高考英语二轮复习 综合模拟练(四)

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1、我带领班子成员及全体职工,积极参加县委、政府和农牧局组织的政治理论学习,同时认真学习业务知识,全面提高了自身素质,增强职工工作积极性,杜绝了纪律松散综合模拟练(四)第卷第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1I wouldnt agree with him if I were you. The suggestion he put forward is very practical.(2017天津一中5月考,7)AWhy not? BWell done!CIt depends. DG

2、ood luck!答案A解析Why not?为什么不;Well done!干得好;It depends.看情况而定;Good luck.祝您好运,大吉大利。结合句意他提出的建议实际,可知选A。2If a friend snaps at you or is unfriendly,step back,and with a sense of compassion,try to experience life from his .Aperspective BpriorityCprivilege Dpolicy答案A解析句意为:如果一个朋友冒犯了你,或对你不友好,退一步,怀着同情心,试着从他的角度去感受

3、生活。perspective观点,景色;priority优先权;privilege特权;policy政策。 故选A。3Tom makes a rule to give a summary of the new important points after class.(2016天津五校联考,22)Athat BwhatCthem Dit答案D解析句意为:Tom有在课下总结新的重要知识点的习惯。此处it作形式宾语,a rule是宾补,后面的不定式作真正宾语。故选D。4Going out is good means of relaxation.Would you like to go to par

4、k with me in the afternoon?(2016南开区一模,3)Athe;the Bthe;aCa;the D/;a答案C解析句意为:外出是很好的放松的办法,你下午愿意和我一起去公园吗?第一空填a,泛指一个很好的放松手段;第二空填the,指双方都知道的公园。故选C。5Who the whole thing,Mary or Lucy?Neither.I learned it from John.(2016天津一中月考,20)Agave out Bgave offCgave up Dgave away答案D解析句意为:谁泄露了整件事情?Mary还是Lucy?都不是,我从John那里

5、知道的。give out分发,发出,耗尽;give off发出;give up放弃;give away赠送,泄露,出卖。根据句意可知D正确。6The worlds population hit 7 billion on Monday among celebrations and concerns about the growing number of people will affect the earths resources.Awhy BhowCwhether Dwhat 答案B解析句意为:在各种庆祝活动中,世界人口在星期一达到了七十亿,也引起了人们对日益增长的人口究竟会如何影响地球的资源

6、这一问题的关注。分析句子可知空格处引导宾语从句,从句已为完整句子,考虑连接副词,根据句意知选B。7Whether the buildings in this area should be pulled down has remained ;people are still looking for other possible solutions.(2017和平区三模,10)Aunchallenged BrelevantCcontradictory Dcontroversial答案D解析unchallenged无异议的,不成问题的;relevant相关的;contradictory矛盾的;con

7、troversial有争议的。根据下文,人们仍然在寻找其他可能的解决方法,说明是有争议的,故选D。8A single bottle of Coke every day wont do you much harm. ,you can burn off the calories from that bottle of Coke with exercise.AAs a matter of fact BOn the other handCAt the same time DIn a word答案A解析句意为:每天一瓶可乐并不会有太多危害。事实上,你可以通过运动燃烧掉这瓶可乐的热量。as a matte

8、r of fact事实上,实际上。故选A。9If you wait for certain things to make you happy,you will always feel unfulfilled.(2017天津五校联考二模,4)Ahappen Bto happenChappened Dhappening答案B解析happen修饰things作后置定语,要用非谓语动词;happen与things构成主谓关系,且句意表达的happen动作还未发生,要用动词不定式表将来。故选B。10She someone,so I nodded to her and went away.Aphoned

9、Bhad phonedCwas phoning Dhas phoned答案C解析句意为:她当时正在给某个人打电话,所以我向她点点头,就走开了。从逗号后内容可以看出,“我”走开是因为她在打电话,表示当“我”看到她的时候正在发生的事情,再根据句中的nodded和went可知,应该用过去进行时,答案选C项。11Languages across the world are becoming extinct endangered mammals and four times endangered birds.(2016天津一中月考,22)Aat twice the rate of Bas twice f

10、ast asCtwice faster as Dtwice at rate of 答案A解析句意为:世界上的语言消亡的速度是濒危动物灭绝速度的两倍,是濒危鸟类灭绝速度的四倍。固定短语at the rate of意为“以的速度”;对比选项可知A选项采用“倍数the名词of”的表达方法。故选A。12We should protect our environment from being polluted our next generation will enjoy a blue sky and live a healthy life.Aas if Bso thatCeven if Din case

11、答案B解析句意为:我们应该保护我们的环境免受污染,这样我们的下一代就可以享受蔚蓝的天空,过健康的生活。as if似乎;so that以便,为的是;even if即使;in case以防万一。 故选B。13He used to study in a village school, was rebuilt two years ago.(2017南开区四模,11)Awhich BthatCwhere Dwhose答案A解析根据句意及形式可知后半句是非限制性定语从句。定语从句的先行词是指物的school“学校”,且定语从句中缺少主语,故使用关系代词which引导定语从句。故选A。14Opposite

12、our school ,where a lot of people play or take exercise at any time.(2016河东区一模,6)Adoes a park lie Bis a park lieCa park lies Dlies a park答案D解析句意为:我们学校对面有一所公园,在那里任何时间都有许多人在玩或做锻炼。方位副词opposite our school位于句首,用完全倒装,故选D项。15What happened to the young trees we planted last week?The trees well,but I didnt w

13、ater them.(2017和平区三模,15)Amight grow Bwould have grownCneednt have grown Dwould grow答案B解析句意表达的是对过去事实的虚拟,要用“情态动词have done”;neednt have done本不必做某事,与句意矛盾。故选B。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(2016河北区三模)When Nancy Lublin got 5,000 from her great grandfather,she nev

14、er once considered taking a vacation or paying off student loans. 16 ,the 24yearold New York University law student began thinking about the clothing 17 faced by most of todays lowincome women:“If she goes for a job interview 18 dressed,she wont get the job,” Lublin says.“But without a job,she cant 19 proper clothing.”A few weeks later,Lublin 20 Dress for Success and began searching for clothing and volunteers.She asked women to give away 21 business clothes that were 22 in good condition.She asked the members of diet centers to give away clothes that


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