高考英语一轮复习 unit 4 global warming课件 新人教版选修

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1、Unit 4 Global warming,-2-,主题语境:人与自然地球与宇宙奥秘,-3-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,1.tend vi.趋向;易于;照顾 vt.照顾;护理 经典例句People under stress tend to express their full range of potential.处于压力下的人容易发挥自己全部的潜力。 tendency n.倾向;趋势 tend to do sth往往容易干某事;倾向于做某事 tend towards/to倾向于;趋于 tend sb/sth照顾,护理某人/某物 四维热练完成句子 The sort of music he

2、listens to varies,but (倾向于) popular music. She (往往很容易) get angry when people oppose to her plan.,tends towards,tends to,-4-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,2.oppose vt.反对;反抗;与(某人)较量;(与to连用)使反对,使相对 高考佳句 Many farmers opposed the plan because they feared that wolves would kill their farm animals or pets.很多农民反对这个计划,因为他们

3、害怕狼会杀死他们农场的牲畜或者宠物。(2017全国卷) opposed adj.相反的;对立的 oppose sth/doing sth/sb doing sth 反对某事/做某事/某人做某事 oppose sth against sth 使某事物与另一事物对照或对抗 be opposed to.反对;与对立,-5-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练 (1)单句语法填空 His daughter is very athletic as (oppose) to his son. She is opposed your marrying her. He opposed (build) a n

4、ew high-speed railway. (2)写作升级 The government postponed the new proposal because a lot of people were opposed to it.(用with复合结构改写) 满分表达,opposed,to,building,With a lot of people opposed to/opposing the new proposal,the government postponed it.,-6-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,(3)完成句子 He (反对)the proposal to build a

5、new hall. Do not your will (与相抗衡) mine. She seems very much (反对)your going abroad.,opposed,oppose against,opposed to,-7-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,3.average adj.平均的;普通的 n. 平均,平均数 高考佳句 Freddy was an average student,but not an average person.(2017全国卷) Freddy是一位普通的学生,但不是一个普通的人。 on average平均地;通常 above/below averag

6、e高于/低于平均数/水平 the average of. 的平均数 up to the average达到平均数 an average of.平均,-8-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练 (1)单句语法填空 The average of these numbers (be) 50. An average of 10 students (be) absent each day last term. average the customer service receives ten letters each day.,is,were,On,-9-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,(2)完成句

7、子 With the help of the teacher,Marys physics (现在已达到平均水平). Her brother is (在平均水平以上) in his reading ability. Susies schoolwork is well (高于平均水平). (平均来看)men smoke more cigarettes than women. Parents spend (平均)$200 a year on toys for their children.,is now up to the average,above average,above average,On

8、 average,an average of,-10-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,e about发生;造成 教材原句So how has this come about and does it matter?(Page 26)那么,这种情况是如何发生的?会有什么影响吗? come across偶然发现;想起;越过;被理解 come into being发生;产生;出现;形成 come into power开始执政;当权;当选 come into effect/force开始生效;开始实行 come into existence形成;产生;开始存在 come into fashion开始流行

9、 come off(头发;牙齿;纽扣等)脱落;离开;举行;成功 come on上演;开始;赶快;发展;登台;被提出;加油 come out出来;发芽;出版;结果是;褪色;泄露 come to know/realize/understand开始了解到/意识到/明白,-11-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,come up with提出;想出 四维热练 (1)单句语法填空 What on earth are the police busy with? They have been looking into how the plane crash came . How does come about

10、that you were caught by the police?,about,it,-12-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,(2)单句写作 这么重要的会议你怎么没参加? 结果他被开除了。 一谈到交朋友,你再怎么小心也不为过。 (3)完成句子 Can you tell me about how the accident (发生)? Dennis can always (提出)a new idea for increasing sales.,How did it come about that you missed the important meeting? It came out tha

11、t he was fired. When it comes to making friends,you cannot be too careful.,came about,come up with,-13-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,2.quantities of 意思是“大量的”,既可修饰可数名词复数,又可修饰不可数名词。 教材原句The problem begins when we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.(Page 26)当我们向空气中排放大量的多余的二氧化碳的时候,问题就开始了。

12、 in quantity/in large quantities大量地 in small quantities少量地,-14-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,词语辨析 a quantity of与quantities of a quantity of与quantities of,都是“大量的”意思,都既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词,但用法有区别。a quantity of的谓语动词根据其后的名词而定,跟可数名词复数时谓语动词用复数,跟不可数名词时谓语动词用单数。而quantities of 后无论跟可数名词还是不可数名词,谓语动词一律用复数。,-15-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热

13、练 (1)单句语法填空 A large quantity of beer (sell) yesterday. Large quantities of food (waste) because of the way it looks. A large quantity of air conditioners (sell) since the summer came. The cards are cheaper if you buy them quantity. (2)完成句子 (大量的)food are on the table. (少量的)milk is offered in this are

14、a.,was sold,are wasted,have been sold,in,Large quantities of,Only a small quantity of,-16-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,3.result in导致;结果是(相当于lead to) 教材原句They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide.(Page 26)他们还赞同下述观点:正是由于越来越多的燃烧化石燃料导致了二

15、氧化碳的增加。 result from起因于;由造成 as a result结果;因此 as a result of作为的结果;因为 without result徒劳地;毫无结果地,-17-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练 (1)用result in/result from的适当形式填空 The traffic accident a lot of deaths and the destruction of several vehicles. The illness exhaustion possibly. The injure a fall kept him in bed for months. (2)单句语法填空 Many hair problems result what you eat. She had called three times to her son,but result.,resulted in,resulted from,resulting from,from,without,-18-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,4.put up with 忍受;容忍 教材原句We do not have to put up with pollution.(Page 30)我们不必去忍受污染。 put away放好;收好;



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