Recently ,Later this month , Using time words or phrases is one of the common

7、 transitional devices between detailed sentences .,Para 5. Topic sentence : There is no rest for the wicked not much for the virtuous either . Supporting sentence 1. : I manage to Supporting sentence 2. : Sandy pursues +more detail sentences to support “Sandy pursues ” Here we can the detail sentenc

8、es can have their own hierarchy (等级体系) Para 6. Warm and loving every minute in cold winter . Para 7. Topic sentence : Spring brought two floods First the river over flowed (supporting sentence) Then the growing season began +more details (supporting sentences),Part Two (Paras 4-7) summary : “The goo

9、d life can get pretty tough .” or: Life in the country is good yet sometimes very hard . Para 8. A decision : Quitting my job and starting to freelance at a terrible timing . Para 9. Things have gone much better than we had any right to except because of my diligent work . Para 10. Being good at man

10、aging money matters ,we can get by with my reduced income . Para 11. Leading a thrifty (节俭的) and simple life : making up the difference in income by cutting back without appreciably lowering our standard of living,Part Three (Paras 8-11), summary : How the author and his family can manage to get by

11、with his reduced income after quitting his job (-by working diligently ,managing money matters ,living a thrifty life). Paras 12-13. Topic sentence :“ I suspect not everyone It takes a couple of special qualities .” +two sub-topic sentences (分主题句) One is a tolerance for solitude (+more supporting de

12、tails) The other requirement is energy -a lot of it (+more supporting details),Para 14. Well leave someday with a feeling of sorrow . But also with a sense of pride at our accomplishment . Para 15. We realized our dream here to improve the quality of our lives . Part Four (Paras 12-15), summary : We

13、 succeed in living in the country as we have a couple of special qualities : a tolerance for solitude and a lot of energy . 3. Practice with topic sentences . The characteristics of English topic sentence : An effective topic sentence should include two elements -topic + opinion. Or .what to say + h

14、ow to say, etc. Topic : indicates the content of a paragraph, playing a,role in limiting the range of the theme. Opinion: reflects an authors viewpoint, impression or attitude toward the theme, filling the role of defining the keynote(基调) of a paragraph. For example : Owning a car often presents man

15、y problems . Topic Opinion This topic sentence clearly tells readers that the very paragraph will deal with “many problems” caused by “owning a car ”. In other words ,a topic sentence states a topic and a con trolling idea concerning that topic . Look at the following example .,People give many reas

16、ons for owning a car . controlling idea topic Obviously ,all the supporting ideas in the paragraph should be “reasons for owning a car .” Another example : People can avoid catching a cold by taking certain precautions . This topic sentence includes the topic “catching colds” and the controlling idea or opinion “taking precautions” .,Analyze the difficult sentences,1. I am not in E.B. Wh



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