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1、常用的滑雪英语 Skiing types 滑雪分类 snowboarding 单板滑雪 cross-country skiing 越野滑雪 Alpine Skiing 高山滑雪 Nordic skiing 北欧滑雪(后脚跟不固定在雪板上的越野滑雪) ski jumping 跳台滑雪 freestyle skiing 自由式滑雪(没有固定雪槽) classical skiing 传统式滑雪(固定雪槽) downslope skiing 山地滑雪 military skiing 军事滑雪(在军事上被用作一种运输方式) kite skiing 风筝牵引滑雪(借助滑翔伞、滑翔机或风筝拉动或搭载的滑雪形

2、 式) backcountry skiing 荒原滑雪(指在无人居住的乡野地区未经整饬和标记的雪 坡或雪道滑雪) Skiing equipments 滑雪装备 ski 滑雪板 snowboard 单板滑雪板 tipped ski 板头 tailed ski 板尾 ski break 止滑器 ski pole 滑雪杖 ski wear 滑雪衣 tapering trousers 滑雪裤 ski boots 滑雪靴 snow training shoes 防寒运动鞋 binding 固定器 thermos 保温水壶 snow cap 雪帽 gloves 手套 ski glasses/goggle

3、滑雪眼镜 helmet 头盔 kneepad 护膝 plush earmuffs 毛绒耳套 Band-Aid/plaster 创可贴 Skiing moves 滑雪动作 pole planting 点杖(转弯时雪仗轻点内弯侧雪道) short radius turn 短半径转弯 giant slalom turn(G.S turn) 大转弯 parallel turn 并腿转弯(平行转弯) snow plough 犁式刹车(两个雪板板尾向外,使雪板形成一个“八”字) airplane turn 空中转弯 stem christie 制动转弯(将内侧板的尾端向外侧推,沿雪面侧滑,使它从与外 侧板

4、平行的位置变为 V 字形) Skiing facilities 滑雪场设施 ticket Office 售票处 ski resort 滑雪场 track 赛道 ski slopes/runs/piste 滑道 the primary/elementary Ski slopes/runs/Bunny Slope 初级道 the intermediate Ski slopes/runs 中级道 the high-class/high-level/high-grade Ski slopes/runs 高级道 snowmaking machine/snowmaker 造雪机 bombardier 压雪

5、机 cableway 索道 drinking Station 饮水站 shuttle Bus 穿梭巴士 ski equipment hall 雪具大厅 the distance between . 间距 the cable car gondola lift(吊箱式)缆车 chairlift 吊椅缆车 oxygen bar 氧吧 snow entertainment 戏雪区 snow entertainment area for children 儿童戏雪乐园 entertainment facilities 娱乐设施 ski area 滑雪区 skiing show 滑雪表演 Ski area

6、 conditions 雪场自然条件状况 slope 坡度 temperature 温度 humidity 湿度 altitude 海拔 the slope orientation 坡面朝向 natural resources 自然资源 sunlight 日照 local climate 当地气候 transport capacity/ability 运力 Tips for skiing 滑雪小贴士滑雪小贴士 无论是周末去周边滑雪还是长假去远途滑雪胜地,出门前你都需要准备好一些 必需品。 行李箱里到底要装哪些东西?既然去滑雪,是不是就要带很多很厚的衣服呢? 装备怎么办? Layer up 一层

7、一层把自己裹起来 Although it can be tempting to purchase the biggest, thickest items of clothing for a ski holiday, the best way to maintain heat is by layering lots of thin layers. 一想到要去滑雪,很多人都想要买最厚实的衣服,不过,最佳保暖方式其实是 用很多层薄衣服把自己裹起来。 When you place lots of thin layers on top of each other the heat is trapped

8、between each layer and this keeps you warmer than one large thick layer of clothing. 把衣服一层一层穿在身上的时候,热量会被保留在每一层衣服之间,这比只穿 一件很厚的衣服更保暖。 Although youll still need top layer waterproofs, you should try and keep everything underneath thin and fitted. It is also easier to adjust your temperature because you

9、 can remove a few layers rather than taking off one thick layer and becoming cold quickly. 最外面一层当然要穿防水的衣服,但穿在里面的衣服最好不要太厚,要合身。 这样穿也更便于随时调节身体温度,太热就把里面的衣服脱掉几件。而如果你 只穿了一件很厚的衣服,脱掉以后,身体立马就会冷下来了。 Go for Quality or Hire 买还是租? If youre stuck between purchasing cheap ski-wear or hiring your top layer clothing

10、 you should most definitely hire. 如果你在购买廉价的滑雪服和租一套高级滑雪服之间犹豫不决的话,建议你最 好租一套。 Cheap ski-wear is not effective and will not have the durability you need for long periods of time on the slopes. Hiring could also be a cheaper alternative as package holidays often include equipment hire in the price. 便宜的滑雪

11、服性能会打折扣,而且可能也经不起你长时间在雪道上的折腾。租 一套反而可能是个更加经济的选择,因为很多滑雪度假酒店套餐里面本身就包 含了租服装的价格。 If you can afford to invest in high quality ski-wear before you go you can feel reassured it will last the holiday and many future holidays to come. 当然了,如果你有钱购置一套高级滑雪服的话,那就安心购买吧,以后滑雪度 假的时候都能穿。 Check for Safety and Fit 装备安全检查

12、If youre taking your own equipment you should make sure it still fits before you leave. 如果是带自己的装备去滑雪,那么出发前一定要确保装备都是正常可用的。 You do not want to get to the resort and find your boots or helmet are too small as you will have wasted luggage allowance and have to use your holiday spending money to hire or

13、buy equipment when youre at the resort. 你也不想到了滑雪场才发现靴子穿不上,头盔也戴不了,然后既浪费了行李空 间,还得现场花钱购置或租装备。 You should also check all equipment is still safe, you should check if the equipment is worn beyond repair, cracked or damaged and still connects to any relating equipment properly. 一定要检查所有滑雪装备都安全可用,看看装备有没有裂痕、或者损坏,还能 不能修好,看所有装备是否都能正常配套使用。 Ski Slangs 滑雪口头禅滑雪口头禅 snow bunny 穿着可爱,妆容精致,装备齐全,但不怎么会滑雪的女士 sick 在滑雪场里听到有人说你滑得很 sick,可千万别懊恼,这是人家在赞你滑得 好!比如:Your run was sick. yard sale 滑雪时摔了一跤,雪板、眼镜、头盔之类等物品散落一地的场景。 face plant 滑雪时摔了,而且是脸先着雪地。 fakie 在雪地里倒滑。 manky 穿着聚酯纤维的内衣经过一天的滑雪运动后,身上散发出来的味道。肯定好闻 不了。


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