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1、Memories of the South! Most fondly I remember Hangzhou. Visiting temples in the hills in quest of cassia seeds dropped from the moon; Watching the tidal bore from my pillow in the pavilion of my room. When shall I ever revisit Hangzhou? “Memories of the South II” Written by Tang Dynasty poet, Bai Ju

2、 Yi (722-846 AD) after leaving Hangzhou for the north. 江 南 憶 , 最 憶 是 杭 州 。 郡 亭 枕 上 看 潮 頭 。 何 日 更 重 游 。 山 寺 月 中 尋 桂 子 , In the spirit of a traditional Chinese village, Amanfayun is a place to explore a place of stone pathways leading to shaded courtyards, quaint restaurants and peaceful abodes. Situa

3、ted on 14 hectares on the outskirts of Hangzhou, the resort is comprised of 47 dwellings surrounded by tea fields, natural forests and lush groves of bamboo. 法云安缦是一个探索中国传统乡村的理想胜地 一条条石头小路带您走进林荫幽蔽的 庭院,古朴典雅的餐馆和平和宁静的居所。法云安缦位于杭州市郊区,占地14公顷, 共有住所47处,周围由茶园、自然森林和苍翠茂密的竹林所包围。 Restaurant A number of eateries ar

4、e located along Fayun Pathway, the villages main thoroughfare. These imbue Amanfayun with the ambience of a vibrant community. Accessed via a stone walkway over a reflection pool, the Restaurant serves classic interna- tional dishes. Above the Restaurant is the Meeting Room with two open- air terrac

5、es affording sweeping forest views. 西餐厅 在主干道-法云 径的路边上,有着几家餐 馆,这些餐馆使法云安缦 充满了活力,并以朴素的 环境为宾客提供多样的就 餐选择。迈上宽阔的台阶, 穿过如明镜般的水池,即 来到法云安缦的西餐厅。 酒店之内唯独此处可享用 西式美食,既有来自世界 各地的经典菜式,又有特 意为宾客精心烹饪的美味 佳肴。餐厅楼上是会议室, 以及两处可以饱览林间美 景的开放式露台。 Bar Ideal for informal dining throughout the day as well as pre- or post-dinner drink

6、s, the Bar is housed within the Restaurant. 酒吧位于餐厅内, 是非正式用餐以及 餐前和餐后饮酒的 理想之地。 Steam House Situated directly on Fayun Pathway, the Steam House is a casual venue providing home-cooked cuisine such as dumplings and noodles in humble surrounds. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, it is a welcoming, con

7、vivial spot. 蒸菜馆 宾客可在轻松的就餐氛围下享用各式家常菜肴,包括以蒸点为 特色的各种面食如手工蒸饺等。并有三餐不同菜单可供选择。 Hangzhou House Hangzhou is renowned for its aromatic local cuisine. Well-known traditional dishes such as Beggars Chicken, Braised Pork in Brown Sauce and Fried Shrimps with Longjing Tea Leaves can be enjoyed in this independen

8、tly-run eatery. 兰轩 在兰轩,宾客可 享用到杭州传统佳肴, 如“叫化鸡”“龙井虾仁” “江南红烧肉”等。 Vegetarian House Situated at the northernmost end of Fayun Pathway close to Lingyin Temple, the independently-run Vegetarian House offers a variety of innovative, zen-inspired dishes unique to this local eatery. 灵隐斋菜馆 位于法云径北端,毗邻灵隐寺。这里提供充满禅

9、意的创意菜品。 Tea House Traditional tea service is offered at this eclectic, independently-run establishment, accompanied by a menu of home-cooked dishes which changes daily. A selection of the finest teas from the region as well as from around China are available for purchase. 和茶馆 沿法云径信步,不远处便 是和茶馆,这里提供传统

10、茶艺和每天 不同的家常茶菜,还有当地上等精选 好茶和全国名茶供您品饮和购买。 Fayun Place The most commanding structure in the village, this facility dates back to the 1800s and is only accessible to guests of Amanfayun. The lower level (bottom left) houses a lounging and dining area while the top level (top right) offers a Cigar Room, L

11、ibrary and two informal sitting rooms (below right). The heart of the resort, Fayun Place hosts events such as musical performances, exhibitions and traditional art demonstrations. 法云舍是这个村中所有原始屋舍的核心建筑,它的历史可追溯到19世纪。该设施只对法云安缦的宾客开放。在底层(左下图)是 舒适的休息区,提供小点心及茶水,而在顶层(右上图)则设有图书馆、雪茄厅以及两个随意坐卧的阅读室(右下图)。法云舍 也会不定

12、期举办演奏会、展览和传统艺术活动等。 Village Rooms and Suites The 16 Village Rooms (centre right) measure 66 square metres on average, while the nine Village Suites (left) measure around 88 square metres. Village Rooms and Suites provide king- sized beds, daybeds, writing desks and spacious bathrooms. Some Village Su

13、ites (bottom right) have separate bedrooms. 村庄客舍及村庄套房 村庄客舍(右中图)共有 16间,每间平均面积为 66平方米;村庄套房(左 图)共有9套,每套平均 面积为88平方米。每一间 村庄客舍都配有一张特大 双人床、长榻和书桌。宽敞 的浴室内设有淋浴、坐厕、 更衣区域及双人梳妆台。 村庄套房的室内布置与村 庄客舍相似,其中一些拥 有独立卧室,另一些则配 备双人书桌或长塌。 Deluxe Suites These suites number 12 in total and measure 135 square metres on average.

14、Several feature a duplex configuration with the bedroom and bathroom located above the living room. Others enjoy their own private double massage treatment rooms with additional shower facilities. 豪华套房共有12套,每套平均面积为135平方米。一些套房为复 式结构,楼下为客厅,楼上为卧室和盥洗室。其他套房则拥有私 人理疗房,并配备淋浴设施。 Village Villas The four Villa

15、ge Villas each measure 204 square metres on average. Each features a duplex configuration with private double massage treatment rooms. 村庄别墅共有四座, 每套平均面积为204平 方米,拥有两套结构 相同的私人理疗房。 Amanfayun Villa This 290-square-metre structure offers two bedrooms with king-sized beds. Each has its own bathroom and the

16、 master bedroom has a private sitting area. The residence is spread over two levels and includes an enclosed courtyard, an intimate reading area, a private massage room and an expansive lounge with a dining area and twin daybeds. 法云安缦别墅,面积为290平方米,共有两间特大 双人床卧室,每间均配有设施齐全的浴室,而主卧室 更拥有休息区。此住宅共有两层并拥有独立的私密 庭院,静谧的阅读区,私人理疗房以及配以饭厅和 双人长塌的宽敞休息室。 Aman Spa Aman Spa is a peaceful sanctuary consisting of five separate areas and a 20-metre heated pool. Surrounded by bamboo groves and magnolia



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