高考英语一轮复习 课时规范练6 unit 1 cultural relics 新人教版必修

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1、我带领班子成员及全体职工,积极参加县委、政府和农牧局组织的政治理论学习,同时认真学习业务知识,全面提高了自身素质,增强职工工作积极性,杜绝了纪律松散Unit 1 Cultural relics .阅读理解AIf children arent particularly interested in history,its not their fault.History,while it is potentially an exciting subject,hasnt traditionally been treated as an interesting subject as math and r

2、eading.They often give only a glimpse(一瞥) into a historical subject and sometimes that glimpse doesnt even do a good job of putting historical events or customs into context.So its no wonder that children dont often think of history as a subject that excites them and makes them know more.But it does

3、nt have to be this way.History has the power to come alive as long as its presented to children in the right way.I was reminded of this when I took my daughter and her friend to visit Colonial Williamsburg.Its a living museum,which features hundreds of restored (修复的),reconstructed and historically f

4、urnished buildings staffed (配备人员) with costumed interpreters who tell stories of the 18th century city.The two 9-year-old girls I was accompanying around town got to dress up in period clothes,asked whatever questions came to their minds,and left behind the modern life for a day while they discovere

5、d that sheep were shorn to create cloth and printing presses had to put the words together letter by letter.Thanks to a guide,they also learned much more about slavery than they had learned from a textbook.As a writer,I have personally described Cobblestone,our American history magazine for kids age

6、d 9 through 14,as a source where history comes alive.Now,I wont claim that a magazine can make a subject come alive like Colonial Williamsburg,but having read some of the articles helps us a lot in gaining some much-needed context for our trip.If you are planning a trip with any sort of historical a

7、spects,from a visit to a national park to a trip to a place like Colonial Williamsburg,Cobblestone could act as your personal guide.Of course,for a complete historical view,be sure to subscribe to Cobblestone,and you will get awesome history all year long.Here are some popular family trips with an h

8、istorical component and some back (过期的) issues that might help your family get the most out of the experience.1.Children show little interest in history mainly because .A.it isnt presented in the right wayB.learning history well is a tough jobC.its less important than math and readingD.the events or

9、 customs always discourage them2.What impressed the author deeply when he visited Colonial Williamsburg?A.History did come alive there.B.Old costumes were on display there.C.Children were dressed in old costumes.D.Visitors didnt talk about the modern life there.3.According to the author,Cobblestone

10、.A.should be updated on a daily basisB.can help people a lot in historical tripsC.is much better than Colonial WilliamsburgD.is useless for people to travel in a national park4.What would be the best title for the text?A.A Magical PlaceB.Living HistoryC.Learning History WellD.Historical Trips导学号2328

11、0030B(2018浙江“七彩阳光”联盟检测)Starting in the 4th century BC,merchants in the West exchanged silk for gold,horses or precious stones.Up to the frontiers of the Roman Empire,silk became a monetary standard for estimating the value of different products.Hellenistic Greece appreciated the high quality of Chin

12、ese silk and made efforts to plant mulberry trees(桑树) and breed silkworms.According to a story by Procopius,it was not until 552 AD that the Byzantine emperor Justinian obtained the first silkworm eggs.He had sent two Nestorian monks to Central Asia,and they were able to smuggle(偷运) silkworm eggs by

13、 hiding the eggs in bamboos.The Byzantine church was thus able to make silk for the emperor,with the intention of developing a large silk industry in the Eastern Roman Empire,using techniques learned from the Sassanids(萨珊王朝).But the empire continued to import silk from other major urban centers.The

14、magnificence(精湛) of the Byzantine techniques was not a result of the manufacturing process,but the meticulous(细心的) attention paid to the decorations.The Arabs,with their widening land that had been conquered in war,spread sericulture(养蚕业) across the shores of the Mediterranean.Included in these were

15、 Africa,Spain and Sicily,all of which developed an important silk industry.The mutual interactions among Byzantine and Arabian silk-weaving centers of all levels of quality,with imitations made in Andalusia and Lucca,among other cities,had made the identification and date of rare surviving examples

16、difficult to check.While the Chinese lost their control over silk production,they were able to re-establish themselves as major silk supplier(during the Tang dynasty) and industrialize their production in a large scale(during the Song dynasty).China continued to export high-quality silk to Europe and the Near East along the Silk Road.5.Para.1 intends to stress .A.the spread of silk


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