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1、正反/反正译法,1)表达习惯/ 正说反译 Wet Paint! 油漆未干! Admission by Invitation Only! 非请勿入! Keep Upright! 切勿倒置 ! Agreeable Sweetness 甜而不腻,Similar Example,Keep dry! 切勿受潮! Keep upright! 请勿受潮! Keep to the point. 别扯远,别走题。 Rage kept her silent. 她气得一言不发。,If we can help you further, please dont hesitate to get in touch with

2、 us. 愿为您提供进一步的帮助,如有需要,请随时/尽管与我们联系。,2)立场、语气需要,I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry. -Pride and Prejudice 认识你还没有一个月,我就觉得像你这样一个人,哪怕天下的男人死光了,我也不愿嫁给你。 If I had not lost my watch! 我把手表丢了,真倒霉!,We are not completely sati

3、sfied with your manner of doing business. 贵方做生意的态度有待改进。 Your refusal to amend the L/C is equivalent to the cancellation of the order. 你方拒绝修改信用证,无异于取消定单。,隐性否定词,This is the last place where I expected to meet you. 我怎么也没料到会在这里见到你。 We regret to learn that you have failed in obtaining the license. 得知你方未能

4、获得许可证,深表遗憾。 Owing to the absence of any news from you, we have sold the goods elsewhere. 由于没有得到你方任何消息,我们已将该货另售别处。,He failed to ring me up. 他没给我打电话。 I hate to the trouble others. 我不愿麻烦别人。 Some of the leaned deigned to interest themselves in mechanical arts. 一些学者不屑于钻研机械。 Asia was passed over by the in

5、dustrial revolution. 工业革命没有光顾亚洲。,I have read your articles. I expected to meet an older man. 我读过你的文章,想不到你这样年轻。,反说正译,“We dont went to go there again ?” He asked. We all shook our heads . “我们都不想再去那儿了吧?”他问道。我们大家点点头。 They didnt meet again until 1993.此后直到期1993年他们才再次相遇。 She didnt arrive until the game had

6、 begun.直到比赛开始她才到。,She is no fool. 她很精明。 He has no small chance of success. 他极可能成功。 This material does not wear out. 这种料子很耐穿。,None but the aged and the sick stayed at home. 只有老人和病号留在家里。 否定词no或 none跟 but连用表强势的结构,常译成肯定式“只有”。 The thought of returning to his native land never deserted him amid his tribulation. 在苦难中,回归故土的念头始终在他心头萦绕。 His speech leaves nothing to be desired. 他的演讲好极了。,



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